Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

I would not call myself the expert! But I think A&M’s main campus is $4k/year award, but the Corpus Christi campus is $1k/year.

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I disagree. :slight_smile: You are the oracle.
Any other states you know of that do OOS tuition waivers with merit?

I know of public colleges in Alabama & Louisiana that do that, and I suspect that many in Mississippi do as well. U. of New Mexico, I think, has a pretty generous policy to qualify for out-of-state waivers. I suspect that many non-flagship universities are more likely to award out-of-state waivers to non-superlative candidates, as they usually don’t get nearly as many out-of-state students.

Then there are schools that don’t have a difference between in-state or out-of-state or are rather inexpensive for OOS. Southern Illinois in Carbondale is one, but there are also schools in some “flyover” states, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, etc.

These links might offer more specific ideas.

15 Colleges with Affordable Out-of-State Tuition (from USNWR)


I agree she should apply to Stockton. I will also ask her to apply at Rowan. My D18 had an excellent experience at Rowan. I couldn’t say enough good things about it. They started an environmental program not that long ago and just built a new building where it’s now housed. D23 thinks it’s too familiar but she might come to appreciate it after doing some visits to other colleges.

We should also be eligible for half tuition at the very least for years three and four under the new state fa program, which sounds good except the price isn’t that low to begin with.

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The one thing that concerns me about the out of state tuition waivers is that they are not guaranteed. The website says there are a limited number and they are dependent on funding. There is also a 3.0 gpa requirement to keep them. @1dadinNC

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I agree with 1dadinNC about UNC-P. It’s a neat school, but it is a TCU/Historically Native American College in one of the more impoverished areas (and less beautiful) of NC. I don’t see it being a great fit for your DD although they do have the Lumber River for outdoor excursions. I think WCU would be a much better fit and I think the tuition deal is bringing more diversity in, too.

UNC-Wilmington is good for Marine Biology if it is affordable. Could also look at East Carolina U.

For something out of the ordinary you might take a look at Warren Wilson near Asheville. It is one of the federally recognized work colleges. It is tiny and in the mountains so not near a Marine Biology site, but they have other environmental science programs and it is super hands on. It is super liberal, too. I can’t remember much about your D23 so not sure if that sounds like a good fit or not. They have some really good scholarships so worth checking out if it sounds like it might work.

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Thanks to Austennut U of Louisiana Lafayette is on s23 list.
His gpa will end up low 3 but with a 35 ACT.


The ones at Corpus Christi, yes. Other universities make a blanket statement (ULL, for instance). But if your child was interested in Corpus Christi, then your child would know before decision-making time if she received a waiver. It’s a gamble, not a guarantee. But most merit aid is a gamble in terms of how much might be received. Per College Navigator, this campus is 3% out-of-state students, and I suspect the university would be interested in making its profile more national and getting students from around the country. It’s a risk, but I definitely think your family would have a shot of receiving a waiver.

I’m happy to discuss this further via PM, or on your own thread if you have one, but I’ll try and keep the comments more general from this thread.

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You will know before committing if the waiver has been granted or not. I would not worry about the 3.0 GPA too much. I think it is very doable. If their GPA is in that range in HS, they should strive to maintain that in college or do better.
Also, @Sweetgum mentioned Warren Wilson. It is a very liberal school outside of Asheville. We briefly considered this school for our DD21 but the budget did not work for us.
But if your goal is <$20K for OOS, then Western Carolina and smaller state schools in TX, FL, SC might be the way to go.

35 ACT is spectacular! I know kids that spend north of $5K at Y2 Academy and such and don’t get that. I am sure many doors will open with that score, even in a test optional year. I am noticing a lot of schools that have low GPA/high test score cutoffs for kids that choose to submit standardized test scores. Now, what I do not know is whether this trend will continue in Aug when new FA guidelines for each school come out.

A 35 with a 3.3 gpa is an oddity. First take, zero test prep outside of school. S23 is giving me grey hair!


I worry about GPA now. Two of my younger kids had emotional low points during the pandemic when their school work crashed. I never know what to expect anymore.

I need to remember to check if schools that are being considered will replace grades if a course is repeated. That would have been very helpful for my daughter who does not do well with online learning but was stuck with it for her freshman year.

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My niece just graduated from University of New England in Maine with a Marine Biology degree. She was a great student. I have no specifics but have always had the impression that she received generous merit there. If you want to check it out…I’m sorry I don’t have anything more specific to give you as far as the max awards or anything. She was not in state for Maine, either.

Will also add, I’m so glad we went to check out schools in Philadelphia because EVERYWHERE we go people ask her about college. I doubt she’ll go to either of those schools but it’s convenient to have something to tell people!


Your kids aren’t alone. A lot of students are still feeling the lasting effects of whatever they called school during the pandemic. I hope – and believe – that AO’s are seeing a lot more kids these days who have at least a semester or two of grades that don’t represent that student’s abilities.


Warren Wilson has several full tuition scholarships which brings it down to something like $13000 for room and board. Worth checking out if it might be a good fit. They also give a lot of aid if you don’t meet the criteria for the full tuition scholarships.

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That Mile One Scholarship seems amazing but I’d want to make sure it’s a free kind of liberal with a respect and openness toward different ideas.

I understand this completely.

I sincerely hope so. Otherwise my son is doomed.

Well, that is a concern I have with a lot of these schools. It is a very liberal school though so be aware of it if your kids do not fall into that category.


I know nothing about the program but East Stroudsburg University has something you might want to check out. It’s (relatively) near to you, and even OOS might be affordable:

I will look into it. I used to have friends near there. Thank you.

I find it hard to make trips but I’m going to try to carve some time away this summer to include a visit or two in a summer getaway. My older D’s are home this summer, too, and I think a girls college trip visit would be fun. They might get impressions of schools based on their experiences at their own schools. I have a Roanoke College “brochure” out and my D18 came to me and said she thought it seems particularly good for D23.

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Wow! The PA state schools sort of fell off my radar! And Millersville seems great for earth science related stuff.

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