Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I was just thinking that. There will probably be a lot of wait list action.


Iā€™m also worried about getting the waitlist option and having that hanging over our heads through summer. Depending on Dā€™s options, I could see her taking more than one waitlist spot but, if you get called, you have just a few days to decide. Seems dumb to visit schools where youā€™re sitting on a waitlist but also to fly to a school at the last minute if you get off the waitlist (besides being really expensive too and stressful to turn on a dime.)


That calculates to $4.275 million received just for applications to Harvard (minus fee waiver kids, of course) - wow!


Thatā€™s a good point. (Schools likely not wanting visits.)

Flexibility will be key. (Maybe a delayed NYā€™s resolution for many of us!)


Sounds like a good situation for ā€œclose to homeā€ schools where people can visit.


That is really a pain not knowing if you will get in in the waitlist or not? This year is nothing like before!


Too late for that! Lol!

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Exactly. A couple weeks ago I posted my fear about anticipated waitlist purgatory ā€¦and yes, I think it will be affecting many especially with these recently announced delayed acceptance deliveries.


At this point, nothing will surprise me. I was hoping for a N-95 masked road trip during my kidā€™s spring break in March to check out campuses and surrounding area. At this rate it would be largely on spec because a number of decisions are unlikely to have been released by the time her break happens. A lot also will depend on what COVID numbers look like. I donā€™t think weā€™ll be able to make plans until early March, if that. Her target schools are also really spread out across the country so weā€™re unlikely to be able to visit them all. Interesting times, to be sure!


We got the emails from Yale and Harvard about 4/6. At this point, I feel like itā€™s such a whatever situation. Itā€™s so terrible that I canā€™t even get motivated to call the school and ask them why S21 was cleared for volleyball vs swim. Does it matter? Would we even have a swim seasons?! Argh.

No doubt the Ivyā€™s are following the lead of Stanford when they made this change a few days ago. I think all the Ivyā€™s changed to May 3.

Cornell has been closed all year and will still be closed second semester, but trust me, that hasnā€™t stopped people from visiting, even though the administration keeps asking people NOT to visit.

Also, last year all these schools had to cancel admitted student days and many kids had to make decisions on picking schools sight unseen. I agree, I donā€™t think I would want to send my kid without him seeing a school, but at the same time, this one all about the best program for what he wants and the rest is all gravy. But thatā€™s him. That wouldnā€™t necessarily have worked for all my kids.

I think more kids will still want to take GAP years, but ultimately some of the fault is on the colleges themselves too. Some of them knowingly extended the application dates. When this started to happen at ED/EA time it was presumed that it was because applications were done. Then the shock hit when it was learned applications were way up. Then schools also pushed back their Jan 1 deadlines. So why are they so shocked that they had a huge number of applications now? And as was pointed out a few weeks ago, schools like NYU had 100k applications and the majority pay for that, so the amount of $ they reap in those app fees, is insane.

A college counselor I know, feels the trend next year is going to go back towards test scores even with the elimination of the SAT Subject tests which few schools were using anyway. But Iā€™m not sure I see that, although it does seem like it causes a lot of headaches. To me, it either needs to be all submit a score or no one submits a score.


Are the increased numbers of applications entirely due to individual students applying to more colleges, or are there more seniors this year? I thought the general trend for high school seniors was down, though maybe just in my state?

Happy to say my S21 just got accepted to Honors with almost full merit for COA at UMaine, which we read is offering that to NMF starting this year. He liked what he saw in virtual webinars. Nice to have that in hand while waiting to hear from some lottery schools, some of which already had a 3-5% acceptance rate for males, and from schools with NMF scholarships.


This graduating class is a high student population in our area of the country. They were born in the years after September 11th. Our district had a baby boom the 4 years following September 11th. S21ā€™s class was the largest elementary school class our school ever had.

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Happy to say D21 was accepted ED2 to Mount Holyoke with a 20k a year merit scholarship. She is so thrilled and weā€™re relieved to have this process over! I appreciate the advice and support of the parents on this thread. Itā€™s funny how much Iā€™m rooting for your kids and how I look forward to hearing where they all end up.



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I am so happy for you! It has been very slow these days and it feels good to hear the good news.

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Also keep in mind that in addition to the huge increase in applications there is the issue of these top schools doing an admission year TO which to most a brand new thing. Canā€™t just throw a bunch of apps in the reject pile based on test numbers.


Congrats @GoldPenn!! Happy for you and your D!

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I donā€™t know how they are going to differentiate all those 4.0 GPAs without test score, which could have cut some applications? More applications and more complicationsā€¦it will result in more confusion come April first week. I hope that it doesnā€™t turn out to be April fools day this year!