Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Yes classes that were online before Covid will still be online now but no others. I would love to know how many faculty and staff and students are vaccinated. I see the topic discussed on the school’s Patio app with most kids pro vaccine. I wonder when Delta starts rising in # if this will drive people back to vaccines.

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Well, actually there are plenty that are remote that were not remote before covid, but there are also the usual online classes that have always been online.

For instance, at Michigan the Physics lectures are always in person. But this year, the larger ones are remote. There are a couple sections in person but by the time freshman registered, the only one open was the early morning one. My son wound up switching his schedule because once he got a waiver to take something else, he was advised not to take 4 stem courses and he’s hoping he earned a 5 on the AP test to avoid it anyway. But he had signed up for the in person one. They were being taught differently as well, so one might suit someone’s learning style differently also. One was an hour 4x/week vs 2 hours 2x/week. One was having daily quizzes, the other more group based work. But, again, tradeoffs for both types and people just had to pick what worked better for them.

At UT, there are a lot of courses that kids are not looking at the modalities so then they’re signing up for remote not realizing it. There are sections they can take in person, but similarly to UM, many of the large ones are remote. They stated a few months ago that only about 91% or something like that will be in person this fall. I am not sure if they’re requiring Professors to come back fully in person or leaving it up to them. My daughter who will be a junior, has one class that is online, but that class has always been and it’s not in her major. She is waiting to hear if she’s accepted to a Masters program and if accepted then her schedule will change. Hopefully those classes will all be in person as her current major coursework is. She’s ready to go back in person, especially after also having a remote internship this summer.

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Question about AP score reporting:

My kid and I went on his College Board account on June 20 (deadline for free score report) and requested that his scores be sent to the university he’ll be attending in the fall. The process of requesting the report seemed smooth.

But when I go on the College Board site now, I can’t see any indication that we made that request. When I click on “Your past score orders,” it says “No history on record.” Does that just mean that scores haven’t been sent yet? That would be fine; his scores shouldn’t be sent until the 2021 test scores are available. Or does that mean that no request has been registered?

I’m also now questioning the fact that I can’t see any evidence that he took tests this year. I’ve been assuming that his 2021 tests will show up after those scores are available in July, but now I’m nervous–should they show up as tests he’s taken, with scores not yet available?

If your kid took AP tests this year, are you able to see them listed on their College Board page? And if you requested that scores be sent to the college they’re attending in the fall, do you see any record of that?

@textbooked The college you chose to send scores should be listed in your AP Profile. No, the tests that were taken this year don’t show up until they release the scores.

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Thank you! Big sigh of relief. Your single-sentence instruction helped me find a record of the score report request, while the university’s page-long, multi-step instructions with screenshots did not. :man_shrugging:t3:

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So, we are realizing that we are unlikely to fit all of S21s stuff in one SUV, especially since he got an early morning move in timeslot so we have to go day before and H and I will need overnight bags.

H thinks we should rent a one-way Uhaul or rental car so we can drive back together but I am wondering if it makes more sense to ship some boxes ahead of time? I’m worried about trying to shop at our destination in case things are out of stock. What have other people done? (Drive is 4-5 hrs depending on traffic.)

If it can’t all fit in your SUV, will it fit in his dorm room? We had to fly to our D17’s college and rented a medium size SUV and picked up her items at BBB, Target and Ikea when we got there, including a minifridge/freezer. We were able to fit it all. S19 had less stuff than she did and we were able to fit everything in our own SUV, including overnight bags since we also spent the night before driving home.


I agree with @4kids4us - if it doesn’t fit in the SUV, it’s going to be a tights squeeze in the dorm room. Start paring down ; )


Are we talking about a Honda CR-V or a Chevy Suburban? Sounds like too much stuff to me, unless you’re taking a surfboard and pinball machine. :laughing:


Small SUV - BMW X3. We will have 3 passengers so we lose use if backseat and need room for 2 small suitcases that will not be going with him. But, maybe we can fit it all if we try.

The prices of rental cars are crazy these days - you could ship quite a bit of stuff for less than the price of a rental if you send it FedEx or UPS ground. I say ship a box or two and drive your own car.


Can you try to squeeze the parents stuff into a small bag?


The X3 is small. I’d ship boxes. And then enjoy the ride down and back with lots of room in the cabin.

Personally, I don’t think I’d show up to campus with a U-Haul. That seems a bit over the top to me.


We could never fit all of our stuff in a small SUV, maybe not even in a big one. :joy: Between bedding which takes up a ton of space (girls so mattress topper, sheets, comforter, soft blanket, bed pillows, decorative pillows…), regular stuff like fan/desk supplies/hangers/ shower stuff and then the huge plastic storage drawers for under the bed there was just no way.

Renting a big SUV or minivan would be great if you can find one. We have been lucky that both schools have a program where you can ship boxes and they will be waiting in the dorm room when you get there and it is such a help. Saves lugging the stuff there and saves time bringing stuff from the car to the room.


For D18, Michigan made it easy for us. We shipped a few large boxes FedEx Ground in advance and they held the boxes in the assigned dorm’s basement until we came to move in. And then we went to BBB and picked up a few additional items.

With D21, we have a 3-hour drive and we’ll pack everything in our SUV. If she can’t fit everything into our SUV, then we’ve got a problem. :laughing: We’ll pick up anything else she needs at the local Target or BBB or whatever.

Buy a roof top soft carrier for the soft items. Should be well under the cost of a rental car and would allow you to travel both ways together. Many don’t even need rails/bars on the car.


How much stuff can he possibly have that won’t fit into an SUV? We drive my daughter to Cornell and she packed everything except the kitchen sink and it still all fit in our small SUV plus our suitcase and her stuff for the added days to drive there. We then also made a Target trip and picked up even more crap while our car was stuffed to the max. Agree with others that if you think you need to rent a uhaul then you have too much stuff. My other daughter also lived in a dorm room that was a suite with a living room and kitchen and her stuff all fit in a large rental car.

I think they’re starting to come way down. We just reserved a car in Austin for August for only $150 for 4 days. I was shocked how cheap it was considering when I just moved my daughter out it was more than that for one day for a smaller car.

Hopefully your rental car will actually be there. My H had a colleague who rented a car in advance and when he arrived at the airport there were no rental cars and I take it, just a sorry, or too bad, nothing we can do. This was a over a month ago, so maybe not as much of a danger of that now.

Hope not, but if it is, then I guess we will just hop in an uber instead and deal with it. I didn’t have a problem in May when there was definitely a shortage in either Austin or Syracuse when I had to go to Ithaca so hopefully none in August either.

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