Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My kid’s school does pretty well with U Mich (and T-20 schools more generally). But for some reason, it’s very rare to get an acceptance to UNC-Chapel Hill. I bet there are lots of impressive OOS applicants on the Class of 2025 thread who were disappointed.


Yes. You are correct. Some one with 36 ACT, 4.0 UW GPA and excellent ECs was rejected. Not even waitlisted.

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Weather probably is the best reason why someone won’t like UMich. My D loves cold weather.


@anaray my OOS daughter was rejected from UNC today… she had high stats (1570) and maximum rigor at a very competitive HS. Last year two people were accepted with lesser stats and rigor (neither enrolled), so she was a bit surprised. At any rate, I don’t think a rejection from UNC means her other applications are doomed. :slight_smile:

Good luck to your daughter!


Thank you and good luck to your daughter as well. I think they prefer athletes or legacies for OOS and the stats are not even as important it seems like from the decisions today.

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UNC is holistic- we always have a mix of kids with lower stats that get into UNC but rejected to NC State and high stat kids who get into NC State and rejected from UNC.


Is NC state as good as UNC?

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@NateandAllisMom I agree about going now versus waiting until the spring. It feels like there is a window of opportunity open before the new variant takes hold.

@homerdog I agree re the vaccine covering the variants. My concern is about the ability to distribute the vaccine by the spring or summer. I know they’ll move heaven and earth to do so. For some reason I thought they were having supply issues but I could be wrong. In any case, fingers crossed the effort is successful.


Here in West Texas, our schools have been fully in person the entire year, we also have online for those that want it. We really have not had a problem with cases in the k-12 schools. The kids are really good about mask and hand sanitizing. Feel lucky D has had an in person senior year.


We have been open the entire year.

so no distancing? Just school as usual with masks? That’s our sticking point. No way to get 2800 kids into our school when they need to try to be six feet apart most of the time.


Depends on the major, but I think they are pretty equal. If you are going to be a Vet or Engineer you go to State. Of course UNC has all those championships… I could care less about that, but sometimes I think that is why some kids want to go to certain schools.

There have been kids at school who have turned down Ivies to go to NC State. It’s a toss up between the two school with our top 20 kids, unless they are like my kids and run far away from both!


Where do your children go to college?

My S21’s private school is in person but so many kids and teachers were not wearing their mask properly that he decided to do remote. And they have had a few outbreaks, so I think it was the right decision. Sad that he’s spending senior year in his bedroom basically but I’m not sure he’d feel happy being in a lax environment either. There are some perks like nice homemade lunches and sleeping with only 10 minutes needed to “dress” for class.


D18 is at UCF, she gets asked often why she didn’t go to either school- they don’t have her major!

D21 has not decided, but both UNC and NC State are too big for her.

Neither wanted to go to school in NC, I did not do a very good job at making them fans of either school! I grew up in NC but went away for school as well, so I can’t blame them.

After watching the tears of their friends over the last week, I am glad they never wanted to go to either and fell in love with safety schools!


My D21 has been entirely on line since March of last year. She agrees that sleeping in and homemade lunches are nice perks in what has been a very difficult year!


Well about 35-40% at her school are online. Class size that she has goes from 8 kids to 20 in a classroom. So there is no way they can do the 6 feet distancing

My son was told the same thing about not bothering to apply to UNC because of the low OOS acceptance rate. He was told he had a better chance of getting in to Duke.


And for my D21 in our area, not having to go out at 6:30 a.m. to scrape the car windows!


My D18 is in her 3rd year at Michigan. We’re from the SF Bay Area. For us, the weather is no different than Lake Tahoe in the winter. D18 loves it there and Ann Arbor is awesome. If you have any questions, I’ll try to answer them.