Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

My daughter and her roommate decided on a plaid bedding theme, so we ordered a lightweight reversible quilt. I think she might be more apt to wash that then her duet cover at home, which is hard to get back on her comforter.


My S had asked for white and I basically said no, lol. He will have a comforter cover in a color. But, I also realized that the comforter insert is white, so if he really wanted, he could just go without the cover (presumably that wouldnā€™t work for long, and washing the comforter seems an unlikely undertaking in the dorm). It comes down to the quality of the covering on the comforter insert. The one I bought is decent enough, high thread count cotton, though not as durable as the really expensive comforters.

Suddenly realizing time is running out. We have a busy few weeks with some family travel, appts, one kid has orientation, and before we know it, itā€™ll be mid Aug.

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Oh Iā€™m clear on the decorative pillows and how they will end up on the floor! I think making her room pretty is more about my nesting tendencies!


My kids donā€™t like top sheets either so the white comforters are kind of a pain. I originally bought D21 a full size comforter because it is nice to have it hang down on the twin xl bed and she will be in an apartment next year. Now I am second guessing the decision since it will be easier to wash a smaller one in the dorm machines.

D19 ended up with a plain white twin xl comforter from Urban Outfitters, she didnā€™t want a duvet because it is such a pain to put back on. The good part is it was soft (what is with this new trend if linen bedding - not soft at all!) and did fit in the washing machine, the bad part was it got a few stains but nothing major. Iā€™ll see if I can find a picture to add.

She also had two soft throw blankets (couldnā€™t decide so kept both!) and three decorative pillows. She loved having the blankets but I donā€™t think she saw the decorative pillows again until she had to dig them out from under her bed when I visited.

@srparent15 The short return time for Dormify is why we still have the comforter- I bought it two years ago for D19 and just kept in in a closet once I realized I forgot to return it on time. :grimacing:

@TVBingeWatcher2 Congratulations - that is amazing!!

@homerdog Itā€™s so funny, I would never have wanted a solid color when I was young. in boarding school I begged for a Marimeko comforter, in college I begged for a Laura Ashley floral duvet!

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I am concerned about my D taking on and off a duvet cover to wash, too, but my D uses a weighted blanket so she needs a cover. I did find a duvet cover (not white!) with a zipper closure instead of all those buttons so maybe that will help it seem less daunting? :joy:

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S is getting a dark comforter and Iā€™m a big duvet fan so I bought him a PB Teen madras plaid one. PBT makes the little sewn in ties that hold the comforter in place inside the duvet. Otherwise my family complains about bunching. Iā€™m probably kidding myself that S will wash this duvet and tie the little ties back on. But he can at least remove the duvet and have a clean start again once. Washing a bulky comforter in the dorm is fairly unlikely to happen when it needs to I think. We are debating the laundry service for the first semester while he transitions. Also debating the top sheet for warm nights or overheated dorms (God forbid) but I probably should just leave that home.

My friend buys cheaper bedding for her S then just throws it out / donates it at the end of the year. There are so many good sales on comforters, etc.


@rbc2018 none of my four kids have used top sheets since they were little! They always hated them. My youngest also hates duvets b/c the comforters never seem to stay correctly inside, even with clips/ties. So I just frequently wash her comforter. My older son absolutely loves his extremely old comforter as a ā€œblanket.ā€ I must admit, it is very soft. I tried to find the same one for him to take to college but it is no longer made anymore (it was a Tommy Hilfiger reversible one). I just got him a soft inexpensive comforter for college that fits in the washer, but after two years itā€™s time to replace. Heā€™s moving up to a full size bed in an off campus house this year soneeded a new one anyway. S21 uses a duvet w/comforter at home, no top sheet. I frequently wash the duvet but there is no way he will do that at school. S19 does wash his sheets regularly at school, but I shudder to think whether S21 will ever wash his, even tho he is good about doing all his own laundry besides sheets.

I just ordered his comforter from Kohlā€™s last night but if I donā€™t like it, I will probably just send him with his IKEA comforter and duvet cover from home.

When D17 was headed off to college, the popular bedding at the time was a really soft duvet cover from Urban Outfitters. Freshman year she had a top bunk that was impossible to change the fitted sheets. She told me she just ended up sleeping on top of her duvet with a light blanket all year. Was easier for her to just wash the duvet and blanket than try to wrangle a fitted sheet on her top bunk!

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The duvets we use have those or I use the padded clips you can buy but even then, comforters donā€™t stay in place that well. I have to pick up the whole ensemble and shake it out or else the duvet is all wrinkly/messy looking.

Iā€™d like people to chime in on how often their kids honestly wash their sheets in college. All of this talk about unzipping duvets and fitting things in washers is making me chuckle a bit because Iā€™m guessing kids hardly ever wash the stuff on their bed. I asked S19 and he said he washed his sheets exactly three times last semester and the last time was to clean them before he packed them up. I think parents need to have very low expectations!


My D21 said she wants navy or dark gray, nothing light in color.

If itā€™s anything like here at home, about every month or so. They have done (or not done) their own laundry since about 4th grade.

If I had known there were easy ways to get a duvet cover on, I might not have banned them from our house years ago. Hereā€™s but one way, there are many more videos with alternative ways!


Ok but stillā€¦no teenager doing that!

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Well I have 2 sons already in college and Iā€™m certain thereā€™s no way they washed sheets 3 times a semester. I mentioned the coverlet idea because hypothetically it would be easy to wash. Did he wash it? Doubtful. My '21 is a girl and a bit more civilized so weā€™ll see :wink: The truth of it is, itā€™s on them. We can give advice but theyā€™ll do it how they want to, and behaviors can change quite a bit from what they would normally do at home.



@Mwfan1921 Iā€™ve been doing it that way for years, after seeing it demonstrated on tv. Easier, but it still is a PITA.

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There are lots of lightweight coverlet sets on Wayfair that are inexpensive but look nice. Soft without the bulk. Iā€™ve ordered them many times.

Reading all these responses, I now understand my daughter is an outlier on sheet washing (including duvet). She is the ā€œget up early Sunday morning and do her laundryā€ kind of girl - so she washed her sheets/towels and clothes every week.

Duvet cover was every other week. She said she found it a very relaxing activity to do every Sunday and then felt she was ready for the next week to properly begin.


D said she did laundry every other week, but sheets only once/month. ā€œToo big of a pain to remake the bed,ā€ was the quote. (Her bed was lofted freshman year).

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S21ā€™s shopping is done! Next week Iā€™ll wash the bedding and start packing it all into vacuum bags. Looks weā€™ll be able to get him into 4 fraakta bags! (aside from his hanging clothes weā€™re slipping Hefty trash bags over and his fridge/computer). Heā€™s still indifferent on ā€œdecorā€ and doesnā€™t seem to care about bare walls/bulletin boards/shelves :triumph::woman_shrugging:t2:

35 days left until move in :sleepy:


It does seem to be the trend this year! I was able to talk my D out of it with vivid stories of the toll dirty shoes, food, etc. will quickly take on white. She hates doing laundry so that did the trick! She went with a dusty coral comforter and will fold it back to show a lightweight white blanket. Her roomie has a blue/gray comforter and they each have throw pillows to tie the color scheme together.

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