Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

Sweet!! They need to do this to incentivize people to get vaccinated. I saw bars giving free drinks. Lol. I shrunk down our vax cards on the printer and then laminated the smaller size.

I’m not sure what to with the vaccine card because what if there is a booster shot later and before he comes home for Xmas? Should he have his card available for them to put on the 3rd sticker? Or maybe they’ll figure it out and then we can just update our Kaiser doc like we did this time. Either way, I love laminating and this made me happy. :joy:


I’m glad that I’m not the only one at the bar, getting maudlin into my coffee. I was annoyed today, but trying to stay upbeat about our deposited school, which is a good financial fit.


@irishmam3 that is exactly what i keep telling myself. committed school showed the love with renewable aid that makes the financials much more palatable, and i’m fairly certain we’d get no aid from Dream School even if she were to come off WL. i’m going to go order an ‘Insert-Committed-School Mom’ T-shirt and be done with it. :smiley:


Lol…I was anxiously awaiting my D21s second shot last week. Mostly for the plague protection…but also for an excuse to break out the laminator!


Last official day of school today. 2 projects due and then he is done! Next week is a modified senior week. The school had a drive by to pick up lawn signs celebrating the class and I started sobbing in the car. I can’t believe my baby is graduating!


We were in the “Not thrilled about decision” bar for a while, but happy to report that D21 ordered her college swag yesterday so it seems like she is getting on with it now with more positivity and excitement.


I am so happy for you that she is happy.
Feel like a closure to high school life and beginning of the next chapter.I hope mine becomes positive as well!


I know your D has committed, but are you all in waitlist bar as well?

No WL Bar for us. Deep down she knows this is a fantastic school and is a better fit for her than her WL options.


Selingo on twit ter:

An example of how enrollment yield models were all messed up this year: scrippscollege doesn’t take any transfer students—doesn’t even review their applications—and instead returns their app fees.

Here is my insufficiently-caffeinated morning thought, wondering if anyone is thinking the same: some colleges seem to be using waitlists (Cornell, Vandy, etc), but others seem overenrolled or at capacity at least for the moment. I am wondering if colleges expected their yields to be low because apps increased but not applicants - except that is where I think the mistake may be. Applicants may not have increased much for Common App as a whole, but among highly selective schools, unique applicants to highly selective schools may indeed have increased, because the criteria changed. There were more “viable” applicants than in past years. And so some of them who were not conservative enough in admission might now be overenrolled, whereas others that were very careful in RD numbers are now going to the WL in small numbers as planned.


i saw this yesterday, a transfer applicant was on Reddit pouring out her heart. Just so frustrating. We’re on the WL but obv hopes dwindled after seeing this.


It is a puzzling year for yield to be sure. You would think some of the highly selective applicants had multiple offers and would open some spots 5/1-5/3 (which would trickle down) but I guess it’s also about how the schools played it with number of offers? According to some, they really dread overenrolling so you wouldn’t think they would bump up the initial offers by too much. My guess is internationals would deposit even if they weren’t sure about being able to come. I heard on a podcast, it might not be until June or July when they cancel due to visa issues. Could be some who double deposited if they had trouble deciding or are worried about closures, but maybe not too much of that. I’m also insufficiently-caffeinated.


You would think, right? I was surprised to hear Pitzer filled their class May 1. So they were good at predicting yield or perhaps did very early WL shuffling. We need a crystal ball for this and more coffee.


I read Colgate over enrolled also. I think some schools went with what their normal yield was and with some other selective schools supposedly accepting less kids this yr due to 2020 gap students, they couldn’t properly calculate yield.


This one does not surprise me as Colgate was one of the few to take a high proportion of test submitters RD. I saw a lot of Bay Area kids on their social media pages who committed. Perhaps some who might have gone to a UC in another year? The people on my son’s tour were also from the Bay Area.


i’m really surprised there wasn’t more yield-protecting going on (or maybe there was and they still completely enrolled). never sufficiently caffeinated here. :coffee: i’ve spent way too much time gaming this over and over like a rubik’s cube.


Catching up. So is the consensus that the colleges predicted yield well and not that many WL spots? I can imagine T10-T15 schools, but I would think there’s shifting that is going to take place, if not already, so I’m so surprised. I don’t think the UCs accepted more students than previous years and I can’t imagine there not being movement by now since 5/1 was their deadline for SIRs AND usually a CA kid (which is a good chunk of their applicants) would get 2+ UC acceptances if they’re going to be accepted at a UC. The top 10% of the kids would get multiple UC acceptances. However, an explanation to non WL movement could be if those who got accepted are kids who normally wouldn’t apply to UCs in non test-blind years and are committing, making the top 10% movement irrelevant to WL?


There is no news that Colgate is overenrolled. What has happened is that kids on their WL were sent an email saying they likely will not go to their WL. That could mean Colgate hit their numbers or are just a little over. Summer shrink is a thing so they must have enough kids enrolled to offset anyone who leaves to take a spot at another school but there’s been no news that they are dreadfully overenrolled.


Positive steps! We have yet to order swag…


Totally anecdotal but our friend group here of very high GPA kids got a scramble outcome at the midtier UCs. Nobody we know got accepted to more than two of maybe 4-6 applied, many WL at most of the rest. All top 10% easily. I suspect a lot of kids who might have gone CSU another year are going UC this year. We also know some pretty high stat kids who got shut out and they are going to second tier privates.