Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Congratulations to all who got good news today!


@rockypa When I asked that question someone replied not all were asked to write the 250 word max LOCI. It’s not really an essay as people keep referring to it as. It’s a LOCI with a max of no more than 250 words. Others they only want grades and no LOCI. Whichever they ask for they supposedly don’t want more. So if they only asked for grades, they apparently do not want a LOCI.

@srparent15 ok I guess it isn’t an essay, more a LOCI as you say
 my daughter isn’t sure she wants to write it!

Can’t blame her! They have a few weeks to decide. UM wasn’t high on my kid’s list, but he had to do the LOCI for his ED school so he already has a template to work with but has some things he’s still working on so until those results are out, he can’t quite sent in the letter until then with the updated info. The process just seems to drag on and on and that’s the bigger drain this year.


I keep imaging sidling up to the counter at the sushi bar. Sigh.

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@momtogkc such a great feeling to know your D has found her fit! Congratulations!


Congratulations on all the great acceptances! So much good news in one day! :tada:

Question about demonstrated interest bullet points I’ve been reading across the different college forums. Trying to gain insights for when D24 applies because we certainly were clueless this time around with S21.

When people say demonstrated interest in the school, what would take it to mean? I imagine attending local sessions (my son did get to attend some in-person junior year), some virtual info sessions in the Fall.

Do colleges really track click rates of students to their site as a measure of demonstrated interest? That seems so asinine to me and not productive at all.

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So nice to log in this morning and see all the acceptances! Congratulations, everyone!

To those whose kids were deferred and are still waiting, hang in there. Each of our kids will end up where they are supposed to end up. :heart:


What an interesting week this has been! In S’s small private high school (class of fewer than 60), everyone I know was deferred EA from Northeastern except S, who was accepted to (he said he would consider it when applying), which is essentially a remote or abroad start in the fall and spring start on campus. He is a good student with decent scores (he did submit SATs) but not a super high stats one. I have heard at least 2 of his classmates got into Michigan - one high stats and one not. The second I’m fairly certain went TO. I am convinced some of these colleges need full payers more than ever given the high cost of COVID. For reference, Michigan’s OOS tuition is about the same as Northeastern’s private college tuition. My S’s acceptance makes sense since he showed a decent amount of interest as it was his number 1. In fact, we are done with acceptances and it is decision time. Good luck to all. I think TO has been a blessing for many.


I would think that major combined with Plan 2 would offer many incredible opportunities!

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Congrats on all of the acceptances! So much happy news yesterday. :grinning:

@momtogkc We found the same with Mount Holyoke which D21’s counselor had flagged as a match/safety. My D didn’t research it until near the end of her college search, after being rejected by her ED1. It turns out to be a fantastic fit and my D is thrilled to be heading to Moho in the fall. Good luck to your D—it sounds like she will be very happy with her choice!

@MommaLue Re demonstrated interest: Others will know more about this than me, but I believe it’s true, that at some schools at least, they do track website visits. Jeff Selingo had more than one example in his book of students being denied/deferred because they hadn’t attended the session when the college rep visited the student’s high school. The Rabbi at Amherst College said to me, “They say they don’t track interest, but in fact they do.” I understand that it’s all in the name of protecting their yield but it sure adds more pressure for the students. :neutral_face:


@MommaLue while it may seem asinine there are schools- such as Tulane- where they are very transparent that demonstrated interest is a vital piece of the admissions process. It includes visits (virtual and in person), contact and interview with your AO, applying for scholarships, visiting with AO’s when they come to your school, participating in the specialty sessions online.
There are other schools- like Duke for example- where they are very clear that they do NOT track demonstrated interest.
IMO If your child is interested in ANY school getting to know your AO is important.
My D21 applied to a couple of LAC’s and in general the better they know you, your intentions and your interest the better off students seem to fare. Saw this with all my kids- including one that had a super low GPA due to illness during HS but got accepted to all the schools applied to after interviews with AO’s.

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Totally agree about getting to know your AO. My S21 was accepted to his reach ED school which we were totally surprised by. After some reflection, I think the emails he sent to the AO to deal with an issue with submitting materials may have helped his cause. At least they recognized his name when they came across his application.


Thanks for sharing that! Similar thinking here. If D gets into her reach we will drive 12 hours over spring break. We could all use the sun, would be cautious and aren’t yet ready to fly.
If the other reaches work out (tufts and rice) it is highly unlikely she will ever step foot on campus. She has a good attitude about all of it though.

As a parent I just want her to land somewhere she will be happy and thrive. I think we all share that wish, and then the question is how do you figure that out and how much does walking the campus help.


S21’s term ended yesterday so he is looking forward to a relaxing weekend without any homework! I think his midyear report will be pretty good so that is a relief. He had one class that was proving to be a challenge to do remotely (a CS course) but he pulled it out in the end. Phew.


Yay! Ds ended at midnight and I knocked on her door at 10pm and she was still working. Hate this down to the wire work, it’s gotten a lot more frequent since the pandemic.
Had your kid already submitted a mid-semester report to their schools and they will now update with grades? Our school sends the grades on Feb 10 and usually nothing ahead of that for this year.


We are waiting for official school report. Our GC is pretty good about getting them out quickly. I would not have wanted to send a progress report - the CS grade would not have looked very good at the midpoint of this quarter! I agree about the down to the wire work - he had so many things due this week! And, his English teacher was finally grading assignments from the beginning of the term - the delayed grades always annoy me.


Same here! The teachers have so much in their plate they are grading pretty slowly and some of them have given their classes extensions because so many kids are behind.

My Ds GPA this semester will definitely slip and be her lowest, she warned me of that months ago. So relieved she got into her EA schools as the ones she is waiting on won’t be as positive.


Several of D’s schools request a midyear report by 1/15, which seems awfully early to me, even though I know our semester ends later than most (2/5, with reports coming out a week later). We took @homerdog’s suggestion from a while back to send a pdf of current grades from the portal. In her email D mentioned that an official midyear report would be sent by 2/15. Most of the AO replies indicated that they were happy to have the information while waiting for the report from the GC.

ETA: I would think (hope!) your D’s RD schools understand that this semester is not typical, that grades slipping could have more to do with remote/hybrid/pandemic learning than senioritis! Fingers crossed.