Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

My son’s prom was canceled a while back b/c the venue said it could not accommodate but since that time many restrictions have been lifted, so it’s possible they would have been able to have it. Instead, the after party the school puts on will take the place of prom and be during the time period the prom would have been, so no all night party like in the past. However, he goes to an all boys’ school and the after party is only for seniors, no dates. He didn’t even want to go to it, but one of his teachers is the organizer (along with parents), so she has been hounded him to RSVP. He and his friends finally changed their minds and will go.

Honestly I don’t even think, being a boy, he cares that much about not having a prom. I think he might feel differently if he had a girlfriend or if his school was co-ed. He was actually invited by a girl, who is just a friend, who goes to an all-girls’ school to her prom. He was going to go with her but it is the same weekend as our oldest daughter’s college graduation in San Diego. We gave him the choice - he could go with us to San Diego or go to her prom (thinking he might want to have the senior memory of “a prom” even if it wasn’t his own). He chose to go to San Diego instead.

So no prom but he’s not upset about it.


Good luck to all the kids taking AP exams the next few weeks! Manifesting the scores they need for credit!

S21’s prom was canceled 6 hours before it was to start last year and Senior Ball didn’t happen. COVID rates are down at lowest levels but I had to stand on the other side of the fence to watch my son’s last swim meet. Within the county, the rules are so bizarre. We are okay to socially distant and attend D24’s soccer games.

They said we will have a parallel virtual and in-person stadium graduation on Friday with students on the field. There will be 2 ceremonies so I hope they will allow parents and grandparents to attend. My parents haven’t seen the kids in 18 months and are flying down for a week.

We are going to have an outdoor party for the kids. I’m the bouncer and I’m checking vaccination cards (have to be fully vaccinated before they can enter). My friend is on a 2 acre so plenty of open air.


Same here re: prom. Some small parties happening, but that’s it. I am encouraging D to get a dress though. She went to one school dance sophomore year, but that’s it. Queue the violins…
Imaging all the fun they will have when they go to college next year.


Good luck on APs everyone. My kid is scheduled for the last round in early June - AFTER graduation. I am anticipating that motivation will be high, LOL!


D21 had their prom on Saturday night. Huge tent on the football field, food trucks and ice cream, live music and a dj, and a photo booth. It was amazing!!! Felt very 2019! The night ended with a professional fireworks display. The school really knocked it out of the park!

The kids had a blast and it was so awesome to see all of the smiles after such a tough year.

Ended up with about 250 kids and each kid got two tickets to Grand March. The school made the proposal to the state health department and it was approved about 3 weeks before the event. The community totally came together to give them the best prom ever! And just for reference, we live in Biden’s home state of DE.


My son just got home from the Physics C Mechanics Exam. Said there were two forms as usual for the one today and one form was much “easier” than the other. The form (in his opinion) that he got, was of course the harder one. Said something that they said that certain units were supposed to be 40-50% of the test were a much smaller portion of it. The last unit covered turned out to be a much bigger part of the test. The smartest girl in the class and boy in the class had same form and all agreed. Now it’s time to move on and focus on the next test. Physics always stinks but the good news, maybe it’s also a wake up for him who has not hit a wall with some of these things!

Anyone else’s kid take the Mechanics today? Where I work they aren’t taking that one for 3 more weeks.

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No prom here and we have been warned that no substitute proms are to be held before graduation or we risk not having an in-person graduation.

Wow, so heavy handed. No reason schools can’t do something outside when other events like Baseball can be at full capacity.


D works after school today. Will get her opinion about the exams.

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D’s prom is this Friday. We bought a dress yesterday at Nordstrom’s for $36. Such a deal, but it needs some alterations. Prom will be held outside on the turf soccer field. And they’ll have their graduation in June too. Yay!


Indoor prom here in SF Bay Area small public school; not until June. Large venue with limited capacity and kids have to have proof of vaccine or negative Covid test, and be masked except when eating or drinking. In a survey, 91% of parents said their kid would be vaccinated by then.


Awfully quiet at the WL bar. Are the AOs still alive? :crazy_face:

The UCLA WL people are freaking out.

We got one admissions questionnaire from the admitted school and a kiss off letter from second choice. No going back now! :open_mouth:


UGA let 200 in off the waitlist today. They said they were very close to target of 5800 and didn’t know whether there will be more. Hope this made some kids’ day!


It seems likely that selective publics are doing well with yield. At least that’s the impression I’m getting so far.


I agree. That seems to be the case in CA.


My son’s friends group (appx 20 kids) had their private prom this Saturday that we moms put together…it was a beautiful evening!! They were so happy…we had a DJ & Dance Floor, catered Italian dinner, decor theme was “An Enchanted Evening”…the house we held it at had a three level deck/terrace that backs up to a ravine. We had flameless candles, twinkle lights and the most beautiful floral setups. We put together a slide show of the kids from kindergarten to 12th grade. Afterwards they had a “post prom” at another friends house for swimming/hot tub and waffles!

Graduation is May 30th. The next few weeks will be a flurry of modified Senior activities at school (Senior Sunset, something we call “Rosecutting Ceremony”, Band Awards Night)…can’t believe this chapter is closing!

No AP tests for S21 either…he’s in mostly dual credit this year and decided to sit out on AP Stats.


Yes absolutely. My son is WL at UVA and Georgia Tech. UVA has already announced minimal waitlist activity. Expect similar from Ga Tech as they were at 93 percent of their target Saturday afternoon. Seems to be true across the country

There has been no WL activity at Michigan, at least reporting here at CC.

So wondering about selective privates? Maybe the WL season won’t be as long as some predicted after all.

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An expert I follow on Twitter said they did, but mostly privates were mentioned.