Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes, same! Exciting few weeks ahead, I know of at least 4 schools my son will hear from so it’s going to be a fun few weeks!


We had access to the UNM Tracker shortly after applying. You might want to call the admissions office if you didn’t receive it. They were very helpful when we needed to submit an updated ACT score.

Expecting to hear back by Jan 31st.

@Trips2003, is it U New Mexico (UNM) or U of Minnesota (UMN).Mine applied to UMN on the last day for RD. After that we came to know that they extended it to Jan 15th.

Sorry–It was U of Minnesota (UMN). My kids applied for EA and were told they will hear by Jan 31st.

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Anticlimactic but…S finally finished last app this evening. Hallelujah. But again, we are all SO over this process that it was like crawling over the finish line. (Which really isn’t a finish line…since it’s not the end of March.) Sigh.

But…it still feels pretty good. I like 2021.


@123Mom123 I hear ya. Supposedly my daughter is doing 2 more. They are both due tomorrow (and of course she is busy with a bunch of other obligations tomorrow). Whatever! :roll_eyes: :crazy_face:


Thank you! Since she applied on the very last day, it will perhaps take a couple of days to get an acknowledgement and status tracker info. If she doesn’t get an email by tomorrow afternoon, she will perhaps call or send an email on Wednesday to speak to an admissions officer.

I know you will breathe a sigh of relief whether she finishes them or not (hopefully, she does!) but at least this part of the process will be OVER!!!

And then the waiting begins…lol!!!

Parenthood involves a lot of uphill biking. We all “know” this. But it’s still exhausting. :grimacing:


This is a critical point to know…I’m so glad the discussion was started.

My DS applied to ASU where they re-calculate the GPA based on 34 required classes and use no weights at all! This was a pretty painful lesson for him when it came to merit aid (his 4.2 recalculated to a 3.0 even though he took 10 APs and 4 IBs.) --so he gets NO MERIT. SO FRUSTRATING!!!

While we are waiting—
Curious how many kids have not been able to visit many/any of the schools they have applied to. And if they will attempt a visit in the spring? My D has not been to any of the campuses and I am not sure how we all feel about flying pre-vaccine. Is the expense and risk worth it?

Georgetown has done the same for EA students - virtual. S21 and I still plan to trek up to DC in March or April. I really want him to see the campus before committing, and I am hoping that someone in his department might meet with him unofficially.

S21 has never officially visited his 3 in-state schools, although he has been on the campuses of 2 of them (and S19 attends one). Officially visited Duke last year, has been to two of his OOS campuses for museums, not college tours, has been to DC but never on the Georgetown campus.

Back in the days of the dinosaurs, I applied to a handful of schools never having visited a single one ever. Ditto most of my friends, several of whom ended up matriculating across the country at selective schools, never having visited. When we started the college process with S19, I was taken aback by the emphasis on visits and the right “feel.” My H rolled his eyes. We went ahead and did a lot of visits, mostly for some fun trips. Who doesn’t like an excuse to go to NYC and DC? And in one case, the visit helped S19 cross a school off his list.

So having jumped on the We Must Feel the Campus bandwagon, it has been so hard with S21. We have participated in some very good virtual presentations (GT’s student panels were particularly useful), but it hasn’t been the same. Once all decisions are in, we’ll visit, even if unofficially.

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Third post this hour:) I have so much catching up to do. Thank you, Covid.

I tested positive on Dec 23rd, although didn’t receive results until the 27th because of Christmas. I only tested because S21 wanted to get tested (a friend from school got a positive, and although he hadn’t seen her in 8 days, he thought it would be a good idea). At the last minute our whole family went because, in this age of lockdowns and cancellations, it was something “fun” to do. No one else in the family was positive in that round. I had no symptoms at the time and never did through the whole 14 days. Thankfully, because we have been reclusive anyway, we couldn’t think of a single person I’d been around in the previous 8 days other than two brief early-morning trips to the grocery store. I was promptly locked into a bedroom (away from my desktop and my laptop was in shop), and the rest of the family went into quarantine. S19 and S21 were confined to rooms to minimize family spread, One day after I got my results, the family retested - still negative.

It was H who began having symptoms on Jan 1. He is a vulnerable person because of age and a lung condition, but so far has had only a low fever, headache, and nausea, no cough or breathing issues. Continuing to monitor him closely. All three of them retested yesterday - our local testing opportunities, which had been reasonably good of late, went into utter disarray starting at Christmas, and yesterday was the first time they could get in. Results expected tomorrow. Meanwhile, S21 began school virtually yesterday, and S19 is waiting before he heads back to campus. I’m out of isolation.

This a cautionary tale. First, we have no idea where I got it. No one has been in our home for months, we’ve attended no events or gone out to eat, and I’m a mask+distance Nazi. However, our community as a whole is in denial - even though our town has a mask ordinance, it is violated everywhere including at stores. Given the timeline for Covid, could one of the boys been positive a while back? Second, the combo of testing delays and asymptomatic positives is nasty. I only tested “for fun” - in the absence of symptoms and testing, I would have spread to family. But because of the 4 day delay in receiving results, I probably did anyway. In years to come our nation will judge our testing programs harshly.

We are grateful that I’m fine and hoping the rest of the family will be, but the enforced lock-in messed with life a bit. From across the house I couldn’t wrangle S21 and his college apps easily. He finally got William&Mary and Duke submitted and dropped 3 other colleges. He’s done. I’m just now getting the @#$% CSS done. S19 has been struggling with several college and personal issues and could have used face time with me - my H isn’t as sensitive to those things. And I’m a little sad because we lost 2 weeks of family time - as they get older, I know there will be less and less.

Congrats to all on completing apps, on acceptances, and on surviving into the new year. Hope you all stay well.


@123Mom123 She’s my last of three, so at least this is the last time I have to worry about college admissions! (although I’m still in denial about the impending empty nest)


@SammoJ hope everyone stays healthy!

Regarding visits, out of the schools she’s applied to, D21 has done official tours at three, gone to school functions on one (local campus) and a drive through on July 4 for a fourth (her current first choice of those she’s been admitted to). I’ve been on the campus of her long shot first choice (USC). I will be fully vaccinated next week and am considering spring break. California will probably still be a no go, but she has good offers at Arizona and USF and will hear from UCF soon and should get in. She’s expressed interest in seeing the FL schools so maybe a quick flight and a few walk arounds will be in order.

On the other hand, due to the pandemic and some other associated psychosocial issues, I’m still hoping she gets into her good match that’s within driving distance. I’m a little worried she won’t be “ready to launch” a plane ride away come August. I’d feel better with her a 3 hour drive away in a city where we have good friends who could be there in a pinch.

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Hope everyone stays healthy and thanks for sharing

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A tale of caution for sure. Glad you are doing well. Best wishes to your husband for a speedy recovery.

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My son wasn’t able to visit most of the schools he applied to. We plan to visit 2 schools that have made the top of his list one being 5 hours away in March. A couple we have already knocked off the list so I’m kinda happy we didn’t waste a trip on them.

For us fortunately in the summer before D21’s junior when to we traveled to out of state softball tournament we tried to include a tour of a school. That allowed us to see Miami of Ohio, University of Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia Tech. D21 was also on the tour D18 took of UNC. In November we took an airplane trip to Saint Louis University and Alabama. D18 goes to Clemson so D21 has been there multiple times. So the only school of her 9 apps she didn’t get to see was Wisconsin. I feel fortunate as I just think it give the kids some context as they decide where they want to go.


Glad you are better and your husband’s symptom’s aren’t as bad as they could’ve been. Your kids may want to consider getting antibody tests so you would at least have that confirmation if one brought it home, but also just knowing in general if they have the antibodies. While my fear for my kids if they got it is what the long term implications would be, the only friends they have been allowed to see over winter break are ones who have antibodies, and even then with masks only because the other friends are not as careful and have been socializing everywhere and we have immune compromised people in our family that we are not taking any extra chances.

If one of your kids didn’t give it to you, then it is very easy to have gotten it in the community, especially if you live in one where many are not abiding by the mask ordinance. Remember the whole “I wear a mask to protect you and you wear a mask to protect me?” those people just are selfish and don’t care about anyone and even if everyone wore masks, they’re still not 100% fool proof.

Congrats for getting your son to accomplish any applications during that time. That is no easy feat!