Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

This group of young adults are truly mastering the pivot-and-thrive mentality. I’m glad she’s bouncing back emotionally. Confident she will find her way!


Congrats to all HS class of '21 grads and parents. We did it!


Does she really need the AA - it seems like the goal would be to set gen Ed’s out of the way. Do schools like LMU care about the AA for transfers - I would guess not.

She (most likely) doesn’t need the AA if she ends up transferring, but it’s certainly better than nothing (especially in a health related tech field) if she does not. Four year college may or may not be in her future so best to plan in a way that works either way.


D21 found out that her small LAC will have 20% more freshman kids this fall. She is happy (small size school was a concern) but we are wondering how this will affect course and housing selections.

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From what I’ve seen at other schools that overenrolled, study lounges will be converted to dorm rooms, doubles will be converted to triples, etc. It will be crowded fall semester, and then will clear out a little bit in the spring as some students don’t return. As far as classes, my guess is that they will offer some larger online versions of high-demand freshman classes since by now all classroom space has been allocated. She may need to hit the dining halls at non-peak times too, but it will eventually return to normal as they make adjustments.


Have they offered ‘perks’ to study abroad next year, or start in Jan or Fall 2022?

I assume like some other LACS they will also have fewer sophs/jrs/srs studying abroad next Fall (and maybe next Spring) which will also put further pressure on housing, dining, class availability, etc.

From what I know, they have offered vouchers to live off of campus. They had built housing in the downtown area near the campus in the recent years.

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S21 had his advising/registration this morning…start to finish 12 minutes lol!! He had 2 mock schedules ready to go in the Schedule Builder prior to this morning, but was running into two classes he needed being full. We were nervous because he must take 15 hours a semester to maintain his merit scholarship and is coming with 24 hours from his Dual Credit and AP Scores so a majority of his Gen Ed are all covered (all English, History, Gov’t and the required Multicultural electives)…he met with his advisor via Zoom and she was like “No problem, I see open sections on my end, I’m going to go ahead and register you so you’re good”. And that was it! It was so smooth! He liked his Advisor and is feeling great about his schedule…he doesn’t have any classes before 11:00 am and will be done by 5:00…he’s NOT a morning person so this worked out well!!

We’re about 75% done with his dorm shopping, executed end notarized POA forms & Advanced Medical Directives and have knocked out dental & eye doctor appts…all that’s left is a Raiderland Experience (on campus portion of Orientation) and then move in!! Dorm move in time slots open for signup July 1, we’re aiming to move him in on Aug 14th.


Is anyone starting to feel a sadness that your child is leaving? I am very excited for S and think he will have a fantastic time at school, but I also can’t stop feeling sad that he is leaving.


Yes! Mine already left. Went on a graduation trip and then directly to his school’s summer program for 5 weeks. I am sorry not to see him everyday, but the excitement for all the new experiences and opportunities balance the sadness.


Can anyone recommend an allergen barrier mattress protector that fits over a 3 inch mattress pad?

Yes, I am with you. So happy that she is happy, but realizing it’s a 3 plus hour plane ride and 2 hour time difference does pull at my heart strings. I know we tend to qualify many of our comments with— it’s been a dumpster fire of a school year and we want all good things for those kids, but regardless we will be quite sad come September. We have also had so much MORE time with them this past year because they couldn’t do all of the more common social high school activities so that adjustment will be tough.

Yes, I think the fact that he was home so much during the pandemic is making it harder. He is rarely home now that everyone is hanging out again, so that should make the transition easier.

I am wondering this as well! All I have bought so far is a set of sheets and some IKEA bags. Feeling very behind!

Is anyone shopping any of the Amazon prime day sales?

Yes. Strangely, I felt not too emotional at graduation since I’m so focused on him leaving in August.


Hey all, someone posted a link a while back or recommended some kind of beads for the dorm rooms… For the life of me I cannot remember the name of the thing. If anyone does, can you please share the link or the name of the product?

D21 is done, we had graduation Saturday night and a graduation brunch Sunday morning. She also gave her two week notice at work so she can have a little down time before she heads to Colorado. The boss loves her, she is the only employee who has been there since the restaurant opened, so he convinced her to agree to being the on call person after she is done - only to be called in an emergency LOL.

I did buy a few things on Amazon and Target today (Target & Walmart are also having big sales) but nothing exciting - I need her input for the fun stuff and I promised her we wouldn’t start that until later this week. I got some phone charger cords, two different extension cords, a tiny first aid kit (will need to supplement with some medicines) and a JBL clip speaker. She has a good speaker but it’s kind of big, the clip one is pretty small and sounds great, plus you can clip it to a backpack or bag which is nice.

I am definitely getting sad about her leaving, especially when I think about the fact that S23 will the only one left at home - he acts like he doesn’t care but he loves having his sisters home. It doesn’t help that instead of “soiling the nest” D21 is being so sweet and hanging out with us more than usual.


Ugh, UM just updated their housing info today and said that only a few singles will be given and everyone will be in a double, triple or quad. While we didn’t request a single, I have no doubt as I’ve been saying for months that they’ve probably been overenrolled. They have a room they call economy double and let me tell you, the room is tiny and most likely is a single room where they put 2 people in it. As my son stated, it’s a room with bunk beds it’s so small. He showed me a pic and I couldn’t believe how small it was. We didn’t check that box, but of course, when your dorm ultimately is randomly assigned what does that really mean? Nothing!!

Do you mean the beads for odors? Or something else?

I saw someone in a local FB group pumping these up months ago so I figured why not. I can’t stand the smell of my son’s room lol. I bought them and best thing ever. They are essentially odorless and make a huge difference. He doesn’t mind them either and so a definite must for college IMO.

Otherwise, haven’t found anything useful at Amazon today besides buying $50 in gift card to get a $10 promo and I did buy him his printer, but at Best Buy which was half the price as Amazon. Go figure.

Oh also, for those looking at Dormify, they have 25% off today.