Parents of the HS Class of 2023 3.0-3.4

@nidaco I didn’t realize they had to return books either. When we moved S21 in freshman year, at check in they told him where to go to pick up his books, and that was when we found out they had to be returned. He actually hasn’t really had that many books - I think they use a lot of online resources now, but I’m sure that is dependent upon major. While I’m sure some majors may have expensive texts, I can say that my older kids never spent anywhere near $5K on books over four years. In fact, I doubt either even spent $1K over four years!

That said, Xavier has been very generous. Besides merit, my son received small grants for a variety of things - for instance, a $500 grant every year simply for filling out FAFSA early, a $1000 renewable grant b/c he attended an admissions event when he was considering Xavier and then last year he won a $1000 grant by attending a a discussion for freshman about transitioning to college. Every little bit helps :slightly_smiling_face:


We visited a few summers ago and we were all impressed. It is unfortunately too far according to our son. If Xavier was our son’s first choice, we would send him in a heartbeat! Wish I could pick up the school and move it about 9 hours closer. lol


I get it - distance can be a factor for some! My son wasn’t interested in being close to home/coming home much so it doesn’t bother him. We are an 8 hour drive, but a cheap and quick direct flight from Baltimore so we only make the drive for move in/out days.

None of my kids stayed close - oldest went to West Coast, S19 goes to a college that is a 4.5-5 hr drive, S21 is at Xavier and D23 is still waiting to hear from a couple of her schools, but the closest she would be is still 4 hrs away (but more than likely she will end up at a school that’s twice that far!).

He wants to be about 3 hours away or a little less. His sister was much more adventurous.


I am sorry to hear about your impression of Kent State. My DD is in her senior year there; we are OOS, and although quieter on campus on the weekends, she is always busy. Plus it is easier to do laundry. She is an architecture major, and her roommate for the first two years was fashion design (also OOS) Both majors, the kids work all weekend and do not go home. Kent State has excellent programming and activities, and the town of Kent always has some sort of festival. Festivals - Central Portage County Visitors & Convention Bureau I know my DD volunteered Sex Week, and was working that weekend, Homecoming is big, and there are several big events on campus a year. mine is hoping to continue at Graduate school there. As far as fashion majors, they always have those student-winning awards. There are semesters in NYC or Florance. If you get the chance watch their fashion show this spring.


It looks like one college I really love, Hope, might be off the table because D23 isn’t interested enough to apply for Hope Forward. She had the flu before break and has some catch up work and now has to prepare for midterms so that is taking priority.

She also has a couple of scholarship applications to do if she is going to make Ursinus affordable. It’s in the $30K range now. It’s not bad but still a bit more than some others.

The really scary thing is that scholarship deadline is just days away and we have covid in the house. D23 is being very careful but we have to hope infected sibling does her part.

I don’t think Xavier will come down enough for us with merit but I will have to investigate how much they give in grants.

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My daughter wanted to love Kent. My mom and aunt went there. I think if it was a bigger town/city she would have picked it but it was so quiet and then when our admissions tour person referred to it as a sleepy campus that sealed the deal for her. The fashion program is top notch for sure!! My daughter loves concerts, plays, movies , music etc so I think Nashville is very suited for her. She will be 2 miles from downtown Nashville so gets the quiet nature side of her and the music/theater side


What else is he looking at? Major?

Business major, probably not music business because he wants to be able to cast a broader net after college. Ideally he would love to work in the music industry but he is realistic at how difficult that is. The other school he is very interested in and still waiting on is Boulder. He is an amazing guitar player, loves all things music, so I personally think Belmont is a great fit for him but he also thinks he may want more of a traditional football, frat, college experience.


Yeah, my daughter already plans to head on over to Vanderbilt a half a mile away in order to enjoy their football games.


Sorry to hear this! Hope is on my daughter’s final list, part of which will depend on the outcome of Hope Forward. Her other two “finalists” are Butler and Trinity University. We were very surprised that Trinity accepted her and I worry that academically it will be hard for her. It is also (of course) the most expensive.


My daughter got a somewhat unexpected grant from St. Mary’s College of Maryland which was nice but keeps the cost among the more expensive schools on her list.

One thing that came up recently is that one of the schools on D’s list that is a good fit for cost, size, major, and distance from home does not have any area nearby to walk to, no little shopping street or anything. In her words, it’s on a highway. One thing I always she needed was a nice, safe, interesting area to explore close to campus. I’m feeling disappointed that the schools that offer that are coming at a higher cost.


Does Hope Forward requires a trip to campus if chosen as a finalist?

Last night D brought up the application so I started thinking about it again. I did some college scholarship competitions with D18 and there was some cost and stress involved. So I’m curious about what we might be getting into if she decides to apply after all.

She’s applying to some competitive scholarships at Ursinus as well, but Ursinus is higher on her list because she has visited. And Ursinus is close. But I still hate the competitive aspect, like we bring you to campus, interview you, and then most likely tell you we like someone else better.

No, it does require an interview but my daughter is doing hers on zoom.


That’s a nice option!

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Still waiting on a few but she has been accepted at:

Johnson & Wales

Deferred to regular admission at
College of Charleston
U of Denver

Waiting still:
University of New Hampshire

So far all of the schools have offered merit between 15-25k ish per year. We don’t qualify for FA. I think Suffolk in Boston is her number one but If she’s accepted to CofC…that will be a tough decision. Really happy & relieved with her results, she’s a 3.3 student with one or two elective AP’s, applied test optional everywhere. Excited to be almost done with this process!


My daughter finished all of her special scholarship applications today, including Hope Forward. If she is fortunate to get it, I will have to give you some credit for keeping it on our radar. I’m sorry if I was negative earlier about competitive scholarships. I really hope your daughter gets Hope Forward. I would love for my daughter to end up at Hope. :heart: :anchor:


I hope she winds up at Hope as well! Competitive scholarships are a time waste it seems for the most part but I figured there aren’t that many kids serious about Hope from outside the region, so maybe our chances are a little better? I have no idea.

In other news, D23 was accepted at Furman yesterday with nice 28K merit. It hasn’t made her final list, but a nice acceptance all the same. We are officially down to Butler, Hope, and Trinity U, unless Baylor pulls out a great merit scholarship…which I highly doubt will happen.


I just found out Hope sent her a magnet yesterday with a quote from her essay and a nice pair of socks, the best pair yet, she said.

The magnet is so nice because it’s so personal and we can have it as a special memory of her in the future when she leaves for college. It makes me think of what she’s been through and her positive forward momentum. :heart:


That’s lovely! I hope D23 receives the same! Our whole process with Hope has just been so positive. D23 is off to visit Butler next weekend so the process continues!