Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I love reading your updates on the friends of your D. You were so kind to help them and support their application process. A true gift to be there for them.

I am so sorry for you and your Dā€™s loss @Momof0ne. Hug your D tightly. :cry:


@MomofOne ā€“ omg ā€“ Iā€™m so sorry. How horrible. Do they know the cause? Your D is in shock, I bet. Maybe do some reading on how to engage with her after sudden loss of a friend? I suggest finding a therapist for your D to talk to. While Iā€™m guessing itā€™s not even real to her yet, it will hit her. Again, I am so sorry.

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@Momof0ne I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot even begin to imagine what that young ladies family is feeling. May she Rest In Peace.


@3SailAway- Wow. Possibly Friday your bad will hear??? That is awesome. Fingers crossed!!! I know the anxiety of waiting is dreadful. We have 8 days (we think) and itā€™s all in an do not to scream each day.

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@Creaky - Our S will likely be online all year, too. Heā€™s starting to feel checked out but knows he has to hang in there and get through it. But some days are harder than others. I wish things could be different for all
Of the kidsā€¦ Thank goodness a vaccine is within sight.

@Momof0ne - That is devastating and horrifying news. Iā€™m so very sorry. Almost mind numbing to read of such a loss for your D. Just shocking and terrifying for all who knew her. (Please forgive me for unsolicited advice but maybe if you are able, ask around for possible available therapists in your town whom have experience in helping young adults who are experiencing unexpected grief. She may not want to talk with anyone now beyond friends and family but itā€™s sometimes helpful to know who to try and call if she does seek such in the near future. Saves time of getting recommendations bc it can be a lot of legwork.)
Hugs to her and you.


@MomofOne, such shocking, sad news. I hope your daughter gives herself permission to grieveā€¦she needs to do that eventually to heal. Hugs to you.

@MPT3D, Iā€™m also sorry about your kitten. We had two die last spring, one suddenly and unexpected and one (18-year old cat) more-or-less expected. The pandemic makes everything more heart-breaking.

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I am so saddened to hear this. Prayers for the poor family as well as your D. Hugs.

Another 1st gen kid but I did not start CC till age 27. My sweet parents are high school drop outs. Only college graduate of my parentsā€™ 5 children.

@Momof0ne I am so very sad to hear this. Hugs to your and your D!


Thank you very much for the kind words. When the kids were transitioning from middle school to high school, we bought a bigger house and moved a couple of miles. So the kids were in different high schools. But they never let that come in between their friendship. They had to share everything. Itā€™s not fair that she should be take away from us like this. I reached out to my daughterā€™s high school and they graciously offered to provide grief counseling for her. I think I will take up on that offer.


@Momof0ne So sorry to hear about your daughterā€™s friend. When I was a HS freshman my best friend died in a car accident in view from my home while I was getting ready for school. We lived out in the country and only house near. My Dad heard the crash. My Dad died my senior year. Iā€™m sure all kids process things differently. I know that I preferred to cry in private and my family wasnā€™t the type to talk about things. It might not hurt to ask her if she wants you to let her Hs counselor know about the situation since the friend was from a different school and/or consider seeing a therapist. I discovered that my husbandā€™s insurance through work has an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) that allows 5 free counseling sessions per family member per year with approved therapists. Many counselors are online during pandemic.


@Momof0ne What a shocking and heartbreaking loss! Encourage conversation about it with your D to the extent that you can. Iā€™m so sorry for you all.

@Momof0ne Words are inadequate but Iā€™m so very sorry to hear this. How devastating for your daughter during an already horrible year. It must be especially anxiety-inducing when there was no apparent reason. It might take her a bit of time to show emotion; the same thing happened to me with a recent loss where it took about a week for the emotion kicked in. Keeping you in my thoughts.

@Momof0ne Iā€™m so sorryā€¦ hugs for your daughter!

Iā€™m a first gen alsoā€¦first in my family to be born in the US as well. I started community college but never finishedā€¦life and career took me on a different path. Same what my husband.

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Congrats! Thatā€™s a great start. Love Durham area.

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Omg, I am so sorry, that is awful. Her friend may have wanted her to be strong, but her friend would probably be ok with her letting it out. I cannot imagine and this is probably not something anyone will get over easy. Consider having your daughter talk to someone whether it a school counselor, a therapist, but someone that she can talk to about this. So very sorry for your little girl and this family. :frowning:

So terrible. Iā€™m without words really. So sorry is all.

@ MomofOne I am so sorry about your daughterā€™s best friend. What a heartbreaking loss. Definitely take the high school up on their offer of grief counseling when/if your daughter is ready. In my experience, grief is not linear at all. Its totally normal for feelings to vary from day to day - and sometimes minute to minute - from sadness to anger to laughter to emptiness, and more. All normal feelings and everyone processes loss differently. Hugs to your daughter, to you and to her friendā€™s family.

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