Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Sorry he’s sick. It sucks at this time of the semester. How’s he doing weight-wise?

Slim. He says he’s eating more often now. We’ll see.

Yes, mine uses a scooter quite a bit. Two days a week he has to race from one class to another across campus and often times he’ll jump on a scooter so he makes it there in time.

Yes, D will do a study abroad after freshman year for this very reason


FYI. Southwest Airline families…the itinerary is opened to June for the semester kids. S21 doesn’t have spring schedule, yet but I booked the weekend after last published final date anyway to at least have a ticket with low point redemption. I don’t even know if they kick the kids out the day after last day of finals or what. I’m thinking worst case, a hotel night is still cheaper than paying full retail airline tix.


UT Austin kicks the kids out at 9am the day after the last final. Thanks for the heads up, booked a late flight the last day of finals. Hopefully there is time to pack his minimalist items up and get out of there. I also read that the next part of the schedule, through some part of September I believe, will be opened up on December 16th.

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Do you know which one he has? I am thinking of getting S one for Xmas, but there are so many in a wide range of $$.

Oh no, I hope he feels better soon.

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He doesn’t have his own, but there are public Spin electric scooters all over his campus that students can unlock through an app and ride. Given how much $$ he’s spent ($5 per ride, more if you forget to re-lock through the app) he could have bought himself one!


I just found out noon the next day at Brown. I rebooked his ticket for the next day so he will be the last to leave the party at 11am for a 1pm flight :). More points but then I realized hotels are so expensive that time in May due to graduation!

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DS has been trying to sort his summer for a few months. He really wants an internship and has applied to quite a few and attended career fairs. Many/most companies are not interested in either him or first-years so far.

He is thinking summer school as a fall back plan but I am not too keen on that as he can finish in 4 years without summer school. He wants to do something that puts him in a stronger position for an internship next summer and is not sure what that might be…

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Freshman year summer is hard to land an industry internship. My D was offered her co-op freshman year, but the start date wasn’t until the summer after sophomore year. She was able to find an internship on campus though. Lots of her friends did that or took research positions on campus. Those jobs tended to start filling in February. She was paid a stipend, lived in discounted housing for students working on campus, and had a free meal plan. It wasn’t a ton of $ but was a great experience.


Surely they’ll let you pay to stay beyond 9am? My daughter lives on campus there and moved in early ($50 per day), so hopefully there is a way for your boy to stay in his room that day. Mine flies out on the 14th (but she is not minimalist, haha).

My D21 had her last 2 finals yesterday and drove home. She is home until the end of January so she had job interview already set up for today. D18 finishing her first semester law school finals and flying home from Gainesville next Friday. It will be fun to have them both at home for a few weeks.


Congrats @burghdad ! Now, why can’t my child be as put together?!

D21 finished her 1st Quarter yesterday and arrived home last night. We were a bit nervous about the transition to college, but I must say she had quite a successful 1st Quarter, socially, academically and found herself an unpaid PT job in her future field off-campus.

D18 will be coming home Sunday and the band will be back together again. Disappointed that her school didn’t allot her a ticket to the CFP Semi-Finals on 12/31 in Miami. Though my pocketbook thanks the University.


This is what D found at the engineering job fair. Companies want XYZ classes completed or will be completed and XYZ project labs done or will be done before internships. but Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing (MEP) consult companies would take her next summer but she declined, no interest in MEP engineering field.

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I’d happily pay for that, or attend in my D’s place if she’s not interested. Sadly, my D22 is not applying to Michigan. Really pleased for Harbaugh.

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There’s always the possibility of the CFP Championship in Indy. :grimacing:

I consider her pretty darn lucky to have spent time on the field after the win against OSU, which she considers her most fun moment ever. And I got her some memorabilia of the game as a gift for the holidays.


That was a game for the ages! #GoBlue (I’ll stop before people get upset with us.)