Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Oh no! I did not go for the expensive one. Mine is a 3" cooling Sealy one that I figure will last only his Freshman year - already imagined us tossing it into the dumpster on his last day of school (he’s tall, sleeps hot, eats healthy = the thing is gonna smell like farts & I’m not gonna want it in my car on the way home).


I am 100% in agreement with every one of your points, especially #3. What we need to fear is UNVACCINATED people.

LOL. Welcome to the mattress topper club :). I’m so glad I got the tempurpedic when everyone was getting it. I think I paid $169+tax on Amazon. It’s now over $200! I got bungee cords so hopefully, it can go in storage. That baby needs to last for 4 years.


@Zinnia203 Our daughter thought she wanted a firm mattress and pooh-poohed our offer of a mattress topper last year before going off to her first year of college. I wasn’t particularly bothered, as it saved us some money and I thought to myself, “Live and learn.”

Upon entering our house at the end of spring semester, one of the first things she said to me was, “Order a mattress topper asap for next semester, I like a firm mattress but the dorm mattress killed my back.” And she is a wee thing just over 5ft and ~110lbs. We ordered the tempur-pedic. :rofl:


Has nothing to do with zero Covid as a goal.

My point is that if you want people to trust the data then you need to collect all the data not just that which helps your messaging.

Oh, the things we do for our kids. S19 wanted this specific body wash which for some weird reason appears to be sold out almost everywhere. While googling it tonight to see if I could find it anywhere, I saw that Walmart had “3 bottles left” but the problem is, Walmart is 20 miles away. Then it dawned on me that I had to pick D23 up from her friend’s house tonight, which is only a few miles from the Walmart. So there I was at 10pm on a Saturday night buying body wash at Walmart. And there were only 2 left and I bought both! :grinning:

While there, I figured I’d look for a few things I still needed for S21’s room, including a desk lamp, fan, trash can. So yay, got that taken care of. And crazy enough, I was not the only parent dorm shopping - there were a couple of other women who were there with their boys clearly dorm shopping from the looks of their carts. I actually had a few other things I wanted to look for (stain stick, over door hooks) but it is a Super Store so it’s massively big and I never shop there so I had no idea where anything was and didn’t feel like traipsing around the whole store at that late hour.

S19 will be happy to hear I found the body wash (he is already at school for pre-season training camp, but we will be going up in two weeks to bring the furniture for his off campus house). Not so sure why this body wash is so hard to find!

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Not alone…I am completely opposed to vaccinated kids being forced to wear masks.


Another MD here (in Houston and yes, it’s nuts here) - thank you for your replies, I second everything you’ve said.

I have one additional point - “mild” COVID when mentioned in the literature and lay press means that you did not require hospitalization or oxygen therapy. It does not mean “a little cold”. Mild COVID can include persistent loss of taste or smell, brain fog, chronic sleep issues and respiratory dysfunction. Yes, even if you’re vaccinated. From the mouth of a health care worker who is burnt out and tired of this pandemic (and I’m outpatient, god bless my inpatient colleagues), anything easy I can do or my family can do to decrease spread and lessen the strain on the current health care system I will do.

Back to college talk. Had a big anxiety session last night and got overwhelmed with all the little to dos I realized we still have to do last night! Up with the chickens to get started this mo. Lol.


I guess because it’s that good? May I ask what it is? I’m just a basic soap person but my D will want body wash…not that I will search long and hard for another thing…I’m done…at least until move-in day…I think :roll_eyes:

I have been massively de-cluttering this summer. I’m not clearing out all kid things like some people do…I like the memories…but trimming the excess. Getting rid of a lot of non-kid things too, to lighten up overall for this new stage of life. I could have waited, but doing so has helped me adjust to the reality of my only child leaving and makes space for new life (whatever that will be). Also, I was afraid if I didn’t get started before she left, I would be hit hard by the prospect of doing it all in her absence. So in that vein we played a few board games yesterday that we hadn’t played in years, to see if any are worth keeping (as opposed to taking them all to the thrift store). We actually had a blast! A couple that she never took to when younger were more fun than we remembered so they will be kept for holidays when she comes home. I still have a nice shelf-full, just not overflowing as before. That is the goal…a still homey-home that is not quite minimal but not overstuffed. I’m sure there are days when I’ll long for a little more chaos :heart:


Boys are easy that way. Mine never cared about any of it, but I got my son a topper last year and he remarked about a week into the semester how comfy his bed was. You don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars. I found nice 3" ones on sale at Kohls that worked great. For my oldest I got a second set of backup sheets for convenience when the others were in the hamper. Still brand new in the package at the end of the year. :grimacing:


My older son is rather picky about his bed/bedding and when we first looked at memory foam toppers he hated them. I agreed with him actually - I didn’t like the way memory foam has that weird mushiness (not sure quite how to explain). We were going to skip getting a topper but I worried that the yucky college mattresses would be uncomfortable for him, as a fall athlete who would be pretty sore from workouts.

One day I happened to be in Sams and there was a sample of this one open. Though it has a memory foam base, it also has a 1” pillow topper. I bought it and had him test it out for a night at home first - it did not have that “sinky/mushy” feeling. In the end, he was happy he changed his mind and got a topper. This is the one I got:

Now this year, he is living off campus and will have a full size bed, so S21 is getting his handmedown twin XL topper. But, I forgot that the first two weeks S19 is back, he is in pre-season training camp and staying on campus in a dorm. He wanted to bring the twin xl topper LOL. Sorry Charlie. So he will be suffering through the first two weeks on a plain old college mattress. He’s been there two nights now but I haven’t talked to him to find how whether the mattress is pretty awful.

@inthegarden I’m not sure why it’s so popular apparently. This is the scent he wanted which is in the men’s line. I have no idea if the women’s line is also popular. Method Products | Body Washes, Lotions, Home Cleaners & More


Right HD. We who are Vaxxed now have to wear masks to protect those who refuse to Vax because we even if asymptotic could possibly pass it to someone who is unvaccinated. How about you only let people who are vaccinated on planes, in hotels, in colleges, in schools. Then no need for masks. And my guess is lots of folks would get suddenly get vaccinated


And what about the 12 and under crowd?


Or the vaxxed crowd who can also become infected and hospitalized?


If a larger percentage of the over-12 crowd is vaccinated, then the under-12 crowd is protected way better. Here, kids under 12 wear masks indoors. Same for those immune compromised - protected if everyone over 12 is vaccinated.

That’s why I don’t understand masks on campuses where everyone is vaccinated.

Also, S19 reminded me yesterday that Bowdoin had very few (maybe two?) cases when kids were tested upon arrival for both fall and spring last year and then close to zero cases during the school year and this is with no one vaccinated. Yes, they had to mask but that was not taken seriously unless they were in a public building. Hardly anyone wore them in dorms and there were definitely parties going on - still almost no cases. So, with everyone vaccinated, why would it be any different this year? Vaccinations there are replacing masking for fall at least so far. I hope it stays that way. Just seems like some other campuses could also do without the masks if they had very few cases last year with everyone unvaccinated.

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I was responding to the poster who suggested not allowing unvaccinated people on planes. That would preclude parents from flying with their younger children. I agree that we need to get to herd immunity for everyone but in the interim we need to be more cautious. We also obviously can’t mandate vaccines for school-age children since they’re not eligible yet


Didn’t Bowdoin have like 500 kids on campus per semester last year? That’s such a manageable number of students. They’re going to be fine this year too. They’re small, rural, well funded. I’m sure Broad is still around if needed. It’s the bigger schools in more urban/suburban areas that will face challenges.

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They had 500 for fall and more like 1400 for spring.

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Interesting my D18 who is headed off to UF law school in a week, was informed that UF (not just law school) has stated that that they “expect” all faculty, staff and students to be masked. Of course they cant say required to mask because of Gov. DeSantis’ ban on mandatory masking.

Report back and let us know what she sees!