Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

The economy double (11x12 or 12x12) has been around a long time. A couple dorms that I know of at UMich with economy doubles are Markley and MoJo.

Usually, you’ll have to fully loft the beds in order to create more space. You will need to either pay a company that UMich uses/authorizes to loft the beds for you before you get there or you will need two very strong people to lift that friggin’ bed up high enough to place the TINY pins into those TINY little holes. Of course, I was elected, along with my D’s roommate’s dad, to loft both beds.

And then I was elected twice more to help two other rooms down the hall since I was so good at it. :man_shrugging:

My D went with the mid-loft arrangement freshman year, but she had a bigger room than an economy double.


Haha, I saw what that company charges and if I had someone like you, I would be using your services too - probably not even a workout for you ;)! My husband is literally the least handy person in the world. I’m handy, I’m just not strong and way way out of shape. I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that however the dorm room shakes out, we will be moving in on 8/23 just us, and then the roommate will be coming after us and hopefully my son will be out of there and give the roommate some space for him and his parents because if no a/c (likely) then it’s just cruel to be sitting there moving in with 6 people in the room at once.

Mid loft is nice, as that’s what mine had at Cornell and her dresser fit under.

The rumor had been Markley was being torn down, then last year it was the covid dorm, what do you think the odds are that this year they wind up needing it for overlow? I guess that’s better than sleeping in a lounge.

Mine got an email about a week ago that his housing request is being worked on and if they need more info they will let him know, not to send anything else. So at least we know his assignment is not made yet and in the works. That tells me too that the program and honors housing is probably all complete, if I had to guess.

Bottom line, he went to overnight camp and lived in a old cabins, although they did have bathrooms and were spacious, but if they could live like that for 8 weeks, they can handle a dorm and at least it’s not a year of covid where they’re stuck staying in.

Oh, I’m not handy either, but “round peg into round hole” is definitely my speed. :laughing:

I’d be very surprised if Markley is not used this year. To the best of my knowledge, its replacement isn’t even started yet.

University of Illinois - all campuses, just mandated the vaccine. U. of I. to require vaccinations for all students returning to its 3 campuses this fall - Chicago Sun-Times

A little late to the game, but better late than never, unlike some of the schools my other kids attend that are either not doing anything about a vaccine mandate (thanks to the Governor/legislature) and/or only requiring freshman, which is ridiculous. Faculty are still hesitant to come back if students are not vaccinated. I’m happy at least these are not schools in states with low overall vaccination rates, but it would still make things so much easier the more people that had it the further things could go.

Lots of parents complaining about the number of remote classes.

Yes, those odor beads! Thank you! Didn’t find anything on Amazon either…found stuff at BBB but can’t ship to school until Sept.7th… :confused: I did buy some stuff and will take it with us when we go, but the big items will have to wait until they start accepting packages. I keep checking stuff off the list, but it just keeps growing… :flushed: This can be fun, but also sooo tiring…

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Here they are. I saw some today that had an extra one in the smaller size with a discount which was cheaper per ounce for the two combined but you can only buy one set. Fresh Wave Odor Removing Gel, 15 oz. - Special Value 2-Pack

I usually buy the 15oz jars. I saw Target also has it but more money there.

Thank you for clarifying, because I was envisioning Greg Brady’s attic beads.


Got them!! :partying_face:

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Hey! Now that I’ve seen it, I am feeling very tempted!! I’ll make sure to post some pics! :joy:

Remote classes? Which school is this?

Not quite sad about S21 going to college because I’m (1) more excited for him to start his new adventure without us (2) too worried getting paperwork submitted like health insurance waiver (tomorrow’s to-do) (3) looking forward to being a family of 3 where D24 will get a chance to be the only child for a while. She gets it on the back end. S21 was only child for his first three years and now D24 gets to be only child for her last 3 years of high school.

I wasn’t too excited about Prime Day this year. Ended up getting toothpaste and floss made by my own company, so that’s literally not exciting whatsoever. I had made a list for son’s college things but prices didn’t even go down other than the hydroflask bottle scrub brush. That went down by $2 since I added to the list.

I am very underwhelmed by this year’s Prime Days. I haven’t bought a single thing.


Hi All, I have finally caught up on all the posts. Sincere congratulations on all your kiddos’ achievements!!! Like everyone said; it has been a brutal year; a lot of lessons learned for S23.

As for Prime Day, like most everyone here, not much luck here. The biggest score was a Panasonic hair dryer . An expensive dryer to begin with ; but got it for 30% off.
I will share link later. Most useful for full & long hair aka D21.

Anyone thinking to get a small air purifier for the dorm.? D21 have allergies & thinking it will be helpful. Any thoughts?

Like many have noted, it is starting to sink in that S21 will be off to college soon. As a family of six, with each graduating kid, our household dynamic has changed. However, this time it will be most apparent as we will now just have one left at home, and she gets her license around the same time as S21 heads off to college. So she won’t be needing me as much either :weary:. Plus, even though S19 left us two years ago, thanks to Covid, he was home much more than he should have been as a college student.

Unlike my older two, S21 was able to not only choose a roommate, but he was also able to choose his dorm and the actual room as well. Initially he planned to go random for a roommate assignment, but then decided to try and match with someone. His college uses a matching process called “mycollegeroomie” and thru that process he met several guys. He and one of them decided to room together, then another two guys they “met” opted to share what his college calls a suite but it is really just two doubles that share a bathroom - there is no shared living space.

As it turns out, though we are 8 hours from his campus, his roommate lives 2.5 hours away from us in an adjacent state. Last week, his roommate was doing his “senior/beach week” trip at the beach in our state (S21 was actually there with his friends the previous week). He invited S21 down there to meet/hang out with him so on his day off, S21 went down to the beach for the day. Fortunately, it went well, they got along, etc. So that’s a good sign. Now hopefully they will be compatible as roommates!

S21’s school year starts much earlier than my older two’s schools did, so he leaves really early. We leave for move-in seven weeks from today. I feel like his summer just started! S19 leaves the following week but he is there early as a fall athlete. His classes don’t start until 8/30 while S21 starts on 8/16.


Seen it at both Texas and Michigan so far - mainly for the large lecture classes. My kid was fortunate not to have any at Michigan, but he did a lot of research beforehand also. Michigan only has a requirement of anyone living on campus needing to be vaccinated. All are encouraged to upload vaccine info in any case as there are more places you can go unmasked if you’re vaccinated.

UT there seem to be a lot, especially for the freshman, but I think some are confusing the fact that certain courses are always online even before covid, but also then there are many large ones that are going to be online and some kids seem to be picking classes based on “time” and not necessarily looking at the modality. Texas has no vaccine mandate at all and no verification process either, so faculty have no idea how many students may or may not be vaccinated. I think it’s higher than people think, but with no record of it, who really knows?

Is anyone else getting ads from On Campus Marketing, trying to sell dorm supplies, sheets, towels, etc.? They have the school name in the subject line (St. Mary’s College of Maryland, in our case). It seems like a useful gimmick, but we get one almost every day.


@th03 We got an air purifier for D19 because she is at school in New Orleans and everyone said the rooms can get mold easily. It was a small one from Amazon and seemed to work fine. Of course the girls forgot to ever change the air filter so I did it when I visited! I don’t think I’ll be getting one for D21 but it’s pretty small and fit next to D19’s desk easily so I’ll think about it.

Here is the one we got - I just picked randomly so not sure if there are much better ones or if they are all similar.

Boulder is still having some remote classes which stinks. They say it’s only the big lectures over 200 kids but I have seen some smaller classes that still say remote.

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We have the Honeywell’s at home. We haven’t discussed, but assuming the future roommate is OK with it, then D will take hers to college. Even if you have don’t have allergies, air purifiers will reduce dust and other air particles and also help clean the room of viruses (see Covid-19) and bacteria.

Generally, it’s just a lot of crap that I don’t need. However, I did buy some new running shoes and got $10 off. Big whoop. :man_shrugging:


Pretty unimpressive, huh? I bought the ‘beads’… :expressionless: Might look for a humidifier. But that’s about it.