Parents of the HS Class of 2021 (Part 3)

The job starts the first day of school? That’s odd, here employees always start back up at least a week before the kids.

I wouldn’t ask for days off right away if you really want the job.


It’s done! D21, my last kid, graduated last night.

We were so fortunate to have an in-person graduation, indoors at an arena. It had originally been scheduled for a football stadium outdoors on Friday night. (There was a downpour Friday night, so that would have been a mess.)

With slightly loosening pandemic restrictions, the ceremony was moved indoors and changed to the next day. The senior class of 500 was split into two ceremonies held a couple of hours apart. Graduates were seated 6 feet apart on the arena floor. Only 3 guests per student, with assigned, socially-distanced seats in the stands, masks required for graduates and guests. No shaking hands with the principal. The ceremony was live streamed and is up on the school’s YouTube channel. S19 was able to watch it from college.

D did not trip going down the platform’s stairs in very high heels, which was her greatest worry (not enough to make her wear lower heels, though. LOL.)

Very happy for D21 to have this kind of graduation, especially since she was remote for a year and a half.


Congrats! So nice to hear they were able to do something. Similar here last night although it was held outdoors at a stadium with pods of attendees separated and masks. We were just so relieved they had an event. Kids got their yearbooks and about half of the seniors don’t have pictures, but I suppose it is an accurate representation of the last year. Here’s hoping for a great summer before they scatter.


One other thing regarding the towels that I forgot is that my kids also take one big beach towel. It’s good for anytime they may go swimming, go to the beach, a weekend excursion somewhere, or just some random event. My son is hoping to pay recreational tennis so this made me realize I probably need to send him with some extra towels for his tennis bag. Not as nice ones (maybe this is a good place for some of the older ones in our house) in case they don’t come back.

Also, back on the dormify topic as well, about 20 minutes ago I received a promo code for their bedding for the next 4 days. The code is sleepyhead. I think if you go to their website it may be listed there. I am grabbing his because I had a 15% and had been waiting for the 20% one.


Yes, the beach towel idea is great…for pool swimming as well. My D’s campus has a lake, is near a coastline, and just an hour from a big tourist beach…don’t know why I hadn’t thought of that. We’ll be getting an official packing list this week…things are moving fast!

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We have an interesting situation at our school: above avg kid just changed their mind on where they are going: listed on grad program as a top 50-60 uni, in the south, normally accepts midrange /avg kids at our HS , now has changed to a less competitive in-state school that accepts 90% of applicants from our HS . No way kid was WL at the instate one and now got off, so I think it was a double deposit situation or a finances decision—but at this late date is it possible to change schools without a double deposit ? Has anyone heard of a situation like this?
Our school doesnt send transcripts until next week and they send to schools deposited only(or actively pursuing WL).

Yes, I think it’s totally possible to change colleges at this point without having double-deposited, especially when the college you are switching to is the state flagship.

My kids’ portals for the state flagship still have the button open for “Yes I accept my offer.” (But then, I think they’re still accepting apps, under-enrolled, which may be unusual.) Other, slightly more selective in-state option where kid was accepted but did not enroll says “Your app has been withdrawn. Please contact us asap if this was a mistake.” It probably isn’t that hard to call up a college and say you’ve changed your mind, can you still come. Obviously not easy for a college that’s over-enrolled, but for a college that’s at target, sure.

Come to think of it, a relative did this a few yrs ago. Attended orientation at a school in the 60-90 range, changed his mind for various reasons. Upon returning from orientation in mid-July, they drove over to their state U where he had previously been accepted, and enrolled on the spot.

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I think it’s possible specially if not attending a competitive school. Some schools have rolling admissions and there is that list of schools that comes out in May still taking apps.


For example, it appears that LSU is still accepting applications for Fall 2021. Its website says “If you plan to enroll at LSU beginning in 2021, please complete the application below.”

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Our state flagship had no way for our kids to decline. Our kids even emailed them to tell the school no and they are still receiving emails for the next step. So, yes, this can happen!


LOL - still remember sending S18 with 2 sets of sheets. One came back neatly folded that he had clearly never used!! He also came back without the fitted sheet from the other set. I think he probably left it on the dorm mattress in his rush to pack. Boys!


I ordered 2 sets of sheets and towels from Lands End and had initials monogrammed so they are harder to lose in the laundry - they’re always having sales and monogramming is very inexpensive.

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Right! Although this one did pick an expensive comforter but it’s gray and I’m hoping the PB Barn gray sheets my daughters used will be a match since they are going to double beds. The question is what happens to him soph year and am I buying a comforter yet again, although if I am, then this will definitely go in his room here which I am dying to redo anyway.

@comtnmom I laugh about the monogramming because that’s a question in one of my FB groups every year and it always seems a mixed response but the consensus is that is seems to be a southern thing. They do their own laundry (or some send to a service for a fee) so no towels lost thankfully. Socks are the biggest loss.

lol…I love monogramming certain things (since my kids were babies)…my mom used to do it, so I just kept the ‘tradition’. Mostly the big stuff. Funny you say it’s a southern thing, I would not know since it was an inherited habit and even though we live IN the south, we are not FROM the south, and I never really thought of it that way. Interesting perspective.

I saw folding step stools at Marshalls, I didn’t check the prices but I’m sure it’s going to be much less than the other stores. I would also check Marshalls / Ross as the first stop for organizers and lighting. They won’t have everything but worth a look.

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One of my kid’s friends is going to a different, less selective, school than what is listed in the program. She had picked a school and put it on the school survey (the kids had to turn in that survey late April before decision day) that is used for the publication, but on decision day when they went to click on enroll they just made a last-minute decision and chose a closer school. The school counselor knew and will send the info to the correct school but all the publications still have that first school listed.

So it may not be a double deposit, the kid might have just listed a school on some form somewhere and it was published. Maybe they changed their mind for financial reasons, comfort level, or didn’t get the major they wanted at the ‘better’ school and changed their mind late or even just wanted the fancier school listed on the program to look cool. There is really no way of knowing.


I cleared it with my son first and he okayed it!

Then that’s the most important thing!! :slight_smile:

So because we are sending S 2400 miles away, we will be there for drop off and fly him home for both major holidays but will miss family weekend in October. Can someone with older kids reassure me that will be ok? Honestly we could afford it but it’s two flights and a drive, rental car, etc. I feel like in October I might regret it and he probably will feel ok about it but may not have his posse yet? The description of patents weekend doesn’t sound super compelling.

No parents weekends at S school so after drop off we won’t see him until December. I don’t think I would go back in October even if they had one.