Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Consider yourself lucky then.

Seems like UCLA is every kid’s dream school. It’s like NYU with its 100,000 apps, I think UCLA is handing out $100 gift cards to the Apple Store for every app received.


Still so weird to me. It was such a not big deal when I attended. USC even less so then. Anyone who paid could go there.

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I can’t wait to see our rejection too! Hopefully we can see it before we go to sleep central time. I went to UCLA for 1 year so there is a little teeny tiny part of me that kind of wants a reason to go back and visit. But I thought quarters were much harder than semesters - so I worry about that for DS21.

Those are really tough lottery schools for anyone, though. There will be a winner in the other 16!


Just sat in on an accepted students webinar at Georgetown. This one actually had good info - housing, orientation, clubs, daily life. It was cool to learn that dorms have live-in faculty.

The question came up, Will you require the Covid vaccine in fall? The reply was, We are looking at it; many attendees weighed in saying please require.

Also addressed in-person issues. Planning in-person oreintation late summer and in-person classes. However, also said they can’t absolutely promise all classes will be in-person because who knows what room capacity/spacing limits might be imposed. :slightly_frowning_face:


@anaray both of our kids’ max 1 rejection has been met today. Smooth sailing balance of the day


I hope so! If both of our kids get accepted today, then we will have a virtual party here at CC!


Or AP tests. Because of this increased risk of quarantine, our school hasn’t yet decided if they are going to go below 6ft distancing.

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It’s almost like Georgetown is in CA. Any idea whether the school or local govt is driving their more restrictive approach?

My DD was rejected from JHU today too. 2nd rejection of the week, 1st was Northeastern which was also her 1st rejection of all her applications. But she got into UCSB and UCD. Fully expecting the UCLA rejection later today. But at least that cuts our list down to only 11 more to hear from! :woman_facepalming:t3:


@rarz69 We have 9 left to hear from but yeah to the JHU rejection parents club :wink:

I know three kids who go to Georgetown and they have been so bummed. They also don’t seem to have much hope for next fall just because of all of the disappointment so far. I really hope they figure it out.


Why am I watching Operation Varsity Blues on Netflix right now?! Self-inflicted punishment.


We saw it on Weds and it was infuriating and sad.

Same here. Depressing and frustrating to watch it.

It is DC so it may be location driven. Given where we are now with such a robust vaccine roll out (pretty much if you need and want one you can get one in most states) there is no reason all schools should not be close to back-to-normal/in person this fall ! The only caveat would be if it proves NOT effective for other strains or the like. I’m optimistic. Fingers still crossed.

Our HS just removed desk partitions and made some other normalizing adjustments post-spring break. Just flew 4 flights there/back for ski trip and it felt great to move about the county. Modified prom and of course in person graduation are a go here :woman_student: !!!

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Seriously ? What reason are the giving for no hope or is it only a vibe ? Yikes.

Wow, things are happening so fast around here I’m dizzy, though I’m sure for some of you it must feel like swimming through molasses!

I’ll be watching every day from here on out to see how it goes. keeping fingers crossed for all your kids.

Has been a positive couple of days around here. D is playing in the pep band as we speak, at a football game with our school’s arch rivals and it feels almost like a late fall day (clear, cold and crispy, though I’m ensconced on a cozy sofa at home). I got a first dose of Moderna yesterday…my town announced a mass vaccination clinic at our hospital just two days earlier and I was authorized. I still can’t believe it! Such a huge relief! And this morning my D announced happily that she has a roommate lined up. I know it seems early for that…but she committed to her school in early December so she just wanted to wrap that piece up and get on with it! This girl also committed ED so there’s no chance of losing a roommate through a waitlist. They’ve been texting for awhile. Roommate seems to be an active, outdoorsy, happy girl…hoping for the best!


Still be very careful. My husband tested positive 3 weeks after getting the first Moderna shot.


Thanks, I will still stay hunkered down for quite awhile! No parties or indoor shopping for me…but my general sense of fear and dread is fading and I can dare to dream of a time when normal life is possible!

Hope you husband is OK!