Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes, that could definitely be one reason…manage the fallout if a deferral or denial, or an acceptance for one student and not another.

I do think in many cases it’s just part of the historical relationship…again especially at private HSs. Some of those schools limit (in number, or by admission round) the number of colleges a student can apply to, and those HS counselors might ‘direct’ students where to apply/in what round… and sometimes this ‘direction’ is informed by having conversations with AOs about applicants before applying and throughout the process.

My sense is this is happening less, but was pervasive in the past. Read Gatekeepers for an enlightening view (from 2001 or so) of the relationship between a Harvard-Westlake counselor and a Wesleyan AO.


Welcome @TheRents522!

Good luck to all of those with ED’s and EA’s coming out soon - so exciting yet stressful! I love that all of D’s friends worked on college apps at our house, only problem now is I am so invested in all of them that I am constantly feeling nervous for someone! I just saw Georgia Tech comes out tonight and one of the girls applied there. Normally I would see that thread and scroll right past, this time I decided to click to see when the decisions come out. The first thing I saw was someone saying something along the lines of, “I know it’s a huge reach for me - I’m out of state with a 1590 and 3.9 GPA…”, now i have to be stressed for other people’s kids as well as my own! :laughing:

Ahh - just found out GT is only sending out in state answers today so now I can relax for a while!


Our GC just sent a notice that California State School apps are down 30%. They have extended the deadline by two weeks.


@NateandAllisMom Oops! I was going for a wow emoji and can’t figure out how to change it.

Weren’t they all online this year? Do you think that is deterring students?

Well, much ado about nothing. Now it seems doubtful that our D’s ED school will release decisions today after all! Someone on the ED thread reported that they emailed the school, to find out it will likely be next week. Onward!

That ice cream cake is taking up too much space in the freezer :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Then I think that space-sucking ice cream cake needs to be retrieved from said freezer and eaten as a dress rehearsal to next week’s official release. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Welcome, @TheRent22! Glad you found us In time for the final stretch of this process! I hope you will feel at home in the forum. It becomes a real community… some people stay on for good conversation years after their kids graduate from college.

My D is high-stats for her high school but it is a normal, small-town high school where the barre is not very high. She is (or was) active in EC’s, but ordinary-kid ones like band, a little volunteering and JV tennis…no internships or start-ups in sight. So, in CC world, I’m never quite sure where she fits. She’s applying to some well-regarded schools but no top-20 super-reaches-for-everyone types.

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Ha! I posted about that 3 days ago. Gosh, I hope it’s true and helps all our 21’s here in CA.

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Bates moved back RD and ED2 deadlines. I haven’t heard but some apps down is reason.


Maybe that was the reason S received snail mail and emails from Bates in the last few days!

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I hope it helps my S21 as well but I’d bet that 30% down is coming from CSUs like Sonoma St, Humboldt, Chico etc and not Cal Poly SDSU etc.


welcome! In addition to @EconPop 's excellent advice, I can add that the class of 2017 3.0 to 3.4 thread was a treasure trove of information, especially about merit scholarships that the B/B+ student could realistically try for. Super supportive group. Towards the end, somebody cut and pasted admissions results and merit money for the whole group. A lot can change in 4 years but still… And yes, this group has a lot of accomplished children! But we are all in this together and happy to congratulate or commiserate, regardless of where your child applies or what his stats might be.


Perhaps. They were the first to come right out of the gate and cancel in person for the whole year. I hope I’m wrong but I suspect too that first gen and lower income family kids are applying in lower numbers. That would be consistent with the reported common app and FAFSA declines but maybe even a higher %. :cry:

Schools could be delaying because apps are down or because certain desirable groups are down. For example if URM are down a school might extend and target outreach.


That’s my thought too…low income and/or first gen and/or URM apps are down relatively more than other groups. That FAFSA decline is really concerning.

Edited to add the fafsa tracker link: down 16.8% over last year, as of Nov 27

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Welcome to this group! Don’t worry, this group includes all types. My S is high stats, but has mediocre ECs, probably so-so essays, and no interest in applying to super selective schools. He applied to out of state flagship schools, most with an above 60% admission rate. He also applied to the UCs, which I’ve been told are reaches for everyone, so there you have it. Yes, this thread does seem to involve discussion of very selective liberal arts schools and other private schools, but there are parents of “average” kids on here too. It’s a great community; I’ve learned a lot and have come to look forward to seeing what’s going on with the group on a daily basis.


That’s fantastic - thank you!

The FAFSA tracker states CA is down 16.2%, if I’m reading it correctly. But all CSU apps may be down 30%. Assuming this is true, then doesn’t that mean applicants not filing FAFSA’s are down a greater %?

I didn’t see the source from the GC but wonder if in state kids are also simply applying to fewer CSUs per applicant to try to stay closer to home or live at home? Anyway, interesting to hear news from this crazy year. I’m so curious to see how early rounds pan out…