Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

It is so interesting. Maybe this won’t be a big WL year. My brain is hurting trying to figure out how this could happen because many of us thought that schools would take fewer kids initially and then go to WL so that they didn’t risk being overenrolled. It’s not looking like that happened. Looks like top schools accepted close to the number they normally do and hit typical yield targets (or maybe a little higher).

Two things I’ve been thinking about - (1) a lot of these schools take a large percentage in ED so their risk only comes in RD so maybe accepting the same number of kids as a normal year isn’t as risky as we thought and (2) even though it seems to all of us that there were a lot of kids with a slew of WL offers, this really does happen every year. You just have to look back at older threads to see many posters say they were waitlisted “everywhere”.

Is it possible that these top schools didn’t change their strategy at all this year? Took the kids they wanted and just hoped for the best that they would deposit? I’m kind of dying to see the numbers on that. Even though the numbers show that any given student applied to more schools, that doesn’t necessarily mean they were qualified. If the “extra” apps out there over and above a normal year were mostly to reaches where kids didn’t stand a chance, then it makes more sense that this year looks just like other competitive year.

It does sound like some schools might have taken this opportunity to take students they wouldn’t have accepted in the past and that’s hurting some kids at strong public schools since I have been hearing a lot of those types of kids had different results than expected.


On the good news of the required micro fridge rental thing, one less thing to get to and from campus. You show up at dorm room and it there and you leave it the dorm room when you leave in the spring.


I recommend Brads Deals for bargain hunting. They have a search function with email alerts.


Do you buy a comforter with a duvet cover? Higher chance of the kid actually washing a duvet cover vs a comforter?

Well we’re halfway there. Mr. Indecision promised (maybe that’s too strong; indicated?) that he would decide about College A by tonight. Virtual visits for other schools is all I can come up with for a “reason” for a late deposit to A, though he visited A in person; he is currently deposited at C.

Speaking of enrollment levels, per Naviance it appears that more than double the typical number of kids from the high school have enrolled at College A from class of 2021, twelve, which feels like a lot. Scared that they could be full even though they did not see a large increase in apps - I am assuming they admitted their usual number, as Naviance shows. They tend to be a fall-back school that heavily considers demonstrated interest, but sufficiently thought-of that it would not surprise me if there is some portion of test-optional applicants who may see it as a step up from whatever their options might have been, so enrollment could see increases from both directions - those stepping up and those squeezed out of more selective schools.


That is what we did. We have have duvet covers at home and I know my daughter will wash hers here once in awhile, so I figure she will there too. A comforter that doesn’t fit in a normal washing machine would probably never get washed. Ha.

I’m a bit confused about this as well. I guess I was assuming that extremely strong, sought after candidates got into a number of top schools, like they do every year. But, this year there were so many more kids applying to top schools, and I was thinking many schools took those sought after candidates, decreasing yield for each, necessitating WL use. At our kids school, there were definitely many more high stats kids getting lots of WL at places that on Scoir no kids at their level have ever been anything but accepted for the last 5 yrs.

S21, at his ED school is set. D21 loves her choice, but is at the WL bar (stocked with sparking water) for 2 schools where she perceives we’ll get a better ROI, lol. I’m not at the bar because, at this point, I’m pretty much over this and a bit annoyed with her: 1) one of the WL schools was where I thought she should ED but she didn’t want to for a few reasons and I’m pretty sure she’d have gotten in, 2) the other school, I asked her if she wanted to ED 2, no, and 3) she started her RD apps only after getting deferred from her ED school (which I never liked for her) and she didn’t even try to get an interview at either school, which could have made a difference.

Anyway, I am interested in the logistics of this year! I hope we get to see how schools handled the influx, expected yield, etc.!


I ordered 3 posters for S19s and that was the only “decor” he used.

Hopefully your school will work with you on a medical single. My S19 has 2 disabilities—Autism Spectrum and Ulcerative Colitis. I provided lots of medical info and statements from his Drs/therapist. Housing at his school was great! The LLC he wanted to join did not have single rooms. They allowed him to live in a double without an assigned roommate so he could live in that LLC. He was home online this year but has secured a double without assigned roommate again next year because it is in the same building and best situation for him. You can always ask and plead your D’s case for why being in a medical single is the best option.


We have an appointment with her doctor this week to have the paperwork completed for the medical single. Since they don’t require anyone to live on campus, they also don’t guarantee that they can meet the needs of all students with disabilities in campus housing. We shall see!

I hear you on the vibe/gut feel and the challenges of social media. Mine is second guessing her choice based on some of that. How is he able to still decide? Did he ask the school for more time or double deposit? Have you heard of a kid changing their mind after declining a school’s offer?

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We do not know yet whether they would take a late deposit, we have not yet asked. My thinking is that we would need to beg, and include something like “I am ready to deposit immediately.” It probably depends on how full they are for enrollment.


Oops, I was answering evergreen5. Yes! We know a kid who accepted another offer and even started his sport over the summer, decided that school wasn’t for him, and went back to a school he’d declined - and with the help of the CGO - got in. This was a T20 school too, so it does happen.


I’m looking forward to moving in my son!!! I just spend all day in Austin yesterday after flying down Thursday night helping pack up my daughter. 8 boxes and 2 suitcases+ of stuff!! My back was killing me, I was sweating like crazy and I didn’t know a kid could have so many clothes and most of them look the same. The heat hasn’t helped either.

Most boys don’t care about that stuff and all the decor stuff. Pictures of their friends, cutesie bed pillows, etc. Cant wait.


Just got an order of Mixtiles for D21- they look great. Ordering more! I am so behind in buying for her. I was done with most of her sister’s stuff by this time. You would think it would be easier the second time around, but I am having a hard time finding things. D18 didn’t have a roommate, I think that it what was so easy the first time.


I’ve never heard of Mixtiles. Just looked. Oh dear. I cannot let D19 or D21 know what Mixtiles are. They’ll drain my bank account. :money_with_wings:


Thank you for the name! I saw it on Instagram but never saw mixtures again! I had looked up Shutterfly for these. Want to print pix of son and his friends. I might make a pillow with our dog’s image on it. That darn dog follows him around when he’s around.

Also vax good news. In anticipation of FDA approval for Pfizer to be used on 12+ year olds, a clinic opened up its appointment for this Friday. I got a 12:50pm slot for D24. This will make me feel so much better when the entire fam is vaccinated.


S19 has a Homer pillow. I sent a photo to the company and it’s actually shaped like him. It’s so cute! He didn’t originally want it on his bed (I had surprised him with it) but some girls on his dorm floor found it laying around his room and declared that it must be on his bed!


What company did you use? D21 is already lamenting not being able to take our cats to college. I’ll bet she’d love pillows shaped like them. (Though I’m not sure anyone can make a pillow shaped like our bobcat-sized cat, LOL.)

Interesting…I wonder if that is an acceptable response from housing based on the Americans with Disabilities Act or not. It is kind of gray what is considered a reasonable accommodation. It might help to write up everything you can think of that could be a reason your D would need a medical single to give to your dr so they can mention those things too. I think the school had a committee that looked over what we sent in the determine if having his own room was a reasonable accommodation.