Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Yes, the blender has a permanent spot now on our kitchen island, typically with a gargantuan canister of protein powder next to it. I guess when they all clear out in a few weeks I’ll have a clean kitchen again.

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Don’t get me started on the blender bottles and the smoothie making! I opened a cabinet and two blender bottles fell out on my head.

The protein powder search is taken very seriously, have to run to Walmart early in the morning when they stock shelves for cocoa pebbles flavored protein powder. H and S love the stuff. Everyone in our house is into smoothies for breakfast so a big part of the food budget is for smoothies now.


Till what age do boys generally grow till? I’ve heard variations between 16-22. Asking to gauge if shorter height would become an issue in a varsity sport like soccer, lacrosse and tennis.

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It depends on the kid. My oldest (6’4") was full height in 9th grade. His brother (6’5") and sister (6’) grew significantly in the last 2 years of high school. My husband claims he grew an inch or two in college. So maybe late bloomers still have a way to go past age 18?

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It’s the springy things of the blender bottles that drive me nuts - they get stuck on the prongs of the dishwasher rack.

I totally hear you on the flavored protein powder. They drive me crazy purchasing a new flavor then deciding they don’t like it so then we have multiple jugs of various flavors (but at least they are wasting their own money, not mine :joy:).

I don’t think my sons know about the cocoa pebbles flavor - I think they would like that. Younger son bought a cotton candy flavor that was a waste - I’m sure I could’ve told him that one would be nasty!

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Our S19 grew another inch between 19-20. Boys in our family grow late. He was 5’1” as a high school sophomore and 5’9” as a senior and now 6’.


As for sports, s19’s height was the reason he stopped playing tennis. He was good and competed in USTA tournaments in middle school but, at some point, you can’t keep up if everyone gets so big. Same with soccer. He played freshman year but was so small. Moved to running and hasn’t looked back.


As someone in a cold weather climate, I absolutely encourage those coming from warm climates to cold ones to be very judicious with what you think your child needs. Every kid is different, but my son is happy to wear shorts and hoodie in -5 degree weather. It’s usually pretty easy to pick something up online if they are one of those perpetually cold people who really need the winter gear. But I’ve literally never bought boots or winter coat or even a hat or gloves for my kid after early elementary school. I’d go in every week or two to collect all of his winter gear he’d stripped off on the playground from lost and found and finally realized it was just not needed.


Exactly. We live in Chicago and D currently owns no winter coat!

As we impatiently wait for the dorm room assignment I can’t help thinking that it would be helpful and less complicated in this Covid world to have only one roommate and not 2 or 3, especially if any of them arrived unvaccinated or were anti-maskers. In our case my son has a small chance of getting his own room in a two room double, a triple, a suite, or a tiny double. :crossed_fingers::pray:t2:

I’m also wondering if the school will use singles for any folks who can’t get the vaccine. Makes sense to me.

Last year some schools reduced density (and exposure) by converting triples and quads to doubles.

The dominoes keep falling. Michigan will now require all students and faculty to be vaccinated by 8/30, the start of the Fall semester.

Thank goodness.


I’ve been obsessed with working out since I was in college. It’s been nearly a lifelong passion of mine. Hopefully, all of this new found interest in diet and exercise will also become lifelong pursuit(s) to your kids.

As for protein powders, be careful, read the ingredients. Personally, I’ve always preferred my protein intake to come from traditional sources, fish, meat, poultry, tofu and my absolute personal favorite, EGGS!


Thank you - this makes me hopeful! :slight_smile:

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The fleece will be good for fall. Check REI Outlet online for winter coats!

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My S’ school is overenrolled and rural, so I’m not sure that they have any options to reduce density and they have some big doubles that might become triples. But, we’ll see. It will be what it is. I was just thinking in your bedroom or personal space might be easier if you had fewer people to be concerned with and nice if they were all vaccinated right off the bat. On the other hand they will be socializing in the dorms so it may not make much of a difference most times.

@gotham_mom @purplemama My son said in his Williams portal it says there are 585 first years and 1917 total students. That would mean 150 fewer students than in “normal” times.

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You can always ask your pediatrician if they will do the test to check if the growth plates are still opened. They offered this to S since he hasn’t grown the last two yrs, but he declined.

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Maybe 150 will be off campus because they are traveling abroad fall semester? (although that seems high, considering covid is still an issue)

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Yes, that would be nice. The reduction of density would have had to have happened several months ago, but definitely harder in a small area without a lot of other student housing options.