Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Ha! Glad I’m not the only one shopping alone for dorm stuff! I’ve been just sending D photos or links of stuff I think she’d like and she ok’s it. I think she thinks we have a lot of time yet but I really just want to get stuff done. I feel like I’m nesting like when she was born. I seem to care more about her bedding than she does!


Yep, D said she would pick out bedding but she didn’t care what anything else looks like - so different from D19. With D19 we had three sets of towels sitting in the dining room because she couldn’t decide which set was the exact shade of blue/grey she wanted- D21 grabbed towels at the first store and was done. :joy:

We need to ship her stuff before July 22nd when we leave for vacation so I am trying to get as much as I can organized by the end of next week. We will bring some stuff with us as well but I love the option of having things waiting in the room when we get there.


You’re definitely not. I pretty much have a small discussion about color, buy stuff, it comes to the house and then my son says yes or no once he sees it. I still have to run to dormify to return something this weekend, but he is keeping the other stuff at least.

I also cannot believe the size and wastage of some of the boxes BBB is using to send stuff in.

Speaking of, everyone should make sure their orders arrive in tact. We ordered 2 of the laundry mesh bags (now on clearance) from BBB and they came today with the shower caddy and 1 bag was missing. I’m assuming whoever read the order misread and only put in 1. I had to double check I didn’t miss it (we had at least 6 boxes of stuff that came) but I didn’t. So I just had to deal with that through their online chat.

It’s so easy to buy stuff when you know you don’t have to ship it to the school!

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We cancelled one reservation in Ithaca when I saw that the hotel for the same nights was less. I had to prepay for the first night in the original reservation. Of course, what am I noticing now? It’s that we haven’t gotten a refund yet for that! I tried calling the hotel directly, they forwarded me to the manager. I got vm so I left a message. No call back. Now it’s been about a week so instead of me chasing them down, I decided to just dispute it on my credit card. I don’t have time to sit on hold all day with them, or Hilton Honors and there’s nothing that says this is non-refundable. It’s refundable until a couple of days before the stay starts, it’s just an aggravation and makes me wonder how many people have this issue. Same thing happened with the Statler Hotel which is the one Cornell owns when we thought we were going in August and I cancelled completely. That was like $1,000 charge. So, a week later when no credit, I emailed them. The guy responded to me right away and the credit showed up the next day, but seriously, for people who don’t look at their credit card bills (sadly I know a lot), they must get taken advantage of often!

I do that too. D said she wanted a white comforter but we didn’t see one the day we went out. She picked out two blankets (will decide which to keep when she finds decorative pillows that match I guess??) then I just ordered a few white comforters online. I still have the one from Dormify we forgot to return two years ago for D19 as well. Right now I have a pile of 4 comforters sitting in the pile while she waits for one more to be delivered next week so she can compare them. :joy: I should take a picture to put on here - it is driving DH crazy!

If she doesn’t pick the Dormify one (I thought it was kind of thin) then it will go to her friend I have been helping with all the college stuff. so at least it will get used finally.


Make sure you pay attention to the return timeline at Dormify. I think it’s only 30 days if I remember correctly!

WooHoo!!! D made a 7 on her IB HL Math exam (she already has a 5 on AP Calc BC from the abbreviated COVID exam). She did not need IB score for her school. But she wanted to take the exam to prove the 5 on Calc BC during the COVID fiasco abbreviated test was deserved. Plus it looks good for the math teacher who she has for 3 years and adored.


Are there any girls out there not getting a white comforter? D is too and almost everyone else I know has a daughter who wants white too! It’s a ridiculous idea for a dorm room bed so I made her get a darker colored throw that I hope she’ll use if anyone is eating/drinking on the bed!

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MY daughter wanted (and got) a white comforter last year for her dorm room. But I also purchased a fairly inexpensive duvet cover she could easily remove and wash to keep the bed more pristine. They have many on amazon if that is something others are interested in.


By the time we picked my son up to come home freshman year the color of his comforter was no longer definable.

Between his lack of awareness as to how to use (or not use) bleach and prolonged usage of his bed as a communal couch we just put it all in the garbage and went to bed bath and beyond.

Cheap in hind sight should have been the only guiding principle.


right. I guess it just depends on what they do on the bed. Our S at Bowdoin never has anyone on his bed to socialize because all rooms have their own separate living space with futons and that’s where kids sit to hang out. It will be different for D. And she’s a coffee drinker so I see a lot of coffee stains in her future! I agree with buying a cheap comforter and we did just that!

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So here’s another thing that maybe has come up in this thread before, I can’t remember-- kids not using top sheets! It makes no sense to me, but I know so many kids/teens who have stopped using them (which means you need to wash the duvet cover more often). My kids are super tall, so I think for them it’s the annoyance of the flat sheet coming untucked. Anyway, for my '20 grad I gave up and just got him a fitted sheet and thin coverlet that (in theory) can easily fit in a washing machine and be washed more often. I knew there was no way he would remove a duvet cover, wash it, and replace it.

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For the last 5 years or so…no top sheet, and just a soft blanket for S21 (not even a comforter!). We shall see how often his fitted sheet and blanket get washed while at school!:laughing:

D19 has had a white comforter for two years, and so far so good!


Same for D21. Bottom sheet and a blanket. I’m forcing the comforter and the throw on her! I swear they will end up on the floor with all of the pillows unless I visit and she puts the bed back together for me!

Just don’t make any surprise visits :rofl:

Not sure I’ll be dropping by Colgate unannounced! Hm… maybe D thought of that when she chose it!

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My daughter doesn’t like a top sheet either. It kind of drives me crazy! But I just have to let go…

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My D got a gray comforter. :slight_smile:


Ha! I made D get dark grey sheets! Of course, they’ll be hidden by the white blanket, white comforter and half dozen decorative pillows…

Funny about the decorative pillows. All of D’s former dance team teammates who are a year older told her not to bother with them because they just end up on the floor the whole time. I doubt she would’ve bothered with many anyway.

They also told her get a full length mirror so you don’t get body dysmorphia. :joy:

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