Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Charlottesville is a lovely town, but Georgetown is also lovely - both the campus and that part of the city in DC. I am of course biased (in case you couldn’t guess by my username) but I loved Georgetown. For studying politics, international relations - really a great environment. Heavily international as well which was important to me (I was SFS). Hoya Saxa!


Wow! Congratulations! What outstanding choices!

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Can I PM you with some questions about Georgetown? I didn’t notice your profile name until now.

She got into Stanford? Easy decision then! Abandon UVA and UPenn!


I have a Finance undergrad degree and then a Masters in Teaching with my concentration area of math (which was equivalent to a math major). I have taught middle school, high school and was an adjunct professor in college. Loved it!

But these days I only work part-time and unfortunately I would never recommend my kids go into teaching after the things that have changed in education. Even pre-covid. Too much paperwork, planning time isn’t really planning time, so many meetings, and tons of at home work. Where I live teachers are definitely not underpaid and make well over 6figures but at the same time, they are counting the days until they reach 55 and can retire with quite a nice pension for the rest of their lives. It’s a sad state for education and we need great dedicated teachers but something has to change. Definitely need women in math though, my daughters were the only girls in their math classes throughout HS, and my son said his MVC and AP Physics C class each have only 3 girls.

Sorry for that tangent!


Wow what fantastic choices so many of have!
Here is an update on my son.
His overall GPA was low—3.25 but he had a very strong growth trajectory with a 3.9 junior year and 4.2 senior year through mid-year. 1340 SAT. 5 APs. Varsity athlete, part time job at a sandwich shop. Some club involvement but not a lot. Very engaged politically and will be studying Political Science and wants to go to law school.

South Carolina (EA)
Elon (EA legal professions scholar)
Furman (EA Bell scholarship)
Muhlenberg (small merit award)
Penn state University Park (EA summer admit)
University of Delaware (Deferred EA, admitted regular admission in mid March)
UNC Charlotte (EA)
Virginia Tech (waitlisted EA, but admitted from wait list about a month later)
West Virginia

Waitlist: Clemson

Rejected: Lehigh and Maryland

Going into the process UD and Virginia Tech were his two favorites, but Penn State became the spoiler and that is where he has decided to go after last minute visits to all three. I don’t know if the ultimate decision was swayed by the fact that Penn State let him in back in December and the other two originally pushed his decision out but we are very happy with how things worked out for him in a truly crazy year for admissions.

Best of luck to all of your children at their selected schools!


Order me like 13 shots for the 1 waitlists and may be a couple more for rejected ones!


Of course. Bear in mind it’s my 30th reunion this year so it’s been a while! But my passion for Georgetown is strong!

FWIW, I bet some of those waitlists move. There is so much overlap of applicants and acceptances to those schools, especially this year with so many students applying to more schools. Given your son’s priorities, I think SLACs are the way to go unless there are compelling financial or location reasons. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Why did I insist that my D21 have ALL of her applications complete by Labor Day? Why did I make up in my head that we would be done with this process by December? First timer. I feel so much more prepared to do this with D23 and D26. Yay?

Accepted: Baylor ($),UGA ($),Trinity U. ($),Clemson ($).
WL: Michigan, Northwestern & Wake Forest.
Rejected: Emory and UT Austin (CAP’d, but stung the worst).

Thankful for a last minute college tour- we learned that a small campus is the right fit for my daughter (thankful that UT closed its door). She’s not quite ready to jump off the WLs yet, but I think that she will attend Trinity and thrive. Following CC has taught me that the future is so bright, these kids are off-the-charts smart. Shout out to UGA Admissions and Dr. Graves. The information, statistics and transparency provided by UGA was by far the best we experienced.


UMichigan has not released the scholarship information yet. Don’t lose hope. Wait till April end. April end is when they are releasing is what I heard from mamadefamilia.

@gotham_mom Thank you for the positive thoughts re the WL and the feedback. He almost applied EDII to one of them but without visiting all the schools, couldn’t pull the trigger. No idea if it would have made a difference. He is now vested in the options he does have. The direct entry business school choices would give him that smaller collaborative environment and a diverse social mix of academically minded classmates, but would also certainly narrow his scope of study. He might be more of an economics/philosophy kid which is where BC falls into the mix (he specifically didn’t apply to Carroll has he can always minor in business there). At this point, I cannot guess where he’ll land unless he gets an early nod from one of two of the WL.


My daughter wanted a larger public university (all OOS) with sports, greek life, and high rankings. Warm weather was important, so UM didn’t make the list. She didn’t want to apply to a lot of schools, so I was thankful that UGA notifies EA so early - that was key in knowing she was in somewhere she could be happy and thrive. My only request was that she apply to UF so that she would have a full COA option (Benacquisto).

Accepted: UVA, UNC, UCLA, UGA, UF
Rejected: USC
Will attend: UNC

Good luck to everyone as they make decisions. I totally agree that there is going to be a lot of shifting off of waitlists this year!


He sounds like such a thoughtful young man, no wonder he has so many excellent choices! I can’t wait to see where he lands.


I mean 13 waitlists

@gotham_mom Thank you! Me too! I am vicariously feeling the stress of squeezing in travel and visits while going to school online and studying for AP’s! We toured the University of MN two days ago with another family. They had recently committed and were all smiles! We were so happy for them! If he were either fraternity bound or a SJW, this process would also have been easier. Instead, he is just a nice humble kid who is well-liked by students and teachers but also beats to his own drum. Finding the fit among the SLACs has been tough.


We did this as well. D applied to 9

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He may like Skidmore, an interesting mix of liberal arts and business courses, artsy students with more pre-professional types. Plus Saratoga Springs is a terrific college town. I love Mac, too, not sure if it’s more SJW, but they do have lots of international students which is special. Sorry, I’m no help at all.

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@gotham_mom Agreed. Hence why both schools made the list. He likes to work and create with his hands (like sculpture and robotics) so the pottery wheels looking out on Shaw Field at MAC piqued his interest. The students seemed friendly, but I have read that for some it can be socially isolating. That’s puzzling to me.

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OK here’s mine:

D’s stats: 1560 SAT, 4.23 GPA, Good AP class ratio for our HS, we have a small rural HS which may have hurt her, no ranking but she would have been valedictorian we were told. 2 sport Varsity Athlete and Captain, also Club sport EC, President of two other clubs, involved in lots of volunteer work and committees, NHS and French honor society, multiple Awards, Natl Merit SF, has two outside jobs and is oldest of four so lots of home responsibilities.

Wanted small LAC for bio/neuroscience with language minor in the NorthEast

Accepted: Sarah Lawrence College $35k/yr pres , Mount Holyoke $20K/yr, Clark $20k/yr, Bryn Mawr $40k/yr, Umass Amherst Honors College w/ Dean’s ( we are in state), Smith College with 25k/yr and research position

Waitlist: Bowdoin

Rejected: Dartmouth and Brown

She has chosen Smith College and we put down a deposit last night! Just waiting to finalize soccer commitment, her road has been weird, normally you commit early and apply ED but she wanted to see where she got merit $ so wasn’t willing to apply ED, plus had BTB ACL tears, she had offers to play at two of the schools she turned down, picked Smith b/c it was her favorite school and is hoping the soccer piece works itself out.