Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Wow, that sounds like a really fun but exhausting month. I am so jealous that your S calls daily. I can barely get S to answer a text :-(, he says he is just way too busy. The call us every Sunday idea lasted 1 week.


D18 facetimes every Sunday for a good dose of time. D21 has been harder to nail down, but we have made more use of Snapchat to at least catch a daily glimpse and talk back and forth which is good, too. Itā€™s the eyes for me. I need to see their eyes to feel at peace. Anyone else? :eyes:

Also who are my NESCAC parents? Have you seen the whole thing making the rounds about roofies? Lord have mercy :pensive:


I seem to get FaceTimeā€™ed during my lunch at work a few days a week by D18 and D21. Usually, theyā€™re walking to/from class, the gym or a meal. D18 has a swing shift, so sheā€™ll FT us while walking home at night.


I havenā€™t seen anything, do tell. PM if you would rather.


Yes, I did see the article in the Williams Record. My D had mentioned it on our last phone call (over a week ago) so I wasnā€™t caught completely off-guard. I think sheā€™s been avoiding large parties since ā€“ very glad we had the ā€œnever-accept-a-drink-from-anyoneā€ conversation a few years ago. Itā€™s so distressing! Student concerns about drink tampering lead College to limit dorm card access to residents only ā€“ The Williams Record

ETA: @purplemama Iā€™ve hardly heard from my Eph '21, so your post made me feel a lot better. I know that sheā€™s swamped and trying out a lot of activities, so Iā€™m trying not to worry, but itā€™s easier said than done.


One of my D21ā€™s BFFā€™s attends Northwestern, so I had heard about the problem from her a few days ago.


Iā€™m jealous of anyone getting daily phone calls too! :grinning: I do typically get a text or more likely SnapChat. (Iā€™ve had to figure out Snap, but I get quicker responses and more pictures with that so it is a necessary evil.) I am glad that my D is so busy that she has to ā€œfit inā€ calls to us between activities, classes, study groups. She had an article in this weekā€™s student paper and one of her creative writing assignments was read aloud (anonymously) in class as an example of what is expected. She downplayed it, but I could tell she was very pleased.

I fly out tonight for parentsā€™ weekend and canā€™t wait to see her! I get to go to a class with her tomorrow plus many other planned activities over the next few days. Unfortunately, she (and half the campus) are fighting a horrible upper respiratory virus (tested negative for covid, flu, strep) so I hope all us parents can stay well. :grimacing:


I hope you donā€™t get sick. There is a nasty cough/cold going around at S21 school also.

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I think roofies are an issue everywhere, and we had many conversations about the need to be diligent and aware at parties and in large groups. Somewhat seriously and somewhat jokingly, I sent my D and her friends a big bag of theseā€¦


D21 is at Hamilton. I havenā€™t heard anything.

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We heard the roofies rumor at Amherst a week ago and this week it turned up at Williams and apparently was going around these schools. Who raises these creeps?


My D19 at a different NESCAC hadnā€™t heard of this either, but appreciated the Williams article. A good reminder for them to stay vigilant!


Exactly! In the age of Me too and Bill Cosby there is no excuse. I read the book by the victim of the Stanford swimmer, it should be mandatory reading for all incoming students.


I donā€™t think that every delinquent was raised to be a delinquent. I also think sometimes these rumors start circulating and itā€™s 10% truth 90% rumor. But of course important to be vigilant and for friends to look out for each other.

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From that Williams article-

In an email announcing the restrictions, administrators said the College had not received any firsthand reports of symptoms consistent with predatory drugging. According to Director of Intimate Violence Prevention & Response Meg Bossong ā€™05, the restrictions came after multiple College offices heard about ā€œdescriptions of both [drink] tampering and the suspicion of drugsā€ from students who had not experienced drink tampering themselves but were concerned about what they had heard from others.

Doesnā€™t sound like they even know anything like this is happening. They ā€œheardā€? That could be a whole lot of nothing.

Now, the Northwestern thing is a big deal and they will close these frats because of it. It actually happened. Multiple reports. Those frats were already on thin ice. I think Greek life at NU is on its last leg.




I guess Iā€™m just old and naive because itā€™s hard for me to believe some boys are doing this. The preplanning element is really chilling.

I told my son if he ever sees anyone do that itā€™s a crime. Straight up tell the girl immediately at a minimum no matter who did it.


I was surprised that Williams took such strict steps without any clear evidence, but I guess better safe than sorry. After reading this article in The Amherst Student, I canā€™t help but wonder if the schools are trying to send a zero-tolerance message as much as anything else (if that makes sense). I just hope they donā€™t go overboard. As Progress Stalls on Roofies Investigation, Students Question College Response

The report at Amherst said an anonymous student came forward

Good to remind kids to be vigilant. Glad Williams decided to address the issue in some way, by at least taking access to other dorms away.


Me too. On a happier note, today is Mountain Day at Williams. I spoke to my son at 2am his time. He has a job working at an elementary school, has joined 3 or 4 music groups. Has met many, many interesting and diverse students, and has a great group of friends . He is very happy with his choice, very busy, says the 24 hour library is always full and school work is very challenging. Looking forward to his first New England fall and winter. Happy Mountain Day to all :cow:!