Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Oh boy, I knew CA schools must have come out while I was away for the weekend whenI saw over 400 new posts. Congratulations to al who got in to their schools of choice, so sorry for the rejections and waitlists.

We went to visit D19 at Tulane this weekend. I wasn’t sure if D21 was mad that they deferred her but she bought a few things in the bookstore so I guess not!

Around school they are great with social distancing and masks, but go towards the French Quarter and it’s not so great. In stores and restaurants everyone is complying, but we walked one block down Bourbon to get to dinner and it was insane - so many people, probably 75% no masks. Not as bad as Miami but same idea. We also did a swamp tour with just our group of 6 people. We stopped at a gas station down in the swamp area and they looked at me like I was crazy when I went in with my mask on. The lady was polite but when I went to pay she said, “Hold on, let me put on my face diaper.” D21 was super annoyed with all of this and it did add some stress to the trip but overall we had a great time visiting D19.


If anyone on here finds their kid in this position, tell them to say “yes”. You can always just not sign the paper work or send the check.


@momtogkc I wonder if those people in Bourbon St were tourists. That’s terrible either way. Luckily Tulane is away from that area but an easy trolley ride into town as an option! I loved the area immediately around Tulane. My oldest boss’ son went there and he loved his experience. Being from CA, he said he was surprised at the diversity in the school.


@AlwaysMoving Especiallt if they’re under 17 (yup, mine will still be 17 when he starts college). That’s not binding, on top of verbal commitment being non-binding.


What is JHU?

Johns Hopkins U.

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Yes. I heard this too on Getting In a College Coach Conversation podcast. Makes sense in terms of energy savings and yield protection for them do this. I was so grateful to get a heads up on this and posted about it earlier on this thread. I’m going to see if S will screen his calls and we really should make sure we have texts authorized and check his voicemail directly. Ideally, he would get the message and have a minute to think about what they specifically asked. If it’s live, then we should probably tell him to say he’s super interested in the school, or yes I think so or something of that nature. He doesn’t get a lot of phone calls, so screening works. I believe the podcasters were with private schools though, so I think maybe big publics would be less likely to call?

It’s tougher too for my S since he might be offered a spot for his second choice major with impacted first choice. He already has a great UC offer for his second choice major and we will go look at that one by mid-April I think. This. is. hard.


Well, if they don’t require me to pay anything and base FA totally on her ability to pay…

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Agree. Also many students need to discuss with parents. Also, it’s not in writing so a kid could say yes and it doesn’t really mean anything. They would probably then get the acceptance on their page and still have to click accept and pay deposit.

GT emailed specifically to say they will both call and email. I think the call is more in the context of making it more personalized.


Agree I’d expect what the kid said would not be binding and they would just go to someone else on the waitlist and not enforce. The risk is losing the official offer opportunity based on a call.

Jumping in to your discussion to say ‘best of luck’ and ‘hang in there’ to all of you still awaiting your kids’ decisions. You and your kids have been through such a long and stressful admissions process and a very hard school year, and you’re almost to the finish line. Before you know it, your kids will be settled in to their colleges and hopefully having great experiences, even if the “dream” doesn’t work out for some. In the vast majority of situations, it all works out as it should (and changes are always possible too!).
It seems strange that it has been two years since I last went through this process, and the wait was agonizing then too. At this point in the game, S19 had some great in state options, but we still had a lot of decisions remaining. Then came a slew of wait lists that were a bit discouraging, but then some wonderful and surprising acceptances arrived in the last two days of decisions. So, you never know what can happen, especially in this crazy year. One hopeful thing about the class of 2021, with all of the challenges and experiences missed. Hopefully they will have almost four full years of a pretty normal college experience. Fingers crossed!


Oh they were definitely tourists, very few locals go over there. We normally like to wander around the area a bit but mostly stay away from Bourbon. There are two bars that still have traditional music (most of them are just regular pop cover bands or country music now) so during a non-Covid visit DH and I would head over to those two spots then get away from Bourbon.

The area around Tulane is beautiful, we did a long walk back from brunch that cut through Audobon Park this time and it was so pretty with the azaleas blooming and all the gorgeous houses that back up to the park. D19 is also loving her experience at Tulane.

As far as the WL phone call, I think I would tell my kids to say an enthusiastic yes than maybe add something about as long as my parents are on board. Or just the yes on its own is fine too.


Is it really like that hard? I didn’t even know anything about it! I am so happy to hear that. Thank you!

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If anyone calls about about a waitlist, then just tell them “Can I put you on hold? I have take this other call from HYPSM (pick one).” :rofl:


@sushiritto OMG. That’s a baller move! “Please hold. I have MIT on the line for my waitlist status update.”


@MommaLue Yes, absolutely ! I’m thinking fee waiver (we deserve it) and let’s just consider this forum our DIGITAL PORTFOLIO, ok ? :nerd_face:

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Is it bad to sort of hope for a random WL just to use that ? Bam :boom: !


@MissingThe90s I’m going to have my son use that when Cal Poly SLO call. “My decision to accept the spot is pending and will be shared with you on a rolling basis.”


You. Are. Killing me.

Or … “definitely not by April 1st”.

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That’s who inspires me, LaVar Ball, of a Big Baller Brand (for those who follow basketball). Go big or go home! Fight back against those long WL’s (easy for me to say). :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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