Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Costco only has it in one size. It’s a small globe looking fan, most likely can sit on floor (it will be low) on a desk or dresser or shelf if connected to lofted bed.

Also for anyone with older kids (or yourself), Bed Bath and Beyond has a Black and Decker Toaster Oven on sale for $20. Can’t use a coupon on it but it’s normally priced at $34.99. Considering my kids both signed up to be the ones to get a toaster, I decided to go ahead and buy these now since I assume their local BBB will not have them in stock when the time comes to move them in. If we have to bring them with we will, but hopefully I can just order again for pick up there as it gets closer. This is cheaper than Target also and free shipping.

Mine don’t drink coffee so knew they weren’t buying that appliance and one of them the roommates want a keurig, as if they’re getting married. Good opportunity for me to go through my utensils and gadgets and give them my old stuff and I can get the new stuff! :slight_smile:

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The woozoo I got is a PFC-SC 12. It’s only about a foot high. There are larger models, though maybe not at Costco. If my D didn’t have a/c I would likely get a larger fan as well (maybe a window fan) but she got lucky. In a less-steamy climate just the one small woozoo might be OK too. The wind probably wouldn’t be felt across a big room but fine for directing air a few feet away. D plans to put it on her desk, or the shelf over her desk, as it’s small enough to take up little space.

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I feel your pain - I will have 4 separate schools this year (college, 2 boarding schools and local private day school) in 4 states. The tuition payments and health forms are a full time job!

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Ugh I do remember those health forms! Fortunately with college it’s only a one time thing except one school we need to apply for the insurance waiver annually which is stupid. If the kid misses the deadline then they’re automatically enrolled in the $3k+ a year plan. They also don’t remind them about the waiver.

I’m trying to pay one of my tuitions early because I get 3% cash back through Kuly 31 but since the bill has technically not been generated I can’t! Normally we only get 2.5% but they charge 2.3% transaction fee so getting that 3% would be nice. Funny since normally I’d never give money early lol.

I was coming on here to say I was done shopping for everything I can buy at home but now I think I’m heading to Costco to look for that fan! Our biggest hurdle was finding a decorative pillow to match the shade of the throw blankets D had picked (she had two colors in case now was easier to match.) Took a lot of visits to Home Goods, Marshals, Target, etc but after buying NINE pink pillows we finally found a match! :joy:

All we have left to get are the bigger/heavier things we will pick up there. I was surprised everything fit into one big 20x20 box. I kept out the mattress topper. bed bug protector, mattress pad and one set of sheets to pack in one of the Ikea bags -I am just nervous that somehow her box won’t make it and I want to make sure she has bedding the first night!

@srparent15 I remember the days of all three kids being in different schools with different schedules and I was the driver for all three - I felt like I had no spare time and was always missing some kind of school form! Now I am back to kids going all different directions and I am sure I am going to miss something again.

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This is me right now! Worried I will forget something. I think this sums it up well. Also, seeing that one of the apartments for one of my kids charges extra to pay online. Unreal. Bad enough that they have to remember to pay by the 1st of each month, but add that to the equation. They can pay in person a few blocks away (yeah right), pay a 4% surcharge with a credit card, or a flat surcharge for paying online. I guess anything to make some extra $. I am going to show her to just set up online bill payment and set it up for the next 12 months and then she doesn’t even have to think about it other than making sure the $ is in her account and that the money will leave her account well before it’s due. The risk of course is the checks not arriving on time which is always a possibility vs dropping them off in person, but it is what it is. I hate that these places try to gouge students anyway they can.

I even noticed that they have the wrong amount for her lease payments in the online portal. Wonder if that’s intentional thinking that she (or other kids) wouldn’t even notice it since it’s only $10.

Right after I posted that I got a text from another mom about D19’s apartment/lease confusion. It is a 5 bedroom but only 4 names are on the lease (didn’t find the 5th until later) but landlord doesn’t want to do a new lease. For some reason they don’t want the 5th paying the landlord directly so we have to deal with the 5th paying one of the girls and they pay the landlord. Then we found out from a FB post that the landlord is trying to sell the house! The girls just moved in a few weeks ago and have a two year lease. On top of all this we need to try to sublet D19’s room ASAP.

One of the moms is good friends with the landlord from home which we thought would be great (there are so many bad landlords around school) but now it is getting awkward for her.

@momtogkc I thought that unless there was stipulation in the lease, that if the landlord sells the property before the lease term ends, then the buyer must abide by terms of the lease?

My oldest just graduated college but was hoping to stay in her current place, which is a a two bedroom casita behind a single family home. The casita is brand new, she and roommate are the first tenants. Lease ends October 1, they have been there since last October. A few months ago, the owner put the entire property on the market and it is now under contract. She is totally bummed and worried that when her lease ends in a couple months, the new owner will either not renew their lease or will significantly raise the rent, making it unaffordable. They have a dog, so really want to stay since they have a small yard, rather than having to move to an apartment. Nothing she can do but hope they can negotiate with new owner!

Hopefully everything will work out with your D’s place.

@4kids4us Luckily, the mom who knows the landlord is also a lawyer so she is figuring that part out. She lives in CA but she is researching the LA rules. It looks like if we gave the lease recorded in the city then we should be good. None of the girls are currently at the house for the summer so the mom found a company who we are able to pay to record it for us. The landlord is selling it listed as a rental property so hopefully it will all work out! If I had a spare 1.2 million I would buy it - I love the house and the location. :slight_smile:

I wonder that too. We bought a condo that was already rented out. Not sure we could’ve done anything before the lease term ended. Although most leases are beneficial to the landlord so there are probably many early termination clauses for various reasons. In our case we were not looking to do anything with it other than keep renting it out so I admittedly didn’t pay attention to whether we could kick the person out or not.

We just bought a vacation house in CO and it has renters, we have to let them finish the lease.

D21 got her dorm assignment at Hamilton today. She got her top choice! It’s exactly what she was hoping for. It’s a 2-room quad with a decommissioned fireplace, its own bathroom, corner location, overlooking the main quad, right across from the main dining hall. (Hamilton assigns all freshmen.) She is ecstatic!


My son got his housing assignment at UPenn couple of weeks ago and got a single room… though he was hoping for a double room. I think single room might be good for the first year as he didn’t have any room mate picked…that way he can find his people, make friends and get a room mate that he knows for next year…or he might get used to living on his own?
What do you think are pros and cons of living in single vs double room?

My sister had a single at UPenn back in the dark ages, and my S17 and D19 had a singles. They all loved having singles, and all had requested one. I think it’s great because roommate issues create many of the bad experiences for freshman BUT the key, in my opinion, is that the student needs to do a pre-orientation program and meet other students, which both my sister and my kids did. Otherwise it can be a bit lonely having a single in the beginning. I’ll also add that other factors will affect your child’s experience including your child’s personality and how comfortable your child is with meeting new people, joining in activities etc…as well as the configuration of the dorm: are the rooms suite style, are there common rooms and so forth. Just my opinion based on a very small sample.


@comtnmom Thanks! Jealous you bought a place in CO- we love it there and can’t wait to have an excuse for more visits.

Well I guess I am pretty much done dorm shopping for now- went to Costco today and ours didn’t have the Woozoo fan. :frowning: I guess we will just get what we can at move in.

The cons IMO would be missing out on the potential of building a relationship, close or not, with someone you live with everyday. Also, with a double, you could have a “built-in” person to go to various on campus events, if similar interests, and the dining hall. And depending on your strengths and weaknesses, make it easier to meet other people.

My D18 is, at least initially, a shy person. Her roommate freshman year at UMich, was the opposite, extremely gregarious and outgoing. The roommate was from the Chicago area and already knew a zillion people at UMich. D still, to this day, is great friends with one of her freshman roommate’s friends from Chicago. And they take continue to take classes together, since they’re both getting the same minor.

There’s obviously advantages to living alone.


We were in Colorado a few days ago and had a great time. D will major in electrical engineering and I would love it if she ends up in Colorado Springs or Denver metro working in aerospace. I would buy a pull out couch for myself for my visits


@WorriedButNot I think a single mitigates a ton of the social angst and issues that many have with roommates. Yes, you do miss out on bonding with a roommate but remember your kids never had roommates and they made good friends k-12. Because the kids are on campus, they’ll figure out a way to all hang out.


Sounds like the local occupancy law or HOA limits occupancy to 4 and the landlord would be liable if they signed a lease with over 4 people.

fwiw, the limit for most properties in Boulder is 3 unrelated people. It’s very common for places to have a 4th roommate off the lease, but if there are noise complaints the limit will be enforced.

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I was thinking the same thing about occupancy laws. We have the same rule in our town and it is enforced. All it takes is one neighbor to call in a complaint and the person not on the lease will be forced to move.

This would be a big red flag to me.

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