Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

I really dislike CB and their IDOC site. I have uploaded all our documents, yet one school keeps emailing that they are still waiting for the documents. The school says the documents aren’t there but I see them as uploaded on IDOC. What a pain it is to try to sort this out and S21 may not even get accepted at this school.


I had the same thing happen a month or so ago. I called the school’s FA office and got nowhere. After double checking everything in IDOC I called again. Got a different person and it took her about 30 seconds to fix it on their end. There was a glitch with the interface to IDOC. :woman_shrugging: Just took connecting to the “right” person. Good luck! It is so frustrating!


This happened to me as well with a few schools. I called the FA office and with both schools it was fixed quickly.


same. I had a document that they classified incorrectly because it wasn’t exactly what they asked for but from the IRS and gave the same info. Idoc showed as I was missing documents. I just called everyone to explain. Some did it easily and some struggled, but ultimately they all got it figured out.


Thanks everyone, I will call the school today and see if we can resolve the issue.

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The FA officer assigned to S21s application was able to send me a link to directly upload the docs to the school. Thanks everyone for the suggestion to call the school as CB was useless.


If I had a dollar for every time a parent said that about the way they have handled everything this year I would definitely not qualify for financial aid!


How much money do you think CB is losing with test optional this year and next (esp when we see how any TO kids get admitted?). Am I wrong for wishing CB ill will after the AP fiasco last year?


A lot, but they clean up on AP tests and the CSS and I think they actually are saving money by eliminating the subject tests. They don’t have to pay proctors or print the exams. I proctor and I’ve often proctored only 1 or 2 kids at a time taking subject tests and they aren’t making much after they pay me and that doesn’t include their expenses.

But regardless, they make plenty and like every other “business” they can just cut expenses elsewhere. They’re also supposedly a not for profit. So it’s only the people who receive high salaries that may be the ones losing money. So, aww too bad.

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College Board laid off 14% of its workforce earlier this month so they must be feeling the pain. Sometimes the world moves on and companies retract. Question is if these tests will just fade away over time. Layoffs at the College Board

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Acceptance updates for S21:

Last week FSU acceptance and today UF acceptance. He’s happy but…he also noted that he is still looking forward to remaining 6 schools (he applied to 8) to come in the next serval weeks still.

But the calendar is finally flipping its pages some.


@123Mom123 Woot!!! Snowball effect on the best of luck train now!!!


Well I won’t comment on whether you are wrong or right. But I will say you are not alone!

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@123Mom123 Great news to have in his back pocket as he waits for more news. Wishing him and you the best!


Congratulations! Especially Feb is moving fast and only 2 more days left!

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Congrats!!! Great way to close out the month!

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Thx! 2 for 2. (Minus that ED deferral in Dec, lol!)

I’m breathing better now!!


Thanks so much!! We are all happy campers.

(Okay, Autocorrect initially changed “campers” to “vampires”! What the heck!!!)

Cheers to all!


Yes! Thank goodness!!! We need March to arrive!!!:partying_face:


Thank you so much! Finally getting some decisions is nice after sitting on sidelines since Dec! Relief.