Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Meanwhile, in the South people are hardly wearing masks and there aren’t any more Covid isolation dorms. People in the South are indoors. Just weird.

Really? I live in the South but my kiddo is at a mid Atlantic uni (although currently study abroad). I didn’t realize there were no quarantine/isolation requirements at some schools? That is on me.

It is so interesting how different institutions are handling covid safety. Thanks for the heads up. I’m going to reach out to parents with kids at Southern schools in particular. I’m in a volunteer position with a non-profit providing post-secondary counseling and need to better educate myself in this area.

At my daughter’s Southwest private U, “COVID-19 case management, case reporting, voluntary vaccination reporting and the daily dashboard are among the campus practices that will be discontinued after May 15. Isolation housing will be made available to those who need it through [May 15].” Testing and vaccines are available but not required. Faculty MAY require masks in classrooms through May 15.

It’s interesting that colleges have such different policies and yet infection rates don’t seem to vary dramatically by policy.


I haven’t check in for awhile but, my kid just finished his year and has already been home for a week. I can’t believe freshman year is already over!! He had a great year and I’m so happy he loved school (Michigan)!

What are your kids all doing this summer? He has a month and then he is off to Israel for a Computer Science internship for a Real Estate company. After coming in with so many credits, he is now a Junior and will be graduating in 2024 but is most likely going to get his MEng during the 4th year and finish that in 2025 with his starting freshman class. So 2 graduations at UM in 2 years. Should be fun (other than the high priced hotels and crowds!).

I have one who will be studying abroad in London so my husband, other daughter, this one and myself will be traveling to Italy and France before stopping in London to drop this one at her program in a few weeks. So excited to be traveling again.

All 3 of my college kids wound up getting covid this year between Nov-Jan, although one actually got it from me while we were away on vacation. :frowning: We’re all thankfully triple boosted so other than one their cases were mild. Actually 2 of them hadn’t been boosted just yet when they got it. Hoping all goes smoothly for them abroad with no more cases.


My daughter has finals this week, then she has some final performances and two weeks at her job here at home before she is off to Europe to meet up with her older sister. They’re going to be together there for three weeks, then they’re going to stop in Massachusetts for her transfer orientation on their way home. They will make it home three days before we move cross-country. Then a family trip to a wedding and a two week ballet intensive and the summer will be basically over.


This year did go insanely fast. Cornell ends on the later side. My D will be home for a total of 2.5 days and then head out west to work on a dude ranch for the summer!


My D is in the middle of finals week at UPenn. Boy, did this year fly by! She switched her major from bioengineering to CS and hopes to graduate in 3 years. Over the summer she will be interning at a Genetics lab at Penn’s Medical School (data analysis), and also taking a class. She already has an internship (quantitative analyst) lined up for summer 2023 in NYC!


I remember towards the end of every year in K-12 that I would feel her exhaustion too. But not this year, I am enjoying not having to absorb all the end of year frenzy for once. D has her last final in 2 days then a one week break before going off to Spain for study abroad. This year flew by at break neck speed. It seemed way faster than high school.


My S will be home tomorrow and he will be home for a week before going on a 10 day trip with cousins. The first week of June he flies to NYC for his internship and he will be there until mid Aug.

There is no way my S could graduate early even if he wanted to, he also still has no idea what he wants to do after he finishes college. I am very impressed by the kids that seemed to have it all figured out already!


My D will be home in a week, then will be home for a week before going to her summer term in Italy. In Mid-July/August she will be interning at our local circuit court and also possibly volunteering at our public library (Both law school and library science are in her sights). Small-town experiences, not power-internships by any means, but it’s a way to wet her feet while getting in a summer-abroad.


@TVBingeWatcher2 , where in Spain? How exciting for her!

That sounds like so much fun. I would love to go to a dude ranch. Ofc, I have a husband who’s afraid to ride horses! :frowning:


Seville, but hoping she will find a friend/classmate to fly to Barcelona with and enjoy the city. She doesn’t have the confidence to go by herself.


Seville alone will be a fabulous experience, but yes, it’s hard to think about being so close and yet not able to explore other amazing places. We are having the same issue. I had tentatively planned to go to Italy at the end to go with my D to other areas of the country for a couple of weeks but regretfully ruled it out for a few reasons. I also wish my D had found someone else In her program to do it with…even just a few extra days in Milan (where she’s flying out) would be something. But still, they are going to get so much out of their experiences, and hopefully will get other opportunities to travel.

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Your kids’ (and family) plans sound amazing. So exciting! I hope they get the opportunity to explore a bit while there.

My D is currently studying in The Netherlands for a 4-week spring semester. It has been a wonderful experience so far. She (and friends) will travel to Paris for a weekend and Bruge another weekend. She also extended her trip a week after the class ends to travel across Germany and Czech with a couple friends, one of whom is from Czech so should be a good guide.

I’m so grateful travel has opened up so our kids can have these experiences!!


Seville is a great spot for study abroad. Not too big, but plenty to do, particularly for young people. Can easily access other interesting places in Andalusia region (Cordoba, Granada, Huelva, Cadiz), skip over to Portugal or easily head to Madrid/Barcelona.


Yes! My brother lived in Spain for a few years. I loved visiting him and Andalusia is one of my favorite places. Amazing food too.

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Thanks, Andalusia is on her list for sure.

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thank you for the great advice!!!

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Grades in. D made a 4.0 on 19 hours: 3 EE classes, 1 general engineering class, Physics II, calc III, and ethics.
She has learned to self advocate, learned the importance of attending professors hours early in semester, attending tutoring, seeking outside resources (YouTube) and how time/labor intensive engineering lab classes are.