Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I thought about that but didn’t like that I would have had to make two payments (June and July) much earlier than if I do it all in one, and the schools charge for it so ultimately I found that it seemed it was easier to just pay once in August, however UT when my daughter was still OOS has a really good installment plan where you pay $15 and you pay nothing until everyone else does in August at which time 50% is due and the. 25% at the end of September and October. Again since they let you charge and the cash back % is more than the rate they charge plus float you get it’s worth it, but once she became a resident, the tuition was too low to make the $15 installment fee worthwhile since you couldn’t make that up in the float. Ironic that their in state tuition is actually too low for that lol.

There was a one time fee of $75 (I think) to sign up for the installments. You can sign up to start paying in Aug, but you have to pay a down payment also. If you start paying in June, you don’t have a down payment. We signed up for the 10 installments June-March, I can’t wait until April lol

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Yay! :+1:


This is so much better, IMO, than in WA, where UW and WSU are allowing exemptions for personal end philosophical reasons.


I teach at a university in Virginia that is requiring the vaccine. I’ve already gotten an email from an advisee asking where to find the religious exemption. I’m guessing a significant number of them are going to try to game it. Ugh.

I’m sure a lot will. One of S’ friends already has at a large public VA uni. He isn’t religious at all. He is anti covid vaccine. He got the exemption. I’m sure plenty of others will too


They really should make anti-vax employees get tested twice a week using the swab that goes all the way back to the nasopharynx. If I were an employer, I would just charge them a % of the COVID test costs.


What a relief.

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@MommaLue it might sting less when you are hobnobbing with SJP on parents weekend? :grin:


It’s been awhile since I’ve checked in but I’m mostly caught up! D21 isn’t due at Middlebury until Labor Day so I’m hoping to soak up some time with her in August as her friends begin departing for their respective schools. I have waves of sadness thinking of walking away after that last hug, ugh! Just hoping she gets a kind and respectful roommate and makes some connections early on. Midd has also had a higher than expected yield and slower melt, and coupled with deferments and travel abroad/Covid issues, administration is having to leap through hoops to make sure everyone has accommodations. If D21 is in a forced triple, all those shiny packages for her dorm taking over our guest room may have to be re-evaluated!
Hope everyone is having a great summer - hard to believe our 21s are ready to launch!


Wow. Does Midd always start that late? I didn’t know that!!

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@homerdog I think so! Funny, I was going to reach out to you and @gotham_mom and @purplemama to see whether Bowdoin and Williams were also that late! D21 doesn’t meet her advisor or choose a single class until after Labor Day. Roommates are assigned second or third week in August. But tuition is due well before all of that!

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Bowdoin freshman drop off is Aug 24th. They leave the next day for Orientation trips. S19 moves in on Aug 25th but only because of XC. I think most upperclassmen move in on Aug 29th. I assume classes start a few days later. They do have a short fall break for two days mid-Oct and then only Thurs-Sun off for Thanksgiving. I’m surprised Midd can fit a whole semester in before winter break!

At least you get more time before your D leaves!

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I didn’t even think of their ability to get a whole semester in! Midd also has a 2-day October break (so a 4-day weekend), Weds-Sunday for Thanksgiving and not sure how long Christmas break will be. Unfortunately they are not doing freshman trips at Midd, that would have been a great way to start. When is Homergirl starting?

I think Middlebury is on Quarters instead of semesters.


You’re right! I never knew that!

@Solstice155 D21 also moves in on Aug 22nd. It’s getting close! Roommate and dorm assignment should come next week.

Hey there @Solstice155 we are doing a double drop off- D18 at Amherst moves in Aug 28th and D21 to Williams on the 30th.That is only a month away. Stuff is getting real! Enjoy your time together.


Saw your post about forced triples at Midd and have heard from friends with older students at Williams that they’re facing similar housing challenges. First years were supposed to hear about housing in July, but it was pushed back to mid-August. Williams usually has a lot of small singles, so it will be interesting to see how things shake out.
Bummer that Midd isn’t having trips, but nice that you get extra time with your daughter. I can’t believe that we’re in the final countdown.


Today I read article with all the numbers we were up against as a parent of this 2021 high school class that said,

“We hope next year colleges will take more students but we expect admission rates to stay fairly low, though hopefully not as low as this year which may prove to be the toughest year in college admissions history.”

And I’m thinking it would be really nice if CC gave us a special badge :trophy: since we got a kid into college for the class of 2025. Because guys, that was some rough stuff we all faced and at very least we need to have some street cred on here to show for it.


The Naviance data finally updated at our school and it’s eye popping. Especially at the tippy top schools. For example, Normally about 6 get into Stanford and 4 into MIT, but this year both schools are zero.

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