Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

I agree, that’s strange that they would have already determined fully remote after Thanksgiving at this stage. This approach was common this year due to Covid (as you mentioned), or some schools started earlier to be done by Thanksgiving. @4kids4us make sure you are looking at the 21-22 calendar :grin:


At Miami everyone is in an LLC. Although as mentioned above it can be as general as “out of state” or “fitness”

Sounds like great food. Can I get an invite?

My older son went to a school on quarters and was always done at thanksgiving until January. IMO it was great. Always hated when the other who was on semesters had less then a week off and then only a couple of weeks until coming home. Always felt guilted in to flying in back but by junior year he said no thanks:)


Our S went to relatives for Thanksgiving break who he could get to by train. Any family closer by?

Come on down, just be prepared for extremely hot weather :cowboy_hat_face:

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Ya, it wasn’t even on my radar at all, but then parents said if you don’t order/reserve early they actually run out. There’s a set company the school uses and there they were. There’s also a buy option for something like $460. No thanks! I’d rather just rent and be done with it. They also had safes you can rent (we used other things for valuables) and I couldn’t believe it, but it also looks like they charge you for different bed configurations - lofting, half loft, etc. I need to check that out for sure, or if that’s something kids just do on their own, but seriously as if they don’t get enough $ from us.

Yes, he’s checking to see if he wants it too. The roommate is from CA so I doubt he will want to be buying one either, so hopefully they agree to rent it together. We have a fridge from when my husband had one in his office at work that can be used down the line, but after am discussion, we’re definitely not interested in bringing it. They only give you an hour to unload your car and if he ends up in a non air conditioned dorm, that’s one less thing to deal with moving around and taking up space in the car.

Right. All 3 schools my kids are at are back to a normal year including fall breaks, winter breaks, and spring breaks and almost all in person classes.


I can’t say 100% without any exception, but Michigan, where srparent’s S will be attending, works with the company to offer the refrigerator & microwave for their dorms. The bulk of the Michigan dorms have been remodeled over the years. My D18 attends Michigan and the fridge/micro package is offered in the materials that Michigan sends parents, IIRC.

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Right! I’m surprised some of you are already thinking about microwaves, etc. Most schools send out info on this some time in the summer. Seems early to be planning how to get a fridge.


Honestly, I remember us having 30 minutes for move-in at Michigan. Essentially, you throw everything into a large plastic blue bin and make your way to the room. It’s quite a quick process, IMO. Michigan has students who help you load, unload and escort you through the hallways and elevator.

We walked from the hotel and I played Sherpa/mule and carried everything. Michigan does allow you to ship and store your kid’s stuff to/at the dorm too. So that was a huge help.

The one thing to prepare for, if driving to Central Campus, is the A2 police and Michigan have many streets leading up to the dorms as temporary one way streets. I decided to carry everything instead of driving, because I didn’t want to have to deal with the scene in front of the dorm. But, Michigan handles move-in really well so the traffic scene/mess that I’d expected never materialized.

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I just checked - thanks to this thread - and it looks like S21 has 9 days off at Thanksgiving. And then about a month for Christmas. Its an 8 hour drive one way so we’ll have to figure out whether we go pick him up or he finds a ride home. He will probably have a car at school after freshman year but I predict a few long road trips the first year.

We’re planning to have a grad party, but probably later in the summer. S doesn’t want anything over the top so it’ll just be outside in our backyard. We have a pool and fire pit, so we’ll probably just order food, have lots of drinks for the parents and put the kids in charge of the playlist. We still have to get through two more AP tests, a huge senior project, prom and graduation (and a few of D23’s end of year activities) before I can think about party planning!

Is anyone else’s kid having a hard time staying on top of college emails/planning because they are still focused on wrapping up their senior year? S already missed one deadline from his college with a questionnaire he was supposed to fill out for placement in one of the required freshman classes. They resent the email with a later deadline and he completed it right away. But it makes me nervous that he might be missing other college-related things since he still has three weeks until HS graduation and that is where his focus is at the moment!


So this year they’ve said move in dates will be over a week with sign up beginning in August. OOS parents who have to fly are freaking out and honestly I can’t blame them. That’s terrible on UM part to leave people hanging like that. I am all for having people helping but they only say we can park in certain spots that will be marked for us and bins (not helpers) will be available and only our kid can do certain things also. Also, regarding shipping, many parents have asked about that and there’s info about that as well and can’t ship anything prior to some date which is so late there’s no guarantee it gets there in time. So, we’ll just pack up the car and then do our usual pre-order stuff at Target for toiletries and other odds and ends once we see the joint. Fans are the big thing if the room is not a/c. One thing I do know and you said it, the large schools do seem to handle move in pretty well. If they truly are doing it over a week’s time then it should also be less crowded.

@homerdog Honestly, I wouldn’t have done anything now about the fridge thing but parents said if you don’t order early enough they do run out every year so if the kid is going to have one, the cost relative to everything else is nominal.


I don’t see any issues getting stuff sorted early, it’s been over a year of no plans and broken plans, might as well have a bit of fun actually having something to prep and organize for those of us who enjoy it! I’m trying to hold off on anything that may need to be returned so we stay in the return window, and also trying to let my kid take the lead. I would definitely end up stocking up way more than needed just by buying little by little over the months.

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D19 had no interest in the LLCs, D21 is hoping to get into one. You don’t have to do an application at Boulder, it is random (as long as your major is one that fits with that LLC you can put it on your housing list.) Her first choice is the Environmental LLC but it is in the nicest dorm so I am sure even kids who don’t care about it sign up for that one. She would like to be in one because you get to take one class that is much smaller than normal and it is in your dorm. It would be so nice for her to take a required intro class (as of now her major is Environmental Studies) with 20 kids instead of hundreds.

I think I mentioned on here that she did sign up for the pre-orientation outdoor trip. It was a big help with our planning because now we know exactly which day she moves in, if you don’t do a pre-trip you have to wait until mid June to find out your move in date. I have booked a hotel but not the flights yet. Definitely haven’t done Thanksgiving yet - that could change depending on D19’s plans (if she goes to Italy we may try to visit her there.)


So my daughter found a roommate through me lol. I became friends with a mom on the parents page & we all met up
& they decided to room together. It’s been nice the 4 of us doing shopping & planning together. We all seem so alike :blush:


The move-in dates for us were Wednesday 8/29/2018 to Friday 8/31/2018.

Just as you mentioned, early that August (2018), we received a sign-up for a specific date/time. We picked Friday (8/31/2018) morning. I made flight reservations from here in CA on Monday 8/6/2018. I paid $300/ticket RT on Delta. Not sure what the prices are today for the same trip, but honestly, the OOS parents should just relax and chill a bit. :cold_face:

It works out just fine.


I learned at my D21’s college that there is an option to choose “Substance free” housing. Is this usual?

D21’s CA public college has substance-free housing as a choice too. Not sure if it’s typical or atypical.