Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

Maybe …maybe not.


Although I respect and appreciate your opinion there is no misunderstanding, just not agreement in terms of mask wearing post-vaccine.

It’s not my opinion it’s what the experts are saying. Here is just one reading from the Cleveland Clinic about why you should still be wearing masks after being vaccinated. You can find many similar articles online about why and where you still be wearing a mask even if vaccinated. You won’t find too many from respected physicians/experts saying go ahead stop wearing the masks. Why to Keep Wearing a Mask After the COVID-19 Vaccine – Cleveland Clinic.


I’m sure that student would have made the most out of either place…bloom where you are planted!


I’m assuming we’re done debating this.


I’m not interested in debate but rather diversity of thought and opinion :+1:

I’m assuming we’re done expressing diversity of thought and opinion on the topic. :grin:


I’ve never uploaded an image so I hope this works. It’s in regards to AP exam and how students can skip it but they must update the school. I wrote to Brown AO and asked specifically and they said S21 doesn’t have to take it as long as his class rigor is the same and he maintains good academic standing. Saves me $$.


Has your son made his final choice yet? Is it Brown? For what it is worth, my sophomore daughter has loved her time there–pandemic and all.

@NJMom18 How can anyone not love Brown? I’m drinking the koolaid and I know better as a marketing mgr! They come home tonight and I’m sure we will be making a deposit tomorrow morning! I just feel like it would’ve been nirvana for me had I had a chance to go to Brown. :joy: Hubby said campus is small but manageable and he felt very safe there. Seems like a great college town area. I had them walk from the restaurant to the hotel first night to see how it felt walking there at night. I can’t wait to get the download from them tomorrow.


How would we know there are no outbreaks without any contract tracing?


Well, they waitlisted me. So there’s that. :sweat_smile:


Well I am an alum too so I have been drinking the Kool aid for about 30 years! My father used to say my friends and I all sounded like we were in a cult when everyone asked us if we liked school and we all said “we LOVE it” It is a really good place for a self-motivated kid who wants to pick and choose what really interests him or her. Professors are very accessible and there are research opportunities available as early as freshman year for those who want them and it doesn’t always have to be in your core field, but just in something you find interesting. I was not a STEM student, but took an advanced bio class my freshman year because my AP score skipped me out of the intro class and my friend and I got to go on a research trip with my professor who was doing work on deer antler regeneration.


Wait, is it common that colleges require students to take the AP exams? I’d never heard that before!

I think my S21 will take most of his, but there’s two that conflict with mandatory training for his summer job (our district is doing the last administration in June) so he’s planning to skip. He wouldn’t get credit for them at his college anyway. Is this an issue?

Congratulations to everyone who got accepted! It’s been a rough ride!


Well, I loved my time at Brown as well–great school, and Providence is like a smaller, somewhat less gritty version of Boston, with beautiful historic aspects. East Side where Brown is located is nicest part of the city. However, they rejected my kid who was more academically qualified than the several they do admit each year from the same HS. So I love Brown a little less now :grinning:


My son is not taking his AP Stats exam. Our district doesn’t have any rule that you must take the exam to get credit for the class. He didn’t enjoy the class or the teacher and her style and doesn’t feel prepared for the test, I’m fine with him
sitting the AP test out for this one.

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No. Not common at all. Some colleges, though, expect communication when they actual differs from what the applicants said they would do on the application. Dropping or changing a class is something almost every college expects to have communicatied. Nit taking an AP exam? Only the UCs seem to require this to be communicated.


@AlmostThere2018 It’s not required and at this point in a senior’s life, I don’t think it matters if they take the exam other than college credits and also, as mentioned, the UCs are pretty strict about getting updates if your classes and plans change. I think they and common app ask you to list tests you plan to take in the spring back when they applied.

I have heard that admissions will wonder why students take a bunch of AP classes but then not take tests. It just gives them reasons to interpret negatively during the admission process. But that’s mainly before senior year.

@gotham_mom jealous of this fun trio! So fun! :grin: