Parents of the HS Class of 2022

It’s not a “don’t call us, we’ll call you” thing for offering interviews? Just don’t want her to bug/annoy them if she’s not supposed to.

I’m so glad my D’s not on social media! I think I only discovered CC this past year and when I saw the first posts in this Class of 2022 thread started back in 2018 I totally freaked out. I guess the good thing is I’ve limited my college application stress to just 1 year. :sweat_smile:


Midwest, You already heard from Pitt? When did your son apply? I know they have rolling admissions, but that is pretty early.

Our son applied to many of the same schools - UofM, MSU and Pitt - with the last application submitted over a week ago.

You can wait for a week to hear back from them. If you still didn’t receive any interview related email, it doesn’t hurt to send a note to them. That you are doing your part of the job, rest assured. I think they ECs are now limiting the interview discussion time as well from what I have heard from my daughter’s friends. Probably too many applications towards the last week?

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He applied Sept. 18th, and was accepted Sept. 30th. Heard about merit within a week of being accepted. It was really early, but when we visited they emphasized applying as early as possible to increase chances of merit. Our S22 is interested in industrial engineering - what major or college is your son applying to?


My D got her MIT request for interview too… She is not good with interviews so totally freaking out here :slight_smile:

Holy cow, that is fast! Pitt must be really interested in your son. Good for you - that takes the pressure off.

Thing #1 thinks MechE, but he is also interested in science majors like BioChem.

I envy you having your son submit his applications by Sept 18. We planned ahead and did all our college visits over the summer so we would not need to interfere with school. He had most of his CommonApp filled out before school started, but we needed to follow-up with his counselor on her recommendation (the teachers were good about submitting theirs in a timely manner), and we needed to poke my son with a cattle prod to get the last couple essays done. We also gave him some breathing room in September because he was taking a heavy course-load (AP Bio, AP Chem, AP Stats) and we didn’t know how bad it was going to be.

That said, he is applying EA to six of of his schools, and we should start getting responses in December, if not sooner (Pitt). Here is his list, ranked from super reach to safety:

  1. Carnegie Mellon (son does not have a perfect math SAT, so we are not holding our breath)
  2. UofM (after seeing the campus, he was not too excited, but his HS has a good record sending students there)
  3. Purdue (after seeing the campus, really liked it)
  4. Case Western Reserve (surprisingly, really liked the campus and the flexibility in selecting majors)
  5. Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (if it were not in Terre Haute, IN, it would be son’s first choice, hands down)
  6. Pitt (another pleasant surprise, and in a rational world he should be a shoe-in with his stats)
  7. MSU (Mom is an alum and this is his absolute safety)

He only looked at schools that were within reasonable driving distance from home, so he did not apply to some schools that focus on undergraduate teaching like Olin, WPI or RPI that might have been a good fit.


midwest_mom9, Would your son consider applying to Purdue? It is strong academically, has great graduate outcomes, and is relatively close.


Purdue has great programs, and we took a look. My son isn’t really sure about his major - only settled on industrial engineering in mid-Sept., so schools where changing majors is relatively easy was a big consideration. Purdue is pretty clear that it can very difficult/ not possible to change majors after admission. Financially it didn’t seem to make too much sense either (we are in MI); we targeted in-state and schools that give good merit to NMF/ students with his stats.

For another data point, my son also applied to Pitt. He applied Oct 4 and was accepted Oct 25. So a couple weeks later and a week or so longer to hear.

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Hopefully, my son will get some good news from Pitt by Thanksgiving, which would be about five weeks after he applied.


Agree on the unpredictability. I had a shorter list to start with and added a few in the past week. On one hand it seems silly to have so many. But then I start thinking the “what if” game and I feel like it’s not enough.


Luanne, Did your son apply to Pitt in-state? I wonder if in-state and out-of-state applications are handled differently.

No, he’s out of state (Michigan).

We are Michigan too. You can’t swing a cat in these forums without hitting a Michigander. Where else did your son apply?

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Many of the same as the others from Michigan, it seems!

He’s accepted at ASU, MTU and U of Alabama as well as Pitt. Also applied to Michigan, Purdue, Rose-Hulman, Case, MIT, U of SC, and Northeastern. A little all over the place, but he’s struggling to figure out what he wants. He’s waiting on honors for ASU still, but with the lower NM scholarship, that might not be worth it to go so far.


The imagery! I had to look up this one.

I always wonder at what point in history swinging a cat was a preferred method of assessing crowd density.


“Very little space, cramped quarters, as in There’s not enough room to swing a cat in this tent. This expression, first recorded in 1771, is thought to allude to the cat-o’-nine-tails, or “cat,” a whip with nine lashes widely used to punish offenders in the British military.”

And now you know! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


So relieved that nobody was swinging an actual cat!