Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Cal Poly SLO is on the quarter system and D21 doesn’t start classes until 9/20. She’s bored, since all her friends are at college and have been for a few weeks. We do take her down to SLO next week for welcome week. She’s very nervous.

D18 is minoring in math. She’s had both good and bad math teachers over the years. You just have soldier through it, if you enjoy math. At least at her big public university like D18’s, there are lab/discussion sections with GSI’s and also a math and science help center. And the Engineering and Math departments have paid student tutors available as well.


I told S it’s only been 3 weeks of school and he can’t make any decisions based on limited info/experience. I think he had an unrealistic expectation that all his professors would be wonderful.


Sometimes freshman level GenEd classes start slow to help kids acclimate. If it continues perhaps he should consider a different major (or even a different university at some point?).

Neither of my kids are interesting in partying and they both found/are finding their tribes. It may be a bit easier with girls than boys, but give it time!


Yeah, totally. I’m not too worried but I’d like to see him have some fun too once he gets used to things. He landed in one of the party dorms and likes the kids but doesn’t stick around the party too long. It’s a rural campus but they have a lot of events, sports and groups.

He was good at comp math/programming and plans to major in these subjects. He will get challenged in these subjects I am sure, just not the first year.

He finds his courses in poli sci and language the most interesting at this stage. His math class professor has poor English and many classmates are struggling but he said since he knows the material and what he is teaching it has been fine.

He is happy at the school overall, just was hoping to learn a bit more.

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My son has enjoyed the start of classes, but not dealing with flooding in his 4th floor room (coming in from the balcony), twice, (I was sure they would find another room for him and his 2 roommates, but instead they just brought in a fan and dehumidifier) and then a leak from the upstairs bathroom that destroyed his bathroom ceiling. He had to wander off to find another place to shower yesterday! So the dorm situation sucks… but he took an orientation class for the Makerspace and is excited about that! He’s tried a few activities that have just felt far too crowded and loud. I imagine there will be smaller, quieter groups gathering once the students get to know each other better.

Tomorrow is my S21’s first day of 13th grade :rofl:. I don’t think he’s partied too much and kinda wished he had before school started. They’ve had dancing on the lawn and movie on the lawn on campus and karaoke but that is not my son’s thing. He would do it but with his close friends.

So far roommate and a friend he met and is lifting with at the gym have girlfriends (one has a gf who is also a first year at Brown so what is the chances?!). Selfishly, I want my kid to meet kids who aren’t attached but I guess meeting a friend with a girl friend will generate more friends thru the gf.

I got a text at midnight ask if we had Instacart membership because he wanted potatoes. I didn’t respond in time and saw he ordered a 5lb bag of potatoes and sweet potatoes. He said he’s microwaving them. :woman_shrugging:t2:


My D’s bestie and her bf are freshman at Brown. Wouldn’t it be funny if the bf is your son’s friend? Ha!

I hope he enjoys his classes (and potatoes)!


Wait…are you guys from Atlanta and is the boyfriend Asian??


Oh my gracious. Yes!


Get out of town! :joy: So crazy! Can’t take us mommas anywhere because we are so well connected and we know everything. And see everything with eyes behind our head.


Six Degrees of College Confidential… even with the Confidential! :exploding_head:


Well, when they meet the kids from Costa Rica and Nicaragua, let me know.

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None of mine did. 1 private, 2 public.

So, we had our first scare with Covid, but thankfully no covid. My son, who is the last one of my 3 college kids I’d expect would have the scare, called me last Tuesday to say he had a stuffy nose. Yep, “you got covid” I tell him. He scheduled a test for himself that afternoon, which was very easy. Many parents in the FB groups are complaining how difficult it is to get tests - not true! So not sure what their kids are telling them. There are also many parents who openly admit to telling their kids not to get tested, regardless of having symptoms because they don’t want anything to go remote. Shame on them.

Anyway, his whole floor he’ stelling me has colds of some sort so ofc I’m thinking it’s all over. My daughter at Cornell has had big breakthrough cases, but got it under control. I do wonder how many of those studenst had JNJ because that was who did some of their vaccine clinics last Spring. So, my son starts telling me that people who tested in the am on his day were negative, yet he’s still waiting. Stays in his room all day and misses classes (more on that in a minute). The next day, misses classes again while he is still isolating in his room, by then no more stuffy nose, and tells me he is sure now he doesn’t have covid but a cold. Reason being is that everyone who has gotten tested that he knows is negative and those on his floor that did self tests also were all negative. Finally 28 hours later, he got his negative result. Whew relief but what I will say I learned in this process with him is to have a plan, know the process if he had to go to Q, etc. and now we do. He even had his bag packed and ready to go.

As for classes, it turns out that in his major EECS (CS which is under Electrical Engineering Computer Science) the lectures are all recorded and you can go to any lecture you want. He had already decided the week before that he was going to switch to a different one because his professor in his words (sucked), so he viewed the one he wanted to see and said he was amazing. What a great option that you’re allowed to go to any lecture. He has a set Lab that you’re allowed to miss 2x/semester, I’m assuming for covid issues or anything really. In the past it was optional, now it’s a part of the grade. Fortunately he didn’t have it those days so no big deal. So his 2 EECS classes he was able to watch the lectures on video both days. His History class attendance is mandatory but if you email the teacher you watch a video lecture and have to answer questions proving it, and lastly his Math meets 4x week and that one is not recorded. He asked the professor if he would and the guy said he doesn’t find it good to record but will email him later. My son found someone to get notes from but I was so impressed later when he told me the professor reached out to him and let him know he made a 30 min video after class for my son only on what they went over that day. Not something I would ever expect from a huge public school, but really grateful The second day he didn’t but my son was familiar with the material and knew he could see the professor in office hours by then and wasn’t going to Quarantine. Now I still just hope no covid in the next year because it is a big headache and lonely in quarantine from what parents have said.

In other news he is having a ball, running around like crazy, trying restaurants, going to the football games, joining clubs, and being a college student. I think as of now he has found the perfect place for him.

The funniest story to add is that he went to some Engineering fair on Wednesday once he got the negative test and called me later to tell me how he got a free memory stick, pens, cup, water bottle and shirt and there was free food. And in his words “not one of those crappy shirts made of the harsh material”. Then on Thursday, a text “I got another free shirt!” His 7th free shirt he told me. No wonder Michigan has such worldwide recognition, lol.

He can have his fun for now, we’ll see how it goes in October once tests start but as of now, he has so much free time. He can’t believe how much less work he has than in high school. I told him not to get too used to that.

Hope everyone else’s kids are loving their colleges too!!


Oh and remember when we were all talking about laundry and hoping our kids would do it and wondering if they would ever do sheets? Someone said they’re only buying 1 set of sheets because they can just wash and put them back on and I said back if they spill it’s good to have a backup.

Anyway, my son told me today he’s done laundry 3x (once/week) and he did his sheets also. Then adds, “you know I realized, I only need one set of sheets because I will just put those back on the bed after they’re clean”. I laughed and said, well if you spill or something you’ll want to change (just like I told the parent here) and he replied (little did I know) I used to spill water in my bed at home all the time and didn’t care that it was wet. It would eventually just dry. ROFL. I just said, ugh whatever. So, I guess boys definitely only need one sheet!

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@srparent15 I’m so glad your son doesn’t have COVID! I’m bracing for these news but I hope we never have to deal with it. I’m also glad Cornell’s situation is under control. Did they share what caused the spike? Did they control it by isolating the students? I’m curious to understand what the universities will do. Hopefully whatever they figured out, it can be reapplied to other schools.

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Cornell’s biggest mistake was not doing arrival testing. They didn’t say that was the reason but instead unmasked social gatherings. Shocker! Of course that’s what it was. They also said no transmission in any classes so that was good and a definitely positive sign for professors.

What did change at that time was instead of 1x/week testing they went to 2x/week. They also required masks in and outside. They are having the Class of 2020 come back for an in person graduation during homecoming weekend and some people are now upset because they did cancel some events like fireworks that usually go on then. Parents are complaining. I get it and do feel that’s over the top, but they were one of the best at handling covid last year and that’s the sacrifice of keeping numbers down. People can’t have it both ways.

My daughter said there were a lot of parties that caused the spike and she knew two frats/sororities with a lot of cases in them. They did put people in quarantine and even ran out of the quarantine space so had to rent a hotel which was unexpected. Numbers are way down now, but were as high as 50+/day which for them is a lot. This is also how I know that Michigan’s numbers being low are way underreported, or basically not that they’re underreported, but just students are either taking self tests and then not informing the school (a ton of people my son knows have their own tests), or just not testing as some parents are recommending. They have had 2 100k+ fans football game and thankfully almost all the students are vaccinated and have yet to hear of a superspreader so that’s good news.

Surveillance testing is the key, but if schools don’t want to know what’s going on then they’ll never know I guess. My daughter at UT no masks required, no vaccine, she said about 75% wearing masks in her classes and she’s received 2 emails in one class of someone testing positive and worse the professor doesn’t wear a mask. He also apparently thought everyone was vaccinated. SMH. Worse, one of the kids who tested pos that didn’t wear a mask, sat right in the front row. I don’t understand how people could be so selfish. At a minimum if you’re not vaccinated be respectful and wear a mask to protect others. The Professor doesn’t wear one because he’s foreign and has acknowledged it’s hard to understand him. Fortunately he must be vaccinated and didn’t get it, but I just don’t understand people’s thinking sometimes.


@srparent15 Thank you for sharing that. Cornell did have a very low rate last year so that’s why I was so surprised. It makes sense that arrival testing would’ve been wise since it’s so normal for kids to want to gather with people they haven’t seen.

Kids not reporting and parents telling their kids not to report is so aggravating. It is so short-sighted. If their kids were vaccinated, the break-thru cases should be minimal vs hospitalization.

S21 has to test every week regardless of vaccination status so I’m hoping this helps because then there is no hiding. The big football games make me cringe.