Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Accidental acceptances…

Columbia accepted 200
SUNY Buffalo accepted 5,100
U Kentucky accepted 500,000!

I’m sure there are many more

After that Purdue story, I double checked, triple checked with my son. Checked my CC (had done it already - he accepted on 4/10-, but checked again), went online together (don’t have access to his account), and breathed the longest sigh of relief when I saw “pre-matriculated” (and he has a email now). Mind you, I had received letters from UChi after he accepted, he had shown me emails, I had video of him accepting, and every proof under the sun. But that story freaked me out. What a nightmare.


Not only did I not handle it, it wasn’t even my card. My daughter just used her own savings and paid it on her own. I did ask if she got a confirmation email, which she did get but not until the next day. We lost our deposit from the school she was supposed to attend after her gap year, so she thought she shouldn’t ask us to pay a second one.


Do they sign up for Early Start at the same time they deposit for Fall? The parent said Summer Start- which would mean the mandatory program. Don’t know why they would have a choice to pick an admission date they weren’t allowed to pick. Purdue admitted there was a glitch.

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Wish my son was here so I could ask him if he received a confirmation email - it didn’t even occur to me to watch him let alone screen shot anything. I’m sure it’s fine as he mentioned getting an email from the coach congratulating him on depositing - but that thread is kind of freaking me out.

Oh ok, seems like we don’t have the full story here and very confusing what the actual option this student currently has. I hope the op clarifies if she can start in the summer or if she doesn’t have a place at all.


Made a deposit about 11:49 pm Sat night, kid couldn’t decide between colleges. So how crucial is needing a “reason” for a late deposit, if they have space?


I am sure if they have room in the class they would take your student. I thought I read schools could try to lure students away after May 1.


Yep, I have messed up some travel stuff as well. Bought my D a ticket home from Austin also when flights were low and put her on a 6am flight. She swears she never told me to book that flight. I honestly don’t recall. She wanted a 3pm one. So fortunately we can get the credit thanks to no change fees, but the new fare was more than twice what I paid, so luckily it was only 10k miles and that’s a rarity to see so I just did that.

Last year my big booboo was realizing for Thanksgiving that I didn’t buy her a return ticket from Ohare to Austin but it was Austin to Ohare. Yikes! I noticed it on the Friday of that weekend. Ultimately, the fare would have been $800 for that mistake and I wasn’t paying that. Plus from her old ticket we would lose $200 change fee - so glad those days are gone for now. Again luckily we were able to use some miles, the airline felt bad for me and waived the change fee and gave her the full credit for her ticket, which ironically she was supposed to then use to come home for Spring Break but then came home earlier thanks to Covid and that credit only finally got used this year. But with dealing for flights and credits for 6 of us, yep, I need to be more careful. I am glad I think most of our credits are finally used up. Not glad that airfares are starting to go way up though.

My son entered in my credit card for all his applications and then when he was ready to commit to Michigan in early April, he just did it beside me. He wanted to make sure everything was “kosher” and it went through without issue. Also since I will pay it with 529 money I wanted to make sure it was on my credit card not one of mine that he is authorized on since that is not the one I use for this stuff.

Speaking of, that’s the next thing now. Getting him how own credit card. Now that he has a school email I think it’s easier to apply. We use Discover for the kids and they have had no problems plus give a bonus for good grades. Some like Chase for students but Discover has a few better benefits. Credit union for ATM we use also so no fees but Chase debit card. All the other fun stuff to think about. Joy.

I wouldn’t be able to access any of my D’s portals if I tried. I have no passwords for any of the portals, common app, or anything else for that matter. Never read her essays either. College Confidential definitely makes me feel like the minority, but its her journey. Guess I should be glad it all worked out!


Omg!! Is he ready to switch to college A? I’m not sure it matters why. Guessing they would welcome him with open arms if it’s in the next day or so.


As for D pressing the accept button and “paying”, she couldn’t care less. She just asked if I could take care of it and it took two seconds. Kind of silly to have her “pay” as it’s not her money. She’s clear on that and thankful that she got to make her choice without financial restrictions. She knows she’s very lucky. Our kids are expected to work during the summer and to pay for books and all expenses (minus travel to and from home) once they get to school. Right now it looks like she will be working at two different park districts this summer to cover those expenses!

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So I asked sibling the other day, what if all facts pointed to choosing product A, would Amazon reviews in favor of product B (in general, not vs product A), lead you to choose product B? he said yes. A fine mess indeed.

Maybe have him write a LOCI letter ASAP and email the AO? Be honest that he’s having a gut reaction. Good luck.

My S was equally torn and decided last minute. I don’t think he gave it enough thought, was overwhelmed with schoolwork & sports, and he also ruled out some schools over Reddit comments - but those were not the top schools.

Not a fun place to be. It was a hard year and maybe you will get a sympathetic AO or he will get their attention when they need to fill a spot.

My S’ second choice sent us an email 5/1 which made it very clear he could not change his mind. They were the only one to send an email like that.


Feeling for you! One of my kids has always struggled with decisions, and her college decision was the biggest one she had ever made. It was a nail-biter too. Once she left for college all of her hemming and hawing and back-and-forthing proved invaluable. Almost all first-year students, even at their dream schools, have moments of loneliness and overwhelm, and often regret. The fact that she didn’t make a hasty decision helped her endure these challenges.


@havenoidea Nope, you’re not alone :). I had access to common app to do last minute proofreading help and make sure husband and my info was right. It was the first time S21 had to fill out info other than for himself. I don’t have portal access. S21 has his own credit card and pays for everything with it but I did ask things like, “Did you get a confirmation?” Normally I would hover, but I know how badly he wanted this. And maybe I’m at the stage where I’m thinking, “Huh, if he screws this up I won’t have to pay the high tuition, it’d be a good lesson.” We are also fortunate where worst case, community college is free and he would at least get to UC Davis in the TAG program. I’ve thought this thru :slight_smile:


Lol. I’m like you. I handed my D my cc. I did get some email immediately after, but didn’t open it till just now. And I hand to look at the bottom of the receipt to see that it said enrollment & housing deposits are non-refundable to know what it was for. But I’m also the odd ball who has no idea what my D wrote in her personal essay.


Good point- every kid and parent is different. I have done nothing for my D beyond nag her. Would be curious to see a portal. For my younger D she will be sharing passwords with me as I don’t have confidence it will get done😌


This sums up my situation exactly. For S21, just look over his shoulder at the portals once in a while. He uses the Credit card linked to my account to pay all the application fees and deposits. But for D24, I will need to be a much more active participant.