Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

@Mwfan1921 what about all the seniors with bad grades? Do you think colleges are just going to let all of that slide on the whole? It seems to me that they celebrated the admissions and wouldn’t rescind many offers.

Do you suspect there are more double deposits?

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Wisconsin usually has a lot of WL movement and nothing this year. I assume they are overenrolled, but no communication with WL students after asking them to write an extra essay. They must know if they are full by now, right? Perhaps it is the international piece.

My D’s BFF is a first-year at Beloit. She’s having a great experience and went without ever being able to visit the campus. It sounds like a special place that would appeal to students interested in SLACs like Bard, Oberlin, Wesleyan etc.


There is an exception from what I understand in the travel ban for students going to the US for college. This doesn’t answer the visa question though.

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The seniors with bad grades are frustrating to me - my son kept his foot on the gas all year. He wanted to finish strong. He is just that kind of kid which will serve him well in college. All these posts about will I get rescinded to my dream school are a little concerning, particularly as he is patiently waiting on WL schools.

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Same. It’s been a miserable year for my son and he is still working diligently. Weekends, breaks.


I sure hope schools will be more tolerant of bad grades, but haven’t directly heard that. I have seen a number of threads from students admitted to UCs who have Ds or Fs this semester, so hopefully they report back what happens.

I wonder about double deposits too…that could create some openings, once those students have to choose one…which will happen when their HSs say we will only send your final transcript to one school, and many schools won’t allow students to attend orientation, register for classes, and/or finalize housing until they have the final transcript.

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We have one kid who kept her “foot on the gas” and the other who struggled every single day with online learning. (They were online only from March 2020 through late April, and now they are in person 1-2 days a week.) The first kept up straight As. The second’s grades – and her mental health – took a massive hit. I have deep sympathy for both of them. Not to mention that support at school and at home varies wildly from person to person and school to school. I understand how frustrating it must be when your child is on a wait list. Still, I would never want anyone to be accepted because someone else was rescinded as a result of this year’s extenuating circumstances.


Over the last few months, I’ve mentioned a couple times to D those “Will I get rescinded…” threads that are posted here on CC every year. Not that she’ll take her foot off the gas pedal, but as an “off the cuff” reminder, when the subject of senioritis came up in conversation.

D also mentioned someone she knows has double deposited. I don’t know the schools, but one is a UC and one is a private college back east. Of course, I gave her my :man_facepalming: “No bueno” look.

Forgive me if this has been covered already, but is there such a thing as a twin XL duvet or comforter? Any thoughts on where to find one? Or maybe you found one, but twin XL duvet covers are scarce?

DS is 6’4", so it may make a difference. Or probably only I worry about these things and he’s not going to care…

I don’t think it exists.

I think they will just let all slide. In a perfect world they could do appeals for individual circumstances. Many kids had less than ideal circumstances, material delivery this year. The colleges are already shifting focus to recruiting juniors.

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Do you mean twin XL? Most dorms have Twin XL mattresses that are longer than normal twin mattresses to accommodate tall students, so it’s generally advised to get all beddding in this size. BB&B, Target, Dormify and Pottery Barn Dorm (among others) carry bedding in XL twin. Not sure about duvet covers though…

I’ve also heard of students buying full/queen duvets/comforters if they plan to loft the bed and store things underneath so that the comforter hangs down a bit over the storage containers and looks a little nicer.


Very reasonable to assume UCs have double depositors since they could not guarantee housing and announced will have remote courses.


Just editing my post as I saw yours. Yes, twin XL. I guess I’ll have to look around for comforters, although a duvet with cover has more appeal. I think he might actually wash a cover? I actually bought sheets in a dark color…because I’m not sure he will wash them often?

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LOL, I noticed that different shades of grey/tan/taupe seem to be very popular for dorm sheets…probably for that very reason!


@Aguadecoco That sucks. I get the need to contain the virus from spreading but those South Asian kids bust their chops to try to get to the US for an education. It’s such a terrible situation for everyone.


Twin XL comforters/duvets and covers exist. I’ve seen them at Amazon and The Company Store. XL is 5 inches longer. It may not make much of a difference if there is a footboard that rises above the height of the mattress (bunkbed-style), if the student is unlikely to tuck it down in between the footboard and mattress when making the bed.

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This is excellent! I would love to check in our D18 parents and this made me realized the bookmark dropped off. I’m headed over there for a sec :wink:

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I actually do hope schools will be more tolerant. It’s been almost two years of this virtual madness. I would be burned out so I’m not going to judge how different kids handle different situation. When I’m burned out for work, I can at least drive my car, go do something, buy something. Many kids are just stuck.