Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

My daughter was accepted OOS to UVA as well!


Agree - I hate deferrals! Your son will end up someplace wonderful that he loves! Best wishes!

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Congrats to your kids @nanosec and @DramaMama2021 for their awesome UVA acceptances!!!

And @srparent15 for your Sā€™s acceptance, too!!


Congrats on all the UVA admits!


Yes! We completely wrote off UVA after the UNC decision. We were fully expecting her first rejection and making plans to add a poo emoji to the UVA logo taped on her door. Ha! But UVA came through!

Weā€™ve visited UVA/Charlottesville, my cousin works for UVA, we know current studentsā€¦ so I can try to answer any specific questions for you or your S. Just let me know. Congratulations to him!!


My D21 got into UVA and Echols scholar program in College of Arts and Sciences. Doesnā€™t UVA give better Financial Aid than UMich?

Congratulations to @nanosec, @srparent15 and @DramaMama2021 on UVA acceptance!


Congratulations to your son that is a great admission. UVA is a very beautiful campus and Charlottesville is a great college town.


Congratulations. Great admission especially OOS.


Wow big night here for our list with all the great UVA admissions. Congratulations.


Thank you!

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Itā€™s official, no Prom this year for Class of 2021, so Iā€™m meeting up with the moms of my sonā€™s core group tomorrow morning so that we can plan a private prom/celebration for them in someoneā€™s back yard. There are like 14 of them; I think weā€™ll be able to put together something memorable and intimate that theyā€™ll enjoy just as much.


Woo hoo!!! Congrats to your D on UVA acceptance!!!

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Iā€™m so sorry. These poor kids

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Very sorry to hear about prom. Makes me wonder if our school will be holding one. I seriously doubt they will.

Our seniors continue to miss out on milestonesā€¦but what doesnā€™t kill us makes us stronger is my motto and I am betting that all of our kids will be sooooo appreciative of simple things in their future even more given all these ā€œlossesā€ that they had looked forward to for years.

But yes, it still stinks.


Iā€™m sorry prom was canceled but happy to hear you can give him and his friends a special experience. The core group moms and I are in preliminary talks of doing the same so we are prepared if my Dā€™s school cancels prom again this year. It is so tough having our kids miss these senior year milestones.


So nice to hear all the good news about acceptances to UVA! Congrats all!


Congrats to @nanosec @DramaMama2021 @srparent15 and @anaray for UVA admissions, and to @anaray for the Scholars program! Great academics, beautiful campus and town, you all must be thrilled!


I am sorry about the prom. The back yard prom sounds like it could be a lot of fun! D texted me this morning that their prom is scheduled for May 8th. Since our school is not social distancing, they very well may have it. Would not surprise me.

Congrats on the awesome UVA acceptances!


Not advocating for the practice either. However, I can understand that this is an unusual year that it is hard to commit to a school if you donā€™t even know if they will be open for in person in the fall. No school will know that by May 1st. Given a choice between two equally standing colleges or even a 1st and 2nd choice, Iā€™d chose the one open in the Fall.