Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

@NateandAllisMom and @Momof3B , D had a head cold last week also. First time she has been ill this semester. Took her to dr to get Covid and Flu tested just to be on safe side. Thankfully both negative. Good ole seasonal cold. Hope you guys get to love on those babies real soon. And @Creaky Hugs!


And I assume she’s happy there, no matter what major she settles on? If so, that seems like a huge win with her scholarship.

D21’s quarter seems to be going swimmingly. She’s already been home once around the “Fall break” period. For Thanksgiving, I booked her Amtrak train ride home on Friday 11/19, since she gets the entire week off. The train ride is just under 4 hours. Not too shabby.

D18 is likely not coming home, because she doesn’t want to miss the Ohio State-Michigan FB game the Saturday following Thanksgiving. Speaking of D18, the spouse and I just got back from our last Parents Weekend in Ann Arbor.

Football on a November night in Ann Arbor is:
Native Californian


My D and most of her dorm also caught a cold. COVID testing is easily accessible on campus, happily they were all negative. I won’t be seeing my kiddo for Thanksgiving, unfortunately. It’s too far to travel for just a few days.


The “new pandemic” must be freshman colds/coughs/upper respiratory viruses! My D can’t seem to completely kick it, and she is not the only one on her campus! She has been tested for covid, strep and flu multiple times
 all negative. It is hard being so far away from her. There is nothing I can do but stress the need to slow down, get plenty of rest and eat healthy. We did get a reference for an ENT if she doesn’t improve after today’s visit to the health center. She has a dance performance Friday and I have no idea how she will manage it if the latest cough suppressant doesn’t work.

Hugs to all you parents going through the same thing with your kiddos.


My son has been sick with a cough for almost a month. Everyone he knows has had the same cough and the health center says it’s just viral. His school requires weekly covid tests so thankfully it’s not that. On a side note he is bringing his suite mate home for Thanksgiving since she lives to far to travel home. It should be fun:)


I won’t be seeing S21 for TG, too far to travel for a couple of days. He is going to a friends house.

He is just getting over a bad cold.


She was past due her ADHD med renewal visit so we killed two birds with one stone. The campus does have COVID free testing that the state is paying for. But I was worried it could have been the flu. I hope your D gets to relax during TG.


My D21 had back to back colds, or frat flu as she called it. New term for me. Thankfully her professors let her catch up without consequences. There was lots of strep going around and gnarly colds. I didn’t hear about Covid from her circle of friends. I really miss her and can not believe how fast the first year is going :sob:. Hugs to everyone whose kids won’t be home.


My D and her friends have called it the frat flu, freshman flu and my favorite, the freshman plague.

I’m glad your D’s professors have been understanding. Thankfully all but one of my D’s have been more than accommodating, with one even contacting her to offer extended time for taking a test. She was very appreciative as it is a lab science and she is pre-med, but opted to get it out of the way (earned an A! Yay!)


D21 (at Hamilton in NY) knows a freshman from Texas who has already decided to transfer for spring semester because of cold weather. There hasn’t even been any snow yet, and daytime temps are mostly in the 40s. He said he had no idea it would be so cold. Really?

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LOL. I can related. S21 has now experienced 50’s and low 40’s/high 30’s. Last checked, He is still just in a hoodie. This jacket will get used, I swear.

Don’t know much about football but the Ohio State marching band is fantastic! I’m guessing they will not be playing at an away game. The really heavy marching band uniforms come in handy when it’s cold :cold_face: My daughter complains vigorously about having to march in a heavy hot outfit in SoCal. Prefers the Bball pep band because they don’t have to wear the extravagant outfit.


That’s great! Same happened with mine. Got an extension on a paper and got the highest score in the class. Certainly made up for the stress of being sick!


Ya I’m not a big marching band person, but Michigan has one too though.

Ohio State-Michigan is like the Hatfields-McCoys, Jets-Sharks or if you prefer the Capulets and the Montagues.

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My kid has also had back to back colds, as has the rest of the dorm. My care package arrived during the second set of sniffles, which was good timing.

He had to take a bus to Mall of America last weekend to buy some winter gear. Finally found a 3 in 1 coat which is super warm. Had to size up to get any wrist coverage though. He’s very tall and skinny and the struggle is real, finding clothes that fit. He is still snowboot-less, as the pickings were slim. Lots still sitting in cargo containers at ports apparently
 He’s looking for more of an insulated hiking boot and has decided to just wait for the stock to arrive. It’s been unseasonably warm there, at least. But it leaves me feeling worried for his toes. He has lots of wool socks, but no waterproof shoes at the moment.

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It’s called the Hokie Plaque at VT.

It’s been very chilly in the mornings there. D has mentioned it but is adjusting with little complaint. She knows that her father is on high alert for any complaints about the cold, since she was originally applying for colleges on the platform of wanting a warm weather location - but fell in love with a colder location. I remind her that almost all the schools she was considering are chilly in the morning right now. She’d have to be at a college in Miami, FL to escape that.

Ha. Love it! The plague has returned! :woman_zombie:🧟‍♂

My D is also in VA and adjusting to the colder temps. Which cracks me up because McGill was high on her application list at one point. :rofl::rofl::cold_face::cold_face:

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Yes she is very happy there. So it is all good


D21 registered for the spring semester,will be taking 19 hours and got the professors she wanted (perks of Honors early registration). Also she able to secure on campus housing for next year. The housing turned out to be a HUGE deal. Next year the University will be down one dorm as they will renovate it. This coupled with the expected continued over enrollment, will only worsen the housing shortage. Next year the school will only allow returning students to stay in one of 2 dorms. All other dorms will house ONLY freshman. D is sad as she has loved her female traditional dorm and planned to stay there for a couple more years. I took off work so I could get on the housing registration link the millisecond it opened. I was able to grab one of the rooms in a 4 person suite. This dorm is close to the engineering part of the campus so D is happy about that.

There were lots of unhappy parents on the fb page that were unable to secure housing. Those kids will have to go off campus. Most kids want to go off campus but still many that want to stay in campus dorms. D was not available to do the registration as she had chemistry class. Very worth me spending a vacation day to ensure she gets to stay on campus for her sophomore year.