Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I’m so glad for her…may Spain be everything she hoped for and more!!

Me, I spoke too soon yesterday…my D just came down with Covid today…102 degree fever and a positive rapid test. Her roommate in the home moved to a cot in another room. I feel for the older woman hosting them! I think D’s the first student in the program to come down with it and I’m not sure if the plan of what will happen is 100% in place. It’s midnight there so…nothing to do but wait. Yikes! An hour ago D texted “Mom, I want to come home!” Of course, she can’t. Somehow she didn’t get Covid a few weeks ago when her roommate and several close friends got it. This time she didn’t dodge the bullet.

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Oh, I am so sorry to hear this. I sure hope your daughter feels better very soon. I can only imagine how you feel with a sick child so far away. Please keep us updated.

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Oh no, I hope she feels better soon.

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Thank you, I hope so too. too. I’m feeling kind of helpless from here. In even the best-case scenario with a mild case (If she’s that lucky) I can’t imagine she can ever catch up in intensive Italian class after isolating for ten days. But, first things first.

Hope she feels better soon! I myself came down with Covid The last week of May…my two year winning streak came to a screeching halt lol. Slowly getting back to normal now. Surprisingly, no one else in the house caught it.

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Year 1 is finally done. Great experience. S21 did very well with his grades: as a waitlist admit he went in with a tinge of impostor syndrome but that lasted for about two weeks. Got excellent grades in a very demanding major (Math) and he’s happy with the challenge of the grind.

Things I never expected in a million years: in the winter quarter he decided to pledge a fraternity which has really helped find some semblance of a social life. Even the fraternities at Chicago are kind of nerdy and quirky, so the pledge quarter wasn’t too bad.


nice , congratulations, what college?

Sorry to hear. hope she feels better soon! all the best!


It is nice to see some things returning to normal. My son is leading admissions tours this summer and he says they are pretty full. Had 120 people on a Tuesday morning :blush:.


Hi All.
Seems like 2-3 years ago have passed since dropping S21 off in his dorms last year for the first time. But it’s only been one!!!

S is soon completing an 8 week fully immersive Russian language program. He will fly directly back to GW when it finishes versus come home. Classes begin 10 days after that.

His storage company will have delivered (fingers crossed) his boxes to his dorm. (The company has a contract with GW allowing them to enter the dorms). So he gets to deal with it all, yay!!! :grin:

We will head up for Parents weekend later in the semester. (Might possibly visit him prior….if travel isn’t as chaotic, etc.)

So far, so good.

I hope all kids are doing well and parents, too!!! :hugs::blush:


Sigh, summer is definitely coming to an end. Even though D21 lives at her dad’s place which is walking distance to me it was so nice having her “around.” I hardly saw her as she worked full time and then had a busy social schedule and some travels in there too. She sent me a photo last night of her stuff all packed up and I cried. I really thought I got all my tears out last year when I stayed in bed for 2 days and sobbed. They are definitely happy tears mixed with sad ones. She’s been through a harrowing ordeal with lots of therapy and has made it to the other side. It wasn’t that many weeks ago I wasn’t sure she would be able to go back for sophomore year. She worked SO hard and I’m just absolutely so happy for her and proud of her and also relieved.

She’s so excited to go back to school and move into her apartment and start things up again. She also realized over summer she wants to change her major and I can see the relief in her knowing she’s finally made the decision. It’s definitely been a summer of growth and I can feel in my bones that this year is going to be really good. There are less unknowns for her and that really works in her favor.

I hope you and your kids had good summers too!


My D is flying back to school in a little less than two weeks. She has a couple of days of TA training and then school will start a few days later. She’s settled on her theses and has started writing her CV and personal statements for grad school apps- first is due in mid November (eek!). A week after she gets to the east coast we will pass through and grab her on our way to dropping our younger daughter off for her first year away- she didn’t want to miss moving her sis into college. Then we will head home (D19 is flying back to school) and start life as empty nesters. They’ll both be home at Christmas.


D21’s school, which is on the quarter system, doesn’t start until 9/19, so we still have time.

She’s been working PT (24 hours/week) at her summer job, which is in the same field related to her major/future career choice. She’s also been doing her volunteer work, also major/future career choice related. And walking dogs and cat sitting in the neighborhood.

So busy, busy, busy and she’s STILL interested in her major/future career choice, which is always good. :smile:


My S and dad are driving S’ car across the country and stopping at friends’ homes in CO, IA. I was super sad when he left last night as I will miss having him around and hope he gets a good internship next summer. For now we are keeping his room as is. His time here went quickly and we didn’t hang as much as I would have liked. Last year I was mainly relieved that he made it residential during Covid so this year the sadness set in.

Thanksgiving airline ticket price so far is $2000!


Omg! $2000?!!!

I’ve not looked at travel yet for Turkey week but my gosh, maybe I should.

We are keeping an eye on it. Airlines are making adjustments and cancellations right now…

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Holy cow- I booked my older daughter to fly to school after helping little sis set up her room, and it was $28 one way. It’s only a 90 min flight, but still. My husband and I to fly home from Boston to New Mexico was $175 each. I guess I better start tracking Christmas- they’re staying on the east coast for thanksgiving.

Thanks for the reminder. I have to look into that tonight for D18.

I booked S21’s Thanksgiving flight in June. $328 - not too bad since the cheapest flights RT nonstop are never less than $220 (he goes to school in OH and we live in MD). I booked it as soon as SWA opened the calendar and I knew his course schedule. He flies home Wed morning and returns Sunday morning. He could have flown home Tues night but that flight was quite a bit more expensive.

I remember scoring a great cheap Thanksgiving flight for my oldest - San Diego to Baltimore for less than $300 RT on Alaska Air (this was 2017, pre-pandemic!). I bought it in the summer. When we moved her in, we met a family from Seattle and the mom couldn’t believe how cheapmy daughter’s ticket was to fly cross country. The woman paid over $500 on Alaska for her daughter to fly San Diego to Seattle! It pays to book early for Thanksgiving! We loved Alaska Air but sadly they canceled their San Diego-BWI route after her sophomore year.

Back on topic, S21’s last day of work is Sunday. We leave Thursday to drive him back to school. He has rugby pre-season camp for a couple of days then classes start the following Monday. Dh and I drive home (8 hrs) Saturday then I leave the next day with D23 for a college tour (Providence, Boston and NY) Not looking forward to getting back in the car the next day and driving another six hours to Providence!