Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Hi all, my D just found out she got into the summer 5-week Italy program she wanted! She has a good friend also accepted into the program who lives in NJ, about 30 miles from Newark airport, so they are already making plans for my D to stay with her for a couple of days before the program and to fly out together! Now we wait (and wait) to see what Covid will do over the next months.

She doesn’t know all of her grades yet, but so far there’s an A and an A-! She expects the rest are probably in the A- range but one could flip up and another could flip down to B+. W&M’s A usually starts at 93, but profs can make their own decisions. No A+ on the undergrad level. We’re so pleased (even if there are B grades here and there). D was an A student in high school, but since the high school was a middle-of-the road public school in a small town we really didn’t know what to expect in college. Granted, she did study most of the time this fall…hasn’t joined in any time-consuming extracurriculars yet…but she didn’t feel a lack of that, living in a close-knit, small honors dorm…most everyone there was studious, yet sociable within the dorm or In a “hey…let’s take a walk in Colonial Williamsburg and then get coffee” sort of way. She does want to find something more substantial to get involved in soon…I told her it’s OK to take it in stages :slightly_smiling_face:


Fantastic! She is going to have fabulous time!

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Thanks! It’s fun seeing her so excited! She often views adventurous things with some trepidation so I’m glad she’s coming out of that shell a bit.

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Marriotts are notorious for this. I’d get excited for app mobile key and then it’s a major let down. I’ve experienced this across all the banners, not just the high end ones. From CA to Ohio to NY, from Courtyard to Westin to Renaissance. Even at high end urban skyscraper Marriott’s.

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Jumping in to brag on D21’s first semester :upside_down_face:

She finished with a 3.92 gpa and scored an invite to the honors college! She did so well in her calc class, that they asked her to consider being a tutor at their math center. She resists the notion, but she has always been STEM-leaning. She is tweaking her major a bit at the end of next semester, so she’s got a somewhat aggressive spring schedule of business, accounting (x2) and a required science class - so I think she will feel the burn a little bit more. Great start though!


S got his final grades yesterday and he did extremely well. I am so proud of him!


My daughter did that the summer after freshman year. She ended up adding extra 10 days, touring the rest of Italy by train with two more girls, visiting 3 major locations before ending up in Rome - mostly staying in AirBnB’s but also in one of the super-nice hostels there. The hostel ended up being a highlight, given the cosmopolitan mix of young people from all continents.

We organized for her large suitcase to be shipped from the University to Rome, to be kept in storage, while she lived out of a large travel backpack (with a detachable day-pack) those 10 extra days. Paid for GeoBlue international health insurance (super affordable), added an international plan to her Verizon phone with her understanding that apps/data etc. was to be used sparingly, and made sure that she was issued an ATM PIN for her Amex card in case she should need emergency cash.


S wanted to do one of those summer abroad programs, but too expensive for us.

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My daughter actually got a fellowship from the University to defray air travel expense (amazing how many kids can’t be bothered with the application process and essay, because the parents have the money). And since it earned academic credits, we were able to use the 529 for tuition/board.


DS just got his grades today and got a 4.0 after taking 18 hours his first semester!! Very happy for him…now if he could just find an internship for the summer…


S home last night and slept until 2:30 pm this afternoon. Completely wiped out but a completely happy kid.


Who knows about Omikron, but so far numbers in Western Europe have been very reliably down in the summer for travel to happen. Winter plans though aren’t worth the data to type them out.

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Woot! My man child is home. Not a bad first semester. A’s in three of his classes and a meh grade in the class he knew he wasn’t going to do well in. But upward improvement, right? No different from his journey to get into college. Advising has been really good for him and they’re helping him strategize work load since the last one was a tough one but the next one is organic chem and bio and both with labs.

His bud picked him up. I had them both take the at-home antigen tests so then I would have peace of mind since they will be hanging out with each other a lot.

He walked around to check out what was new in the house. Liked the new Xmas tree. :joy: Ate a bowl of noodles and is now setting up his laptop and monitor with his friend. It’s like he never left.


17 credits and football and my HS 3.75 student ended up with a 3.91…very proud of him


Very proud of my D. She finished the semester with a 4.0, even while working three jobs and dancing 22 hours a week.


Son finished first semester with a 3.88 taking 15 credits. 3 As and 2 A-, all while working. So proud of him!

I’m not a fan of the +/- system honestly, but it is what it is. I agree with others its garbage when you get an A+ it’s still a 4.0, it should be a 4.3 because we all know how hard an A+ is to get in ANY college course.


American Sign Language, for the win. My son absolutely struggled with Spanish from Middle School to Soph year… College ASL he got an A


D ended up with 3.94 GPA 17 hours, and worked 10 hours a week on campus. She will take 19 hours (6 classes) next semester. It will be more rigorous, 3 of her classes will be electrical engineering courses.
Love the updates! I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday!


I’m one of the few (or only?!) who doesn’t know exactly what S’s grades are? I think all A’s and one B. I need to ask him but he just got a booster and isn’t feeling great so I don’t want to be all “hovering” , etc. I’m really trying to be more hands off. He’s probably wondering why the heck I’ve not asked him yet?! :joy:(He got home 8:00 pm Monday.)


I don’t know my daughter’s grades. It’s been such a huge weight lifted since I felt like I was obsessed with them in high school which I now deeply regret. I’m sure her grades are just fine. I’m enjoying letting go and letting her have true ownership of her education. She more than proved she’s capable based on what she achieved in high school.