Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

This is so anxiety producing !!
Do you have a source for the Harvard info … I would like to check it out …

What’s aggravating is that her rival HS doesn’t have IB, as many high schools in our county DON’T do IB, so it seems to penalize those who attend their neighborhood school.

On reddit in multiple places. Just search Harvard 30% Rea.

Just out of curiosity, looks like you’re not new to Cc but don’t remember seeing you around! Did you decide to jump back in for this craziest of decision seasons?

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I am super curious about Penn , University of Chicago and MIT so I will search Redditt for those as well.

Where do you see ED apps up at Cornell?

Duke is up 20 % to over 5 K ED applications.

MIT EA is up 60% according to someone I spoke to in their financial aid office.

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@TomMW4 The link to the admissions blog on the Cornell website is there in my post. The link states that they had over 9000 apps for ED this year.

The ED app number for the previous year came from here:

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Wow !!
That is crazy

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UChicago has been test optional for a few years now, so it’ll be interesting to see if they have an increase like the others or not. I believe they saw a big jump when they first went test optional.

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Yes…the trepidation is over! We had a financial aid preread but you like to see it finalized. It’s actually slightly better with the merit award. We were able to visit in July with her future coach. It was nice but the only building we could tour was the athletic facility. We mainly wanted to get a feel for campus and the neighborhood and we were able to do that. In hindsight, the visit really did help solidify her decision.


Congratulations @Tribegiant - what great news!!

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@Tribegiant Fabulous news! Congratulations to your daughter!

Some will Boston College sent a note out that they increased the number of Ed1 to 900 from 650 level last year. And 60 percent did not include test scores. First time.

ED Applications up too. they filled 40 percent of their class for 2022. Ed 2 was around 300. So it seems half the class or more will be done before RD and a good percentage TO.


I told hubby to fill out CSS to be ready but before he talked to me, he went ahead and paid for Brown (ED and way past deadline) . Now that the other schools are paid, do we hang tight til they ask for more info? Thx

I love your ideas about the spreadsheet and the gift card. The weariness is real. My daughter lost one of her cats and grandfather in the last several months. And normally so motivated, she is just tired and not as efficient as usual. Waiting for EA is probably weighing on her although she claims not to think about it too much (I’ve probably overstated how hard it is just so I can have her prepared.) That gift card is a great idea right now so thank you.

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I would love to know if ED apps are up at BU. My D21 applied ED there and here is my concern. She checks all the boxes for admissions except SAT scores. 4.0 uw, honors and AP classes, 4th in her class out of 233, 2 years varsity lacrosse, 10 years as an equestrian, leadership positions, did as much demonstrated interest as she could under the circumstances, had great LORs and really solid essays. But her SAT score was just under their 50%. I felt she should have gone TO, but her GC told her to send them so she did. If an AO is looking at two virtually identical applications similar to my D’s, would they admit the one that went TO and not admit my D? Or would they give her credit for being honest and sending her scores? This year is a total crap shoot for admissions.

My S17 had similar stats (without the good ECs) but his SAT was only 1190. He never would have been able to handle a more academic school then where he ended up so I feel like the SAT score definitely kept where he needed to be. Not sure if that makes sense.

I guess she should find out by the 15th at the latest, but it’s killing me.


@tellis6653 – almost ditto your post for my S – 4.0 UW, 10 APs, good ECs and excellent LORs) for my S’s EA schools, except his class rank is lower (17th out of 226). He had lots of test cancellations, of course, but managed to get a seat in July. He had to drive to another county, wear a mask, etc. It was stressful, and while he’d been getting 34s in practice tests he got a 31 on the real thing. He went ahead and submitted to his EA schools even though it’s slightly under 50th percentile at most.

He’s engineering, and he got advice they would want to see a ‘confirming’ test score even if it’s not stellar. But I wonder – if a college wants to keep its average test scores high, would they rather admit the TO applicant w/ same GPA & rigor? Conversely, they want to make sure engineering students can do the work, so will an “in range” test score be seen better than no score? No way to know and probably a different answer depending on which college we’re talking about.

He applied ED to a bigger reach where he did NOT submit his score. So he’s actually playing both sides of this conundrum. Who knows how it will turn out! It’s hard for students and parents b/c the ‘rules’ are totally different this year. I guess we just have to trust it’ll work out for the best, regardless of specific admissions outcomes, b/c ‘perfect information’ about how to navigate this cycle is simply not possible.