Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

My daughter’s arm hurt for a few hours but otherwise no ill effects from her booster- and her second dose had knocked her on her butt.


Awe, sorry about the side effects. Hopefully by morning he feels a lot better.

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For those without kids applying to college this year, can we take a pause and high five that we aren’t stressing out this year like we were at this time last year with apps due? :).


Yes, high fives all around! I’m enjoying this break from college stress, since I get to do it all again with D23 next year. She has yet to take an SAT or visit a college yet. I know we’ll have to start all of that pretty soon, but I’m enjoying not thinking about it yet!


I found waiting for the decisions and then being shocked by some of them to be way way more stressful. Maybe because my daughter handled all of her applications and I wasn’t really too involved. But Ina nutshell, YES so glad to not be on the college application/decision hamster wheel right now. Huge weight is gone!


I’m definitely enjoying this breathing spell before the madness starts with my S23 twins!!!


Three kids in college this year. I am done with the admissions process forever! Good riddance :slight_smile:


That’s my situation, too. Two juniors and a freshman. Really, really glad, especially, to be done with College Board.


I, unfortunately, have a D22 applying this year. Complete opposite of D21s process. Last year was one ED app and done. Stress free! This one is doing three apps and has one acceptance but is really hoping for Syracuse. She’ll be accepted but the decision will come down to money. She’s been horrible about keeping up with her portals!

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I would not want to do this a third time! I used up all of my energy and patience on the two kids we have. Both searches were intense and unpredictable. Glad I had the time to help S and D but it’s good to be done!


I’m relieved to be done too (although I am still fascinated by the process, which is why I still check in here). I had a big gap between my daughters and it was shocking to see how much more competitive admissions got between the two. D21 had better scores & stats than D13, yet she was deferred at two schools that D13 easily got into during EA (one even gave her merit). Admission requirements at popular schools seem to ratchet up each year, and the quality (& quantity) of kids applying keeps pace right along with it! The days of seeing that your kid’s stats match a certain school and being able to have confidence that they’ll be admitted, are over.


I’m actually on my fourth application cycle in a row- and I only have two kids! Ha! D19 was smooth sailing- questbridge and early decision into her top choice. D20 applied/auditioned and covid hit before she saw all of the schools in person… so she choose poorly and deferred, ultimately backing out and applying to one school last year. Was accepted and then backed out again when they made changes to their dance program that she couldn’t live with. Now, third go around and auditioning for different schools. Really happy with her options so far and two decisions yet to come. Really, really hoping third time is the charm. D19 applies to grad schools next year, but I’ll have little to do with that (guidance when asked only), so it should be done for me after this year.


I still have one kid to go (she’s a 2023). As my fourth kid, I thought I’d be quite experienced with the college process having been through several scenarios (one typical/straight forward but the oldest so first time, then recruited athlete and third with an LD plus Covid). Should be somewhat knowledgeable what to do with D23 but she has decided to throw a wrench in, by wanting to go to the UK or Ireland for college. Huge learning curve for that! So much for being an experienced parent with college app process! Lots to educate myself about.


The only time in my life where I was glad we only had two kids was when our last kid was accepted ED. All of it was exhausting, exhilarating and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, but now it’s time as we say in Spanish, " A comer, beber, bailar y gozar, que el mundo se va acabar" or “to eat, drink, dance and enjoy, for the world is going to end.” It rhymes in Spanish and sounds way better, but the point is -time to party! :partying_face:


I’m praying that with all the help I’m providing to other kids the Admissions Gods will bless my D24 with an ED acceptance and then I would just ride off into the sunset Dec 2023 :joy:

I told my cousin that before she has another kid to really think about how much of a mental investment it is with another college app cycle (her oldest is a Toddler. Lol).


I am helping a friend who has a college senior and also a bit of a procrastinator. But as they’re not my kid, I let the parents lean on the kid. Not too stressful, really. That said, fingers crossed they do well!


My D had planned to visit her sister in Oxford for Christmas, but now with the new variant we are debating back and forth if she should cancel. She had only planned to be there for four days and two of them would have to be in self-isolation at this point- and that’s if restrictions don’t get tougher. They really wanted to be together for the holidays.

I’m helping a senior as well and, while I’m definitely not as stressed as when I as helping our kids, it’s still a little stressful. Getting her to finish essays is a grind and her parents don’t seem to want to be any more involved than writing me checks to help their daughter. She’s not shooting high but had some grade struggles during Covid that worry me. These seniors really had a pretty bad time of it. Soph year cut short. Junior year almost all Covid and remote. And that’s what they’ve got to apply to colleges with.

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This is what’s gets me. It’s such a common experience yet there is no room in the process that allows for some grace for what the pandemic has done. My heart goes out to all the kids who otherwise would have thrived in school and are now being punished for something entirely out of their hands. Why is the world turning a blind eye and not adjusting the sails to account for the challenges for all these kids? Sorry….had to vent.


that’s definitely true for many kids. In the case of this student I’m helping, though, I’m afraid she’s using the pandemic as an excuse to sit around on her phone. Lots of kids here kept their grades up and figured out a way to do something worth while during this time - maybe not what they would have done but something. She had no personal issues with Covid and our district did everything possible to have ECs running last year even when class was remote.

I am afraid that a lot of these 2022s are going to struggle with college work since they had a very very “off” high school academic experience.