Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Yes, it’s that ol’ lump in the throat and knot in the stomach (while smiling) time.

When does she leave?

After I thought I ordered the $169 tempurpedic topper but then got a message saying they had run out, I decided on this latex one.

I just ordered it so I haven’t got it yet. Supposedly doesn’t have the stuck feeling of memory foam that some people mention.

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This morning I showed him a picture of one of the dorm beds, with its skimpy mattress. He finally conceded that maybe he needs a topper. We’ll probably pick one up at IKEA when we get there.


I think my son is going to stick to liquid detergent. I found those Tide liquid pouches on Amazon, I ordered that for him.


Uh oh, major goof! I just went to pack up S21’s bedding in one of the Frakta bags I bought months ago and they are the wrong ones! They are the open kind, not the zippered ones. I’m so annoyed because I was all proud of myself getting them early. I know the display one had a zipper. Grr! I’m actually going to IKEA tomorrow but they are out of stock.

Totally annoyed b/c S19 just left on Friday with his FRAKTA bags. He didn’t even need to take them yet. He left for pre-season training and took as much as his car would fit. We are going up in two weeks with the rest of his stuff ( mostly furniture for his off campus house). His FRAKTA bags were full of stuff he doesn’t need right away so I could have used his to at least move S21 in then brought them home and filled them back up with S19’s stuff. Oh well, nothing I can do now. I can still use the open ones but they won’t stack nicely in the car.

Oh boy well just had lunch (outside and distanced in a park) with a friend whose son plays water polo for a famous private college, is fully vaxxed. 3/15 players tested positive and his girlfriend, all vaxxed. She also has an older son and her pov was in college is not if but when. Her S is quite symptomatic.

We haven’t started packing but I have a lot of the shopping done and the frig rental. I’m shipping more products to the mail room in advance than I thought I would. Then I’m realizing we are not going to get all of his clothes and shoes on the plane with us, even with an extra duffle, so I probably should pack a box to ship and get that out quickly.


D is 5’0 and 86 lbs , just got back from the optional freshman away camp. Had a blast but the dorm mattress hurt her back and legs, made her so sore. So glad I spent the money on the tempurpedic topper. The most expensive thing I bought for sure but I hope she finds it was worth it.


@inthegarden We fly to CO Thursday then she moves in Sunday. S23 starts school Tuesday so it is a hectic week for sure!

@4kids4us You could order these knock offs from Amazon - not quite as cheap but they are in stock. We have used them and they are fine.

@momtogkc the problem is we leave Tuesday morning!

We will be fine with what we have but just annoyed at myself because I bought them months ago so I wouldn’t have to worry about them going out of stock. So much for that. Fortunately we do not have to do any of the move in - his college has kids that help unload the car into big rolling bins. They take directly to the room for us so not having them zipped and able to use as a backpack won’t be an issue. I’m sure my husband has some duffel bags we can use as well if needed.

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Ahh - then that won’t work! I guess it is good that you are driving - they may not stack as nicely but they will work. I ended up using the Amazon Basics duffel bag and put two of the blue bags inside. When we get to the hotel I will take all of the stuff we had shipped and the things we pick up at Target/BBB and load them into the blue bags to make it easier to carry to the room. (not sure if we will have helpers since she is moving in early.)

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So soon! Takes my breath away.

My D goes on her pre-orientation canoeing trip in a week, then has five days at home before she turns around for the real thing on the 26th. It finally hit her this evening on our walk. I think she’s finally willing to start organizing and separating out which clothes to take. I told her that she’ll be glad if she does most of it now so she can spend time with friends, boyfriend and (of course ;)) mom and dad during those last days. I don’t want the stress and emotional bickering that happens when things are left to the last minute!


Those mattresses are awful indeed! I learned first hand during the 2 nights we slept in Talkington for Raiderland Experience lol. I’m glad I got him a good mattress topper!

It was years ago now but I actually stayed in a dorm at Hopkins when my older D was in 8th grade (we were there for a scholarship thing) and the mattress wasn’t nearly as bad as I had expected. Her mattress at haverford was absolutely terrible though. I guess there is a range- her topper for college was like $70 from Kohls and was perfect. We were lucky to be able to return the Amazon one we bought for my younger D when she changed her mind about going away to college. We bought all her books this weekend, and all that is left now is a welcome lunch next week. Then the semester starts. My husband has been told (again) that we are moving next summer, so she’s gonna try to fit an associates in by the end of next summer. Her whole journey has been a bit of an oof.


This is a great topper. D had it, and ordered one for my son, too. No off gassing like memory foam. Only thing that would improve it would be some elastic straps. I did buy the cover came in handy with the laundry situation while away at school!

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That’s the million dollar question, right? The delta variant is so new that we just don’t have enough longitudinal data to know whether ‘breakthrough’ infections (meaning getting COVID despite being fully immunized) due to delta can cause long COVID.

Many MDs and Epis who follow this closely are worried about it, though, since viral loads are really high in the delta breakthrough infections, which is completely different than was seen in all the earlier strains. (This is why the earlier data on the low transmissibility rates among the vaccinated cited above are no longer valid, since those studies were done before delta became the dominant strain.)

That’s why I keep saying that my family will keep masking indoors even though we’re fully vaccinated and live a highly vaccinated bubble in a blue state. It’s not just to protect the unvaccinated, it’s also to protect us.

So if/when colleges re-instate indoor masking requirement for this fall (which I’ll bet is coming at the schools that took COVID seriously last year), please know that the schools are not doing this only to protect the un-immunized. They are also trying to prevent outbreaks among the vaccinated students and staff and to protect them from potentially serious long-term complications.

Sorry: I know that I had promised to stop talking about COVID. But knowing that the delta variant transmits such a high viral load even in fully vaccinated individuals is crucial to understanding why some colleges may reinstate mask requirements along with their vaccine mandates this fall.


@UpNorth2019 Thanks for the information!

D21 just redid her schedule. She opted in to the LLC which means she gets the small group experience, gets to take a small class in the dorm right next to hers, gets to take a class she really wanted but was only offered online for non LLC kids, gets to sleep in late almost every day BUT now she has to take Biology online which makes her a little nervous (lab is still in person.)

New classes:

Intro to Environmental (190) + recitation (25)
General Biology (400! but online)
Bio Lab (18)
Environment - Society Geography (18 - honors)
Music in the Rock Era (18 LLC class)


I was told Pfizer is done with research gathering and it’s now paperwork. The head of our state department of health was very confident full FDA approval would happen last week of Aug of first week of Sept. That’s why all of the press releases about employers requiring it have a Sept deadline.

I think some schools (california publics) will be quick to enforce, but most schools will slowly turn up the heat and by the end of the semester there will be full enforcement like any other required vaccine.


No, my question was about Pfizer being the only with full approval initially. I guess employers/schools can then require Covid vaccinations since there is at least one option that has full approval? But Moderna or J&J would also fulfill the requirement? It doesn’t seem practical that they would require Pfizer specifically since so many people got the others. I hope I explained that better this time.

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I wish I had known about this topper months ago! I’ve been letting D’s Temper-pedic outgass for a few weeks now and it’s definitely better but there’s still a hint of a chemical smell with a nose pressed to it. Don’t think it will bother my D, especially with a cotton mattress pad over it, but I’d prefer something natural. I also hate the thought of eventually dumping more synthetic junk into a landfill. Next time I need something like this I’ll look not latex!

I’m interpreting it the way you’re stating. I feel sure Moderna and J&J will still be accepted, but since there will be at least one fully-approved option that the vaccine-hesitant can get, those folks will no longer be able to object to getting vaccinated on the grounds of safety concerns. Or, they can object, but those grounds will not be considered valid.