Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

“Excited” would probably be a strong word to use! Lol! I think he will be excited about RIT if accepted, but the size makes me nervous unless he’s accepted to the Spectrum program. Just making sure I’ve covered my bases and he has good choices! Thank you!

Yes, that’s the one thing I would be nervous about there. It seems to take him 3 weeks to get used to a class!

RIT has a good academic support program beyond the Spectrum program. S23 goes to a school that specializes in kids with ADHD and many go to RIT (they are not in the Spectrum program) and do very well.


I think it’s his favorite. And it would be close to his sibling also!

It’s great to hear that RIT seems to have strong supports, regardless of whether one is in the Spectrum program.

Just for kicks I looked up the class sizes at RIT. 49.3% of classes have fewer than 20 students, 47% have between 20-49, and 3.7% have 50+ students. That might be able to give some sense of comparison with the schools listed above. I also just looked up Clarkson’s: 58% of classes have fewer than 20 students, 27.7% have between 20-49, and 14.1% have more than 50 (which I find pretty shocking for this school).


We heard from a few more schools this week. Accepted to U North Florida and to U Tampa with $6,000 merit. Deferred from College of Charleston - I was a little surprised about that one but with his spotty records I guess it is always a toss up. Denied from Florida State.

Eckerd is still in first place - he is constantly asking when we can go visit again (I haven’t seen it yet) and talking about which sporting equipment he would bring with him - it’s nice to see him excited about it.


If he’s not looking for super stressful environment, consider Wentworth in Boston or Manhattan college - which offers a lot of support the the ADHD piece.


D23 was also deferred to regular admission at CofC - her stats are in the ballpark for admission but Naviance says over 50 kids from our school (not in SC) have applied! I think that probably has something to do with it…it’s a “hot” school this year.

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Our son just received his third acceptance and merit from all three.

UMaine (20,500 a year merit)
UMassDartmouth (5,000 a year)
Xavier University in Ohio (25,000 a year plus all assigned textbooks all 4 years paid for)

Still waiting to hear from Emmanuel (EA), URI (EA), UVM (RD), and Providence College (RD).

UVM and Providence College will be awhile before he receives any news from them. Just letting people know because there are great options out there for our kids with Merit if that is a consideration.

His UMaine total cost for us is slightly less than UMASS Dartmouth. We live in Massachusetts just for reference.


My daughter’s GPA dropped drastically last year when she got sick. She missed the majority of the year and is still missing a lot of time. She is undergoing testing but we still don’t have answers. She had a 4.1 gpa and dropped to a 3.6. Now she is hearing back from her schools but is not getting any money. Is there any schools we should be looking at that she can possibly qualify for scholarships? Her current gpa is a 3.7 now. (She went test optional). She would like to go to a bigger sized school.

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What part of the country are you located? How far is she willing to attend college?

We are in Pennsylvania and she is would like to go south. But open to almost anywhere.

What price point are you trying to hit? What major(s) is she interested in? Does she need close proximity to major medical centers, or is a hospital in town sufficient?

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It has been very hot in our town as well for several years. Ds22 was deferred and later accepted into the iCharleston program (fall abroad, spring in Charleston) and decided against it.

Not sure what her major is, but my son had a similar drop sophomore year and with a 3.6 gpa/1500 sat has received around $25 per year from the following schools:


I would look at the mid size Jesuits!


They’re not technically south, but KState or Missou? (In the SEC). I know a Texas friend of my D23 who is getting in state tuition at Missou because she basically called the AO and asked for it. I’d also look at Ole Miss, Miss St, Arkansas and Oklahoma and see what she could get.

The Jesuit idea is interesting too - what about Loyola New Orleans?


Is is going for Anthropology,marine biology or archaeology. I believe we looked at Loyola but they didn’t have her majors. I don’t have a price point just don’t want the school to be outrageous priced.

How about East Carolina University, Coastal Carolina University or UNC Wilmington? Also, St, Mary’s College of Maryland (state school) ?


I’m not sure how much merit aid you would get but the prices at these schools might not necessarily be considered outrageously priced even at OOS sticker price:

  • Appalachian State (NC)
  • East Carolina (NC)
  • Florida Atlantic
  • Florida Gulf Coast
  • Mississippi State
  • U. of Arkansas
  • U. of Central Florida
  • U. of Louisiana - Lafayette
  • U. of Louisville (KY) - I believe that as a resident of Pennsylvania, she may be eligible for a big discount
  • U. of Mississippi (Ole Miss)
  • UNC-Wilmington
  • U. of North Florida
  • U. of South Florida
  • U. of Southern Mississippi

Thank you I will look into some of those, she did get into coastal. So we shall see how that goes and ECU she wants to go there for her masters.