Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

We had a few kids get into UofM last week off the waitlist. Things might be HS or region specific.


Why not is right!! D21 missed the height requirement by an inch, so we never investigated nearby chapters. :grin:

Terry robe - Ikeaā€¦like $20 or so. Bought one for older son, monogrammed and all. :roll_eyes: Never worn. :slightly_frowning_face:

Donā€™t know if anyone has mentioned, but I bought my son a picnic blanket. Thought it might be a good idea for Spring or wheneverā€¦picnic blanket + a good book + a tree. Figured why notā€¦? Will prob. never use it. :pensive:

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We sent my older daughter a picnic blanket at the beginning of spring at her request, itā€™s the ones that fold really tiny and she has gotten good use of it. My younger D we wonā€™t bother as she hates picnics and the like because she hates all bugs, so sheā€™d never use it.

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One of the things I sent to college with the older daughter who just graduated was an old fashioned camp sleeping bag. The kind that can completely unzip to make a comforter. She used it as a backup comforter for once in a while when the dorm room thermostat was on the glitch but also for when friends were visiting and sleeping on the floor. Also kept it in the back of her car for emergency use in the event of a winter snowstorm stranding. But mostly I think she used it for outdoor concerts, picnics and such. We had a bunch in the RV so I just grabbed one and gave it to her.


This is an excellent suggestion! My D19 used her little portable one all the time when she was on campus.

Thanks to your reminder I will order one for S21.

If anyone is wondering what type, my D19 had something like this one.


Didnā€™t think I needed that, but going to get one for S21. I honestly hope my sonā€™s college experience is going to be so much more fun than mine where I spent so much time just attending class, doing homework, and then interning. I donā€™t think I got to stop and smell the flowers. Or spent enough time at Drumheller Fountain at the UW to be sprayed with goose poop-infested fountain water.

As a former New Englander who misses it terribly, I would bet that he will love sitting on those gorgeous grassy areas at Brown and sitting down by the river with the blanket. Iā€™m a tad envious. Bet he uses it a lot!

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Has your S tried day/night contact lenses? They were a life changer for me. I donā€™t know that they promote thdm as much for kids, but maybe your S is old enough now to look into it. I wear the same lenses for 15 days, soak overnight on the 15th, then wear the same pair for 15 more days and dispose of that pair. One new pair each month and on all but 2 might a month, wear them day and nightā€¦I wore glasses since 4th grade, not able to get contacts until in college and discovered the day/nights about 10 years ago. I have never had a problem with them and so much less messing around than the dailies. I can just keep my glasses/solution in a drawer. A bottle of solution goes a long way since I only need it a couple times a month. This doesnā€™t really answer tour question about storage but thought Iā€™d share how much better I like the day/night contactsā€¦


So at UCF they HAVE to find their own roommate? Thatā€™s crazy. Iā€™m sorry.

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For contacts and if your kid is near-sighted and Rx not worse than -5.0, look into Ortho K. My son wears those lens at night and the next day, he takes them out and heā€™s 20/20. For him, heā€™s good til end of the second day. Itā€™s like retainer for your eyes.


You didnā€™t waste afternoons going down to the arboretum with a rented canoe? Or learning to like espressos at the Burke Museum cafe? Or stealing the roses that grew back then (not sure about now) between Drumheller and Bagley? You need to go backā€¦some of my favorite memories were made at the UW.

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@SammoJ Take that back. Canoe rental was always my fave. Did that with the kids a couple years ago. Only $10/hr, too. We can pick the roses?!!

Hamilton does the roommate matching for freshmen. D21 got her housing questionnaire today. She has been obsessing over her responses for hours.


My poor D is -10.0 in left eye and -9.5 in right eye. With astigmatism. wears weighted for astigmatism contacts and can not sleep with them. We tried OrthoK when she was in 3rd grade but they did not work for her.

@TVBingeWatcher2 Poor thing! Mine are -9 and -8 so Iā€™m also out of the running. It gets worse in college (it did for me). It really sucks to wake up and not be able to see clearly. At her prescription, I hope contact lens are free! For our insurance, if itā€™s over a certain Rx, itā€™s free since it is medically required.


I hate the social media roommate finding. S21 has zero interest in that so fortunately VT gives the option to just pick a room and see the profile of a student already in it or can pick an empty room and just see who picks you. Heā€™s doing an LLC so at least knows which dorm.


I think a lot of boys just go random so I wouldnā€™t worry about it. My eldest at Virginia Tech did that and made a great friend :slight_smile:


My D21 struggling big time. Sheā€™s hates the social media aspect of it and getting ghosted and stuff, itā€™s doing a number on her self esteem. Sheā€™s taking a break from it and I am gently encouraging her to just go random/blind. I was hoping by now things would be so much more joyful in the process but unfortunately itā€™s sucks right now. Hard to watch. She would love to get to know someone ahead of time and coordinate some room stuff-she had that built up in her mind for a while and was looking forward to it. Sucks


My younger son who is 6ā€™2" at almost 16 was just told the same about his growth plates. His older brother S21 is 6ā€™6" and no way does he want to be that tall. Maybe thereā€™s a club in Boston where S21 is headed!

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