Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Yes, I wish it wasn’t so. The hubs is an alum and loved his experience in Austin, but when he tried to get our girls excited about applying to UT, I told him to :zipper_mouth_face:

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Great acceptance and merit. Congratulations

I was shocked when I read how much money they have. They are so stingy with aid and scholarships.

So nice to see you back and with the good news! Congratulations! Agree that the class of 2021 is the BEST as they are doing great with this worst possible situation in the century!


Texas oil money from royalties on oil drilling. It didn’t come from wealthy alums.

Great scholarship!

And a huge portion of the university is also funded with proceeds from athletics which is crazy when you think about it as usually it’s a university having to find athletics!

I’m so excited for your D! I’m sure she’ll be even more happy at W&M.

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Thank you

Thank you. I thought being a state school not much merit scholarship will be given. I was pleasantly surprised

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I think it is a great achievement to get this much of scholarship.

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Please allow me to piggyback on your post and also offer my congratulations to all those with acceptances, and also to all those who are showing such strength during this insane endurance race! I have spent this morning catching up on over a week’s worth of posts, and I think the world of all of you. All our kids will end up where they are supposed to end up. Peace and respect to everyone!


Soooooo incredibly thankful my daughter was accepted to her ED school. Had she not been, or had she not even applied to a school ED, she likely would not have withdrawn any applications and would have driven me insane trying to make a decision on where to go right up until the last day to decide. She is literally the worst when it comes to making any kind of decision. So being accepted ED took the decision out of her hands. Thank goodness!

Of course, now I’m all stressed out after reading all the posts on here about the “NE vibe.” Because of course, she is going to a NE college. And she won’t do well with a competitive vibe.

Combine that with she is wrapping up two weeks in Florida showing her horse and she is loving the sunny and 85 degree weather and totally second guessing her decision to go North.

Just shoot me now!


Not all NE schools have competitive vibes! We visited roughly 1000 colleges in the NE (slight exaggeration), and the cultures can be as different as night and day between each campus. D21 only applied to schools that have collaborative and friendly vibes. The biggest “competitive feel” school she applied to (and then withdrew once she got her ED2 acceptance to Hamilton) was Wellesley, and even with that school, the students aren’t competitive against each other, they are competitive against themselves (she spoke to a lot of former and current students, and Wellesley was a top contender for her ED choices).

The vibe more has to do with the area at large. The northeast does, very generally speaking, have more of stand-offish feel to it. Only because I think people here are - again, very generally speaking - uncomfortable smiling at strangers for no reason or coating everything with a ma’am/sir. Talk to anyone one-on-one or ask for help and you’ll get it - people are nice - it’s just that folks are more blunt. Again, major generalizations here.


I am drinking coffee out of my Bates mug now… and clearly my post is cruel! Heres hoping to a big merch credit card bill coming your way soon:)


Thanks for that, makes sense. She hasn’t been able to visit any of the US school campuses she has applied to so figuring out vibe is coming from other sources. Wow, I just read that sentence and felt my stomache drop a bit! That would probably stress me out more than her though. Maybe our kids have more resources for learning about that than we did. She has applied to Tufts and Rice and they both definitely tout themselves as being more collaborative than their counterparts.

I didn’t do either the essay or the interview, and yet I was accepted. The AO views your app holistically, so it’s not all about the stats. I’m not sure that’s how the waitlist works but okay I guess.

Denison knows that the kids who matriculate from our school generally take no honors classes and hover around a B plus GPA. I’m sure they thought D was using them as a safer option. No one with her GPA or ECs has ever applied from our school.


How do you know what Denison knows, but anyway I believe the AO from each university does a great job of deciding whether the applicant will fit in their school or not. As you mentioned, the types of students who would apply to Denison in your D’s school aren’t particularly great in their grades, and I think your D is prob overqualified; therefore, prob won’t fit well in schools such as Denison academically.

Huh? Of course Denison knows who attends their college from our high school. The rep has been the same for a while. He visits our school every year.