Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 2)

If you have to use your credit card and incur fees, please get one with cashback of some sort so you recoup some of the fees.

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Hey, no offense taken. I was responding to the teens thinking all of TAMU is conservative, not anything you wrote.


Yep, I was trying to get airline miles. I read some schools do not charge a fee for the enrollment deposit with a CC.


I wished they didn’t. Imagine how many points we would get back! :joy: I would earn a companion pass every year on Southwest Airlines.


We’re going for the points as well and plan on paying the bills at Tech with our credit card…2.5% processing fee but my husband thinks it will be worth it in the end

Ran into my neighbor yesterday. He has been accepted off the wait list at UC Boulder already. Good sign for those of us at the waitlist bar?


My daughter has decided. She will be going to Bryn Mawr!



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Congratulations! Great choice!

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Congratulations to you and her! Great school! It must feel fabulous to have a decision.

My D has at least narrowed it down to Barnard, Smith, Vassar, and Bryn Mawr, lol. Really, though, if I didn’t ask so many questions, she’d commit to Barnard today.

Anyway, it sounds like your D made a great decision!


Congrats to your D – love all of those schools! (I could only get my D to apply to Vassar, and I still can’t help but wonder if she made the right choice – a different SLAC that’s more remote.)

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My daughter is enamored by the proximity of the states and cities on the east coast because she’s lived all her life in a small city where you have to drive at least 6+ hrs to get to another state. She mostly refused to apply to truly remote schools mainly for that reason. Smith is the most remote of her choices she’s still considering, but she likes that the town of NoHo is there.

I really like Vassar and could see her fitting in there. But, I think the Big Apple is calling her.

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@havenoidea What an amazing list of schools your daughter had to choose from and kudos to her for earning her spots!


I watched the ask me anything with the Yale Dean of admissions and they said the gap year deadline for accepted students is May 3rd, and that was firm. Mainly so they could evaluate whether to take anyone off the wait list.


Our Ds are truly opposite: mine is Big Apple born and raised and wouldn’t even take the subway to tour Barnard much to my chagrin. She was determined to be in the country – Haverford and Bryn Mawr were too suburban for her, whereas I think they’re ideally located. I really thought she would apply to Smith b/c she loves Northampton.

My biggest concern with Barnard would be that even though it’s a real campus, students scatter into the rest of the city, particularly on weekends. That said, I don’t know any Barnard students, so take that with 1,000 grains of salt!

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Yay! Another Mawter Mama! Congrats to your D and for your family for being done! See you on move-in day!


Yes. That was informative, as well as their podcasts, but …

Read a lot about the Yale having increased their student numbers for the past few years, with new their colleges… so maybe they will find a way to select from the WL (so many hopefuls !!!)

Thanks for the reply… feels really odd that there is little to no Yale convo, but plenty of other IVY and non IVY institutions …

It is rarely worth incurring the fees to get points.


This is a very good problem to have - all fantastic schools! Maybe put a map on the wall and throw a dart? Or do the coin flip trick - heads is one school, tails another, is she happy with what the coin says or disappointed? I’ve heard this works.


Specifically, the “ask me anything” was on Tuesday night for admitted students and their parents (part of the Bulldog Days of April, the virtual new student programming). What it said to me was that Yale might very well go to the waitlist this year if enough 2025 students gap. However, from everything I have been hearing, it looks like housing is going to be VERY tight with the largest first year class ever (with 2025 and gap 2024) and Yale is doing creative things to find spaces for all first years and sophomores. Yale said they will not overcrowd rooms though.

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