Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

We don’t have naviance so I appreciate those who are sharing results. I’m still not hearing experts talking too much though did get a podcast aimed at juniors which did describe the challenges and some results from last year.

Ours looks bad too. So far, I’ve only peeked at a few of D’s schools and the one that stood out the most was Boston College. We generally get about 12-15 in. Maybe half go. This year 65 applied compared to more like 50 usually. 6 got in. They still got their 50 percent yield from our school as three are going. One of those got the full merit scholarship so they’re paying HER to go! D21 did get in without sending scores.

As for Colgate where D is going, we haven’t had more than four apply each year. One has gone for the last four years. All football recruits that went ED. This year, 12 applied and two got in. D21 and the quarterback recruit. Lol. Phew!


We don’t have Naviance, but from what I saw and heard in our area it was business as usual. We had about the same number of kids accepted to schools talked about here and a majority going to State schools. We did have a significant increase in kids not going to college or military according to a letter from the district and of kids not graduating on time.

Unfortunately, covid made the education gap much wider.


Looked a little more at Naviance. The overall conclusion is that, for the top 20 schools, more kids applied and same number got in (with just a few exceptions).

usually 50 or so apply, this year 86, one got in (typical acceptance number)

usually 60 or so apply, this year 101, eight got in (typical acceptance number)

usually 40 or so apply, this year 69, five got in (typical acceptance number)

usually 80 or so apply, this year 132, nine got in (typical acceptance number)

lots of others with this trend too.


What did you mean by ‘withdraw confirmation’?

I wonder if more also applied to public universities or ones that required tests, like Florida.

Our Naviance is only fully updated with acceptances and enrollees at UT-Austin.

Harvard – 23 apply over last two years; 17 this year. Occasional athlete/legacy and top student gets in.
Northwestern – 26 last two years; 27 this year.
Duke – 36 last two years; 38 this year
Vandy – 66 last two years; 82 this year. 7 typically admitted; 8 this year. Six enrolling. Many ED.
UVa – 59 prior years; 54 this year.
U-M – 43 prior years; 36 this year. 8 admitted prior years.
UT-Austin – 233 applied last two years; 262 this year. 115 admitted last two years; 120 this year. 61 enrolled last two years; 49 this year. Fewer getting desired majors?
Florida – 8 applied last two years; 19 this year. #30 ranking? Not viewed as Southern as UGA.

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@homerdog that’s very impressive, considering Colgate’s massive increase in applications this past cycle!

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@gotham_mom there hasn’t been any mention of them actually implementing forces triples, so hopefully d21 can avoid that fate. The juniors seem to be bearing the brunt of the the overcrowding issue, but Midd is working diligently to make sure everyone that wants to live on campus, can. It will be interesting to see how course selection goes - from what I understand it’s hard to get all the classes you want. And she’ll be navigating all of that on her own, as they do all of that once they are on campus. It will work out one way or another!

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No one ever gets in at those schools from our high school and I know of two that applied in the class of 2025 and the record stands. :roll_eyes:


S21 registered for classes and was able to get his desired schedule and classes. 22 days until move in, time is flying by.


Where you are from definitely matters unfortunately.


Hi everybody, nice to see a new flurry of posts! @solstice, hope the forced triple doesn’t happen, but if it’s does, hope it congenial (and in a big corner room with views of those Vermont mountains!)

I have a new, though hopefully non-issue worry. My D, who has always leaned toward a classic style for herself has suddenly decided she must get an extra piercing (in her earlobe, not cartilage). I’m not crazy about extra piercings, but she’s 18 and it’s probably high time she does something that (in her mind) is a sort of rite of passage. So that’s OK. The thing that bothers me is that she’ll be canoeing, camping and presumably swimming in lakes in 18 days from today for her pre-orientation. It seems an awfully foolish time to do this. Advice online says one should wait anywhere from 24 hours (which I don’t believe) to six weeks for enough healing to take place to swim safely. Last thing I want to do is send her off to college with an infected piercing. I’ve read that a piercing may look healed on the outside, but can take 6-8 weeks to be fully healed on the inside. She has decided she must do this (along with a friend) this afternoon. Am I overly worried? Yikes! I’d rather she wait until she gets back from her trip, even though that will be just before she moves in to college.

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I get a good sampling of S21’s top 50 kids because many seem to hang out around my backyard at times. I think about the same # of people got into the UCs from our school. I’m excited that 2 will go to UCLA since we usually get 4 who get accepted but no one attends. The top 10 kids didn’t all get into UCLA/Berkeley like some of the patterns we saw previously. But the representation of who got into those schools made sense. Not the top kids GPA-wise but certainly well-rounded kids. For the top 20/private schools, usually someone gets into Harvard and maybe one to Duke (2020). This year that we know of, S21 is the only one who go into and Ivy.

We’re kinda oblivious to the housing crunch since we are (paying for it tho) in a Brown bubble. The newspaper at Brown reported that 1000-1200 kids were on the WL and 34 was called up. I’m concluding that they really leveraged ED and and had good RD yield predictions, which saved them from the overcrowding scenario.

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Prioritizing, delayed gratification all good stuff to encourage. Hope she decides to wait. If not, :crossed_fingers: it’s not a problem.


My D21 got a tattoo. I’d rather she got an extra piercing.


Yes, I’m happy that, so far, my D says she can’t imagine she will ever want a tattoo. She hates pain and is generally very cautious (almost too cautious). I don’t really mind the piercing (though it’s not my thing) , I’m just worried about infection. She’s just determined to do this, and I think it’s going to be one of those things where she will have to learn the hard way if it comes to that. I’ll be grateful if that’s the worst risk she takes!


Well, it is done…she texted me the photo!


Had the grad party last Saturday. We total decorated in Miami colors. It was fun but a lot of work.

Today Daughter finally got dorm assignment and move in time. Of course all along they said move in for Freshman would be on August 19 so I have a hotel for the night of the 18th. Now move is 1-3 PM on the 18th. My guess is we will get up early on the 18th and make the 5 hour drive and probably still stay over to avoid 10 hours in one day but I am sure Mrs. Burghdad might have something to say about that.

Daughter happy that her dorm is very close to building nursing school is housed in. Three weeks and counting…


I think in the last year and a half she had delayed gratification up to the gills and just couldn’t take anymore! She came home with a bounce in her step which might just make it worth it.


@inthegarden @Creaky I am very glad to hear this! My son announced today he would like to dye his hair a bright color before leaving for college?!?!?