Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 1)

@homerdog , yes we are in TX. In-State UT is a reach too unless you’re auto-admit (top 6% of the class). D21 is in a smallish magnet school where the SAT average is in the 75th percentile for most schools, so the top 6 is REALLY hard to get. And @BingeWatcher , they mentioned a new program for tuition assistance by income at the info session, not sure if that applies to you. We are full pay, so UT is a huge deal compared to the privates she’s looking at, but I’ve heard FA is stingy there.

Yup, UT is going to be a huge reach for my S21 as well, not being in the top 6%. We are in a very competitive public school in North Texas, +/- 1150 kids in his graduating class. He’s hovering around the 16-17th percentile right now. He would probably get CAP at UT, but his intended majors (either Econ or Communications) aren’t a part of the CAP so it would be a gamble of trying to see if his transfer app would be accepted for Moody (known of one student it worked for)…he’s going to go ahead and apply and see what happens…we do have two recent stories in our circle of friends of students who got full admits to UT despite not being in the top 6%.

I think it’s fascinating that big schools make kids apply to a major and then many times it’s hard to switch. How can that possibly work for an 18 year old? I know I’ve read that more than half of kids change their major, some articles say something like 70%!

@mm5678, no demonstrated need at UT, income too high for that awesome program.

@BingeWatcher I wish there were a sad face button I could click. Your daughter sounds so focused and accomplished, it would be great for her to have her pick of any place she could go. From what you say, she’s also very practical and makes her own opportunities - you must be very proud of her!

Is anyone else’s child planning on taking the ASVAB? D is taking it in 2 weeks purely for the free aptitude purpose. No prepping. And it was her idea. Wants to see if she has an aptitude towards electrical engineering. And Thank you @mamaedefamilia such kind words.

@BingeWatcher our high school offered it to Juniors and Seniors in September…my son was bogged down with marching band and didn’t really think about it so we passed…I may have him take it next year…it’s free, and like you said it’s good to see if their is a strong aptitude in a certain area so why not right?!

@BingeWatcher We are going to try a tutor. Funny, she took AP Chem as a freshman and though it was difficult, she did very well. Same with AP Bio last year. AP Environmental Science is a breeze. AP Physics 1, however…she has an 83 average so far and she’s fought hard for that grade. It is fine if she gets a B both semesters even for the most selective schools since she has As in all her other classes for high school. But I’d feel a lot better if that grade was a high B instead of a low
B…that would assure she’d stay at a B instead of slipping perilously close to a C…with she cannot have, not for the colleges to which she wants to apply.

I’d never even heard of that test - I don’t think it’s offered at our high school.

My daughter has a medical condition that prevents her from serving in the military; I wonder if they would even let her take it. ?. Oh well, not even on her radar so I won’t worry about it.

@3kids2dogs never heard of it either!

The ASVAB was offered at my son’s high school. I’m sure it’s offered at D’s as well, but they don’t push any of the tests at her school. I’m guessing if we had gone to some of the armed forces info sessions they hold, we would have heard about it.

everyone took the ASVAB at D21s school. She did well on it with the exception of the mechanical stuff (there are some practical carpentry and car mechanic type questions!). She doesn’t qualify for the military either so it didn’t mean much.

I think it just matters where you live. In our high school class of 750 last year, only one student enlisted. It’s not really something kids do here.

D goes to a Title 1, Academic Magnet school is in very low SES area of the city. So about 10-15 kids enlist every year. I guess that is why we have the ASVAB at her school.

Picked D up today from school, her boyfriend walks her to the car every day but today their good bye hug lingered on and he was rubbing her upper back with her head buried in his shoulder visible soothing her. I could tell she was crying. She was very upset over making a 65 on a physics quiz.
Anyway, after talking her down, I was reflecting on the tender moment I witnessed, it really made my heart happy that she has such a tender, sweet boyfriend. I have always worried that be being single for so very long, that she does not get to have a loving nurturing relationship modeled for her (other than ours). Just thankful for really nice boys.

@BingeWatcher, That’s lovely for your daughter! It must be such a comfort to you that she’s found someone trustworthy, who values her. And I agree with your sentiments, exactly. We have a similar thing happening here and I’m so grateful for this young man. Even the boy’s father has told me his son “adores” my daughter.

I never thought I would want her to have a S.O. for a very long time. Always envisioned raising a daughter as a super-independent, unencumbered, free-spirited young woman, at least until she was much older. I was a late-starter myself. But my daughter became friends (in that classic, innocent, old-fashioned sweetheart sort of way) with her boyfriend when they were in sixth grade. There has been no turning back for them since. And that is exactly right for them (for now, anyway.) There has not been a moment of anxt or drama. He has been her rock (while the more fickle girl friendships wax and wane). D and her boyfriend are both a bit reserved, solid students, not risk takers, and not into a lot of stuff that the trendier kids are into, and I can’t help but wonder how lonely and difficult these teen years would have been for her without him. She also has a couple of guy friends who I think she trusts more that the girls in her life. For me, it was the opposite (Im not anti-girl!) I was really pretty afraid of boys when I was a teen.

@inthegarden I couldn’t agree with you more.

We toured Georgia Tech yesterday with DS and were very impressed. I am not sure where we had picked up a negative feeling about GT but we wanted to tour the campus and determine if it was a school DS is interested in applying to next year and I am glad we went as it is definitely on his list now.

Unfortunately with their admission rates it is a reach but he finally seems to be thinking a lot more about which college and which major, etc.

Well, mother nature seems annoyed with our decision to drive up to Northern NY tomorrow to visit schools this weekend! Hopefully it’s only a couple of inches. Kind of a good thing so D can get the true feel for it! Of course, she still won’t wear Ugg boots in public - no matter how cold!!!

@yearstogo are you in state for GaTech?