Parents of the HS Class of 2022

Regardless if such a list exists (and I don’t think an accurate one does), any school can (and does) request Q1 updates for certain applicants. File it under “it is what it is.”

Also note that some high schools send Q1 hi plates to all early colleges, whether the college asks for them or not.


This list was assembled by our high school college counselors and contains a disclaimer as you noted. It’s just a good reminder for kids to understand they should continue to perform well into senior year.

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That’s really the key takeaway.

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You can see some of that info re schools that request the mid-year in the Common App. Not sure about the 1st Quarter report. Look under “Recommendations”.


School Report Required

Counselor Recommendation Required

Mid Year Report Required <----

Final Report Required

Teacher Evaluation(s): 1 Required, 1 Optional

Other Evaluation(s): 0 Required, 1 Optional

This is one instance where you cannot go by the common app. I don’t even think Q1 update is a field that can be populated. But as examples, Dartmouth and Northeastern require Q1 updates for early round applicants, but it is not listed on the Common App checklist.


Hi -are Q1 updates self reported Q1 updates form school district portal or the official transcripts counselor sends?

GC sends

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My D22’s school ha snot confirmed if she is a commended scholar ( 213 index/ CA). I hear the cut off is 207. In the common app honors section, can she mention the PSAT NMSC index ( since she has not yet received official notification on being a commended scholar ) or should she mention commended scholar?

I think the proper term is ‘National Merit Commended Student’.

Got it. In the common app honors section, can she mention that or the index since she has not yet received official notification . thanks for the pointer.

You can call NMC to confirm Commended status. They are quite helpful. I think the title would be recognized on an app, but a “PSAT NMSC Index” might just yield confusion.

And yes, Commended Student is the title.

(you can also check at school again - they certainly should have the letter by now. Iirc, they were sent on the 16th)

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A poem for us parents of the HS class of 22!

T’was a month before ED
And all through our house
I’m sick of hearing of applications!
I know - I’m a louse!

My kiddo is grouchy
My spouse has checked out
I can’t get an answer
Without giving a shout.

If this were a marathon
I’d be “hitting the wall”
It’s not even October yet and
I am so “done” with it all!

Come ED
Come EA
Come RD
Send prayers!
By April I know
I’ll have 1,000 gray hairs!


Just checking in here, mainly because I am pretty stressed about this and trying not to transfer my stress to DS22. He has done a lot of work over the summer on essays, application, etc. so he is in good shape there. I’m just worrying whether he will get in somewhere he wants to go that we can afford. My older son took time off from school and hadn’t really factored his being back in school in to the equation, as it looked like he wasn’t going back. Well, he’s trying to get things together, taking a couple of classes at the CC and working part time. His goal is to be back in a 4 year school by next year. So now we will have two tuitions, etc. We are pretty low income with not a huge savings and I haven’t been working due to a chronic illness. I’ve been pushing DS22 towards some reaches due to their good financial aid, but he is not a shoo in. Anyway, I could ramble like this more, but I’ll rein it in. :slight_smile:


“my kiddo is grouchy, my spouse has checked out” nicely describes our current domestic situation when it comes to D22 and college apps :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


my spouse has no clue about college application and he has too much on his plate so we don’t bother him too. I am treating my D22 like an egg. My advice during summer wasn’t taken seriously. I know she will get somewhere but we’re full pay. GC is no help, her advice is very generic kid is confused.


Feels comforting to know I’m not the only one feeling this way.


If you have 2 children going to college at the same time, perhaps your EFC might be split in half for each child. That might turn out to be a good thing, in terms of being able to secure more financial aid. I am less familiar with how this works so perhaps others who are more knowledgeable can weigh in.

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Anyone have a kid who is planning on applying EA but hasn’t started the common app or their essay yet? My S has literally only put in his name and school info and added a list of colleges that he may or may not apply to. I’m losing sleep over this and he seems barely fazed. Most of his schools are safety or match schools so I’m not overly worried that he won’t get in anywhere, just more worried that he won’t get the apps in on time. At this point I have no idea how many additional essays he will have and he’s not a prolific writer by any means. We are looking for merit and every info session we have gone to has said to apply EA to get the best merit consideration. I told him we are having a meeting tonight after practice but he’ll probably just go play basketball instead. Ughh!


Mine has started, but not gotten very far. She hasn’t finished her essay. I am a little anxious about it, but she is feeling a lot of stress so I’m trying not to add to that. I think I talked her into letting me read her essay at least.