Parents of the HS Class of 2022

This thread is destined for parents of potential 2022 high school grads.


Hello, parents of the class of 2022! I’m excited/freaked that my daughter is headed to high school next year. She’s really into art, animation and does well in school–we’ve moved a lot–but are hoping we’ll be in one place until she graduates. We’re in California and have two public school options, but I’m hoping she’ll go to all-girls Catholic high school that’s got small classes and an excellent art program.

Hello – guess it is time to join this new group! Next week my S22 will be meeting with his school counselor for 9th grade course selection. We are in Virginia and he is interested in cybersecurity, and due to hanging around with us as we have toured colleges with our D19, he’s particularly interested in VA Tech. As of now he would like to continue playing cello in college, but things can change so much of course.

OK, I’m in. Tonight, we’re going with D22 to high school open house and club fair. Hopefully we can get some face time with a counselor (it’s a big public school 3,500 students).

Hello, all. I have a DS22 and a DD24. We are in Tennessee, and they both go to a small private K-12 school that is full IB. My wife and I have been focusing on the college process since our parents kind of dropped the ball for us. DS22 is very much into robotics. His team won the Lego FLL regional last year (DD24 was on the team, too), and competed in Houston. He isn’t interested in sports, plays the clarinet, and is in the school band. His heart and soul is owned by the Mouse. If you asked him, he wants to be an Imagineer. We’ll see how that goes. DD24 plays soccer, does robotics, and is in Girl Scouts.

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Just noticed this thread! My S22 is my third child. My D15 is a junior at USCal and my S18 is going through the college selection process now. The older 2 are arts kids (drama and vocal performance), but S22 is a bit more practical. He is interested in computer science and game design. His favorite activity at the moment is working on a game he invented and learning different coding languages. He is also a travel soccer player and a member of his school’s theater group. His private school starts in 8th grade, so he is in his first year and seems to have adapted well. He is taking Latin I, Christianity, Algebra 1, English, World Geography, Computer Science and Physical Science. Next year will bring Latin II, Sacred Scriptures, Geometry, Bio I, Western Civ and Spanish. It’s going to be an interesting four years!

Hello excited to join this group! I have twin girls in class of 2022 and a son who is a freshman business major
at OSU. Girls in the process of choosing classes and electives for high school and have similar interests …travel soccer, choir, may or may not give up orchestra. Attending large hs in northern NJ. Love English the most, mostly all honors, worried about overloading schedule…it is going to be a fun ride.

Hello everyone, I have DD’18, DD’20 and DS’22! I’m excited for DS to start HS, he is very interested in robotics like @Peruna1998’s DS and can’t wait to join his HS robotics team, he is also a boy scout and a basketball player (not sure if he will make to high school team since we will miss summer tryout away for Boy Scout activities. And his HS has competitive basketball program) It’s so hard to juggle everything as he has very diverse interests and wants to do everything! But hopefully we will have more time for him with adjusting to HS when DD’18 off to college after Fall.

Well…here we go! I have a S15, S18, and S22. The thought of starting this entire process again, particularly since we are still in the throws of it with S18 is simply exhausting :slight_smile: S22 meets with his high school counselor next week to choose his classes, but we are also exploring the option of him attending a selective IB high school. He enjoys travel soccer, forensics, theater and robotics. We have a lot of decisions to make over the next several months and I’m thrilled to be part of a supportive group of parents. We are in for quite a ride over the next four years. I can’t wait to share, learn and explore with all of you!

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Glad to see this group has so many parents with experience! We decided on the all-girls Catholic high school. It just seemed to have a good balance of nurture/challenge. I also have twin boys, class of 2024–doesn’t seem possible!

Can’t believe it’s time for this thread! I’ve been so focused on my D19, but the reality is S22 is right on her tail feathers!! I also have a D25, S25 and D27! Oh and an older one who is currently in college after doing 4 years in the Navy. By the time D27 is in school, I could write a book about the college process 8-}

@toomanykiddos wow that is awesome. As one of six boys I can appreciate what it is to have such a large family.

Hi everyone! D22 is starting high school in a few months. She’s toured several options, she’s selected a public school, and she’s met with her advisor to select her 9th grade courses. I look forward to reading about your journey.
It’s surreal… and I’m trying not to blink. :slight_smile:

Hey, get to join one of these high school class threads finally! My S22 is finishing 8th grade at a private K-8 in San Francisco. He’ll be starting at an all-boys Catholic high school in August. He’s a STEM-oriented fella, and will be in their Engineering Program.

Clicked on this forum accidentally as my son is COLLEGE class of 2022 (HS class of 2018) and then I realized I belong here too since my younger son is HS class of 2022! Currently waiting on my senior’s final college acceptance/rejection and at the same time my younger DS is waiting to find out if he made the middle school baseball team. I don’t know which is more stressful! All I can say is those 4 years go really fast! I think I will be more prepared with #2! DS 18 is in good shape, 6 acceptances so far, one rejection, one still unknown. Best advice I can offer is to apply Early Action to a few schools (or ED if you are certain). It takes the pressure off!

I also have a senior this year and a son in the high school class of 2022. It has been a stressful year and we are gearing up for my son to tryout for the high school basketball team in the fall.

My daughters on a trip across the country with her 8th grade. I just talked to her and she sounded so grown up. It really is going fast!

Parent of an S22 and an S24. S22 is going to attend public high school. His interests are uncertain at this point.

Well S22 didn’t make the team and S18 got rejected from the final college. A disappointing week all around! Now we are off to Accepted Students day at one of his top picks. I will look forward to this month being over. Then it starts all over again with #2!

Sorry to hear about the bad week, @momof2boys65 . I have an S18 and S22 as well. S22 anticipates living large next year in his brother’s absence, but I know he is going to miss him terribly.