Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

S21 accepted to GA Tech. OOS and had put CS as his major. Great confidence builder after his acceptance to Purdue CS OOS last week!


My S21 was admitted to Vandy ED1 and while I am beyond thrilled, Iā€™m feeling a little let down to be done with everything. He withdrew his application to Richmond and I was sad to not have the excitement of a possible acceptance yesterday. He isnā€™t feeling one moment of regret so I shouldnā€™t either but after so much work and build up its just weird to come to a screeching halt. Ah well, good luck to allā€¦especially all of my fellow Texans waiting on UT - COME ON ALREADY!


Itā€™s called the UMass Family-to-Family Panel Sunday 24th 2:30 Eastern. Sorry I Googled it but couldnā€™t find a link. I received an invite in my parent email.

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Congratulations!!! D21 was deferred. We are looking into the supplemental form to see of there is anything we need to submit.


thank you. Checked my junk mail and I did get an email about it -just signed up!

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Thanks, found it.

Sorry about the deferralā€¦with your daughterā€™s stats I would have expected her to get in! Still waiting for my daughter to check hersā€¦ she wonā€™t be home for another hour or so!


Congrats!! @mozwo123. Heā€™s going to have choices!

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Thank you so much for bringing up the Presidential Scholarship. Iā€™ve never heard of it and just found out that my S21 has been invited to apply. If I hadnā€™t seen it on here, the email would have likely gone unnoticed (ignored) by him. Now just need to motivate him to do the essays. Hoping some of the college app ones can be tweaked to fit. Thanks again!


Thanks. For some reason, I just had a feeling about this one. But, judging from the thread, there were lots of deferrals, so I posted my Dā€™s stats so hopefully no one else feels too bad. This is a very competitive school and CS is a super competitive major. Onward! Good luck to your D!


Glad you found the link. Regarding portals, I donā€™t have access to D21s but every couple of weeks I have her sit with me and log into ALL of them and let me look around. Then weā€™re done for another two weeks.


My DD got into GTech. She applied for comp sci.

Where do we check which major she got in?


Never mind it does say computer engineering


Yes ā€“ agree about a lot of work with a lot deferrals.

As @jeneric said, Iā€™m now hearing more about more deferrals from NC State. Kinda weird that UNC and NC State would diverge in such a big way this year. NC State is going to have a lot of apps to re-read between now and end of March!


My D got into Georgia Tech Biomedical Engineering! First big acceptance (she had gotten into her safety in October).


Big congratulations!!!

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Iā€™m not telling my D21 about this! (And luckily she doesnā€™t read CC.) She is already so depressed that all 7 of the SATs she registered for were cancelled. Especially with the increased volume of applicants at pretty much every school she applied.

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No need to tell her! This has been such a weird year for the whole college app process. And I thought last year with my D20 was bad. :grimacing:

Congrats on the Georgia Tech acceptances!

S21 did not get in. Not sad or surprised since it was an OOS reach and I didnā€™t think it was the right school for him ā€œfitā€ wise. I do sort of wonder what the outcome would have been if heā€™d gone test optional. Looking at the Georgia Tech acceptance thread, his GPA/rigor/ECs are right on par with accepted students who did not submit scores. The accepted students who submitted scores all seem have 35+ or 1570+. His was a little lower but he wanted to submit it anyway.

Edited to add: I hope no one takes what I wrote above as a dig at test optional policies this cycle. I wasnā€™t sure given the frowny face reactions. Iā€™m just musing out loud because the data and outcomes at different schools are so interesting to me this year!


Congratulations on all the acceptances!